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In the transition to a socialist market economy of Chinese enterprises, the co-existence phenomenon of formal employment system (employees signed labor contracts with labor units) and the labor dispatch system (employees with the labor dispatch units have signed labor contracts) emerged. With the increase in demand for labor dispatch employees of labor units, this unique dual employment system widespread in the government sector, state-owned enterprises, universities, private enterprises, foreign-funded enterprises. In the labor units, due to the different identity and status of labor dispatch employees which lead to their wages, bonus and various benefits lags far behind the official employees. The large gap impact their organization's perception and judgments which also affect their job performance. The purpose of this research is to draw on existing research results and research methods at home and abroad, manage the practical issues into theoretical issues, to conduct the study on the relationship of a fair labor dispatch employees in the organization, organizational identification and job performance which based on the practical problems founded in enterprise survey.
     Despite the organizational justice is considered to be an important factor to affect the organizational identification and job performance (Lind et al, 1988; Colquitt, 2001), but the managers are often faced with a real problem that how enterprises develop corresponding policies according to the changes of labor dispatch employees’demands and their Internal and external environment to make the labor dispatch employees feel fair, so as to enhance their attribution and recognition of the organization and their job performance? In order to solve this problem, we need to understand how employees’organizational identification affect their job performance
     through organizational identification? Does it changed under certain conditions?and how is the result?
     Organizational justice refers to the fair feelings of employees on organizational environment, and these feelings can encourage employees to produce the corresponding behavioral response(James,1993;Scholl,Cooper&Mckenna,1987). Organizational identification refers to the perception that employees’psychology and behavior are consistency with their organization, or attributable to the organization(Tajfel,1978;Ashforth& mael,1989;Dutton&Dukerich,1994). Job performance, known as individual performance, refers to the behavior and contribution that employee performs(Porter&Lawler, 1968;Michael&Angela,1998;Wayne,Charles&Pamela,2003). Organizational justice is considered to be an important factor to affect job performance(Aryee,2002;Colquitt,2001;Borman,1991), and it not only can have a direct impact on job performance(Blau,1964;Greenberg,1990)but also have an indirect effect on job performance through organizational identification(Olkkonen &Lipponen,2006).
     Although many scholars agree that organizational identification play an important intermediary role between organizational justice and contextual performance, their study only focus on a dimension of job performance. Therefore, whether organizational justice have impact on the overall job performance of employees through organizational identification? Or it subjects to conditions, constraints in the affecting process? And what conditions will strengthen the relationship between them? And what conditions will weaken the relationship between them? Does the organizational identification has a direct impact on task performance? There are no easy answers to these issues, even those issues themselves have not been concerned. Although researchers have a more in-depth study on the relationship between organizational identification and job performance, the results were limited to the impact that organizational identification have on the overall job performance and contextual performance. There are few research on other dimensions of job performance. In addition, although researchers believe that both organizational justice and its dimension have an impact on organizational identification, there still exist significant differences between extention of the impact of every dimension.
     This study tries to answer these questions in depth. In particular, this paper take labor dispatch employees of telecommunications enterprises as the research object which is a typical binary system of labor, and based on the related literature, we proposed a theoretical model of the relationship among organizational justice, organizational identification and job performance of labor dispatch employees. Through 22 front-line dispatch employees of total interviews and survey of 1234 valid questionnaires of the telecommunications enterprises, we collect a lot of data and analyze these data with regression analysis and structural equation analysis method. The results show that:①The organizational identification plays an intermediate role between job performance and organizational justice.②The more inter-organizational competition, the weaker impact that organizational justice to organizational identification; The better organizational prestige, the weaker impact of organizational justice on organizational identification; The more sentimentality, the weaker impact that the organizational justice on organizational identification; The more inter-organizational competition, the weaker impact that organizational identification on job performance; The more sentimentality, the weaker impact that the organizational identification of employees on their job performance; The length of work experience has no effect on the relationship between organizational justice and organizational identification, organizational identification and job performance.③Organizational identification has significant positive effect on task performance.④Organizational justice has a significant positive impact on organizational identification; Procedural fairness has significant positive impact on the organizational identification; Dstributive justice has a significant positive impact on organizational identification; Interpersonal justice has a significant positive impact on the organizational identification; Information justice has no effect on organization identification.
     The following is the conclusion of this research:①Organizational justice has not only directly, but also indirectly influence employees’job performance through organizational identification. Organizational identification reveals how organizational justice affects job performance. Therefore, the theoretical model which is presented in this study is correct.②Some conditional factors may affect the relationship between organizational justice and organizational identification. Inter-organizational competition, organizational prestige and employee’s sentimentality play an intermediary role in the relationship.③Organizational identification has not only an directly and significantly positive influence on job performance and contextual performance, but also on the task performance.④Three dimensions of organizational justice have positive influence on organizational identification except information justice.
     The theoretical significance of this study is reflected in the following: revealing the mechanism that how organizational justice affect job performance through organizational identification; revealing the application conditions of the relationship between organizational justice and organizational identification, organizational identification and job performance; enriching the empirical study on the relationship between organizational justice, organizational identification and job performance of labor dispatch employees. The practical significance of this study is reflected in the following aspects:①Because labor employment system will be extensively existed for a long time in China, fairness on labor dispatch employees is conducive to solve long-standing problems in society;②Fairness on labor dispatch employees is conducive to improve organizational performance and the sustainable development of the organization;③Fairness on labor dispatch employees is conducive to improve their quality of work and life, and make their work and life more dignity, and make them more well-being. In summary, this study not only enriches the empirical research of labor dispatch employees’organizational justice, organizational identification and job performance, but also provides a theoretical basis to improve the management and situation of labor dispatch employees. Meanwhile, this study calls on the social and labor unit to pay more attention to labor dispatch employees and treat them well, so as to better build a harmonious society.
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