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    育、品质和致香物质含量的影响,以芝麻饼肥和烤烟 NC89 为试验材
    肥、20 天追肥、40 天追肥和 60 天追肥,试验结果简要介绍如下:
     饼肥中有机 C、N 的矿化主要在很短的时间内完成,有机 C 主要在
    20 天内,有机 N 在埋入土壤 35 天之内分解速度最快,饼肥中 N 的释放
    规律符合烤烟 “少时富,老来贫” 的需氮要求。饼肥中含有较多的有
    变化,芝麻饼肥发酵 30 天左右较好。 
    距减小,长势更加健壮。最大叶面积除 60 天追施不腐熟饼肥(处理
    T12)和腐熟饼肥(处理 T8)的两个处理较小外,其他处理差异不大。表
    根系活力前期小而后期高;烟草生长后期,基肥、20 天追肥和 40 天追肥
    根系活力相近,60 天追肥根系活力显著提高。施用饼肥、后期追肥均提
    含量最高,其他时期追肥 MDA 含量无显著差异,说明后期追肥提高了烟
    施用效果较好,腐熟饼肥在 20 天追肥、40 天追肥和 60 天追肥效果好于
To study the rule of different delayed-application fertilizers nutrition releasing and their
    effects on tobacco plant growth, quality and aroma components of flue-cured tobacco, we
    choose sesame cake and NC89 as experiment materials. The rule of sesame cake nutrition
    releasing was studied by pipe experiment. Three kinds fertilizers were chemical fertilizer,
    fully-fermented and unfully-fermented sesame cake fertilizer. Four additional manuring
    stages were basal dressing for all,20 days,40 days,60 days additional manuring. Their effects
    on plant growth and quality of flue-cured tobacco were studied in field and pot experiment
    with randomized blocks design. The results as below:
     The organic carbon and nitrogen of the cake fertilizer were decomposed easily. Organic
    carbon and nitrogen were decomposed most in 20 days and 35 days respectively. Their
    releasing meets the need for tobacco growth with the sufficient nitrogen. There are many
    organic substances in sesame cake, such as higher fatty acids, organic acids, amino acids etc.
    Their contents changed with fermented times and 30 days is the better time.
     Applying sesame cake, the vigor of plant is smaller than that of chemical fertilizer in
     former stage. But in last, it leads to stalk circumference increasing, the internode length
     decreasing. The maximum leaf area has little difference except treatment T12 and T8. It
     shows that additional manuring properly has no bad effects on the growth of tobacco plant.
     Applying sesame cake lead to a sound plant type.
     Different fertilizers and additional manuring stage affect tobacco physiology
    characteristics differently. Appling fully-fermented sesame cake affect the vigor of root to
    some tune and it is small higher than chemical fertilizer at last. Appling unfully-fermented
    sesame cake,the vigor was low in former and high at last. At last stage of plant growth, basal
    dressing for all, 20 days, 40 days additional manuring has same effect on the vigor of root.
     Applying cake fertilizer treat and additional manuring on late stages treats all can
    increase the pigment substances applicantion in leaves. NRase activities of all treats is lower
    following tobacco’s growing up. In late growing stage, all treats’difference of INV activities
    is unsignificant. The different kinds fertilizer treats is significant different. In these
    treats,fully-formented cake fertilizer treat is highest, unfully-formented cake fertilizer treat is
    lowest, and chemical fertilizer treat is the middle one. They indicated that applied fully-
    formented cake fertilizer, carbon of leaf’s fixation and transition is avtivity. Possibly it is
    advantaged to form carbonous compound, increasing flue-cured leaf quality.
    MDA content in different fertilizer treat is not significant different. It indicated manuring in
    late stage increases mature resistance of leaf.
     Fertilizer variations and additional manuring stages significantly affect flue-cured
    tobacco’s customary qualities. Content of un-volatile organic acid and aroma
    components .applicated cake-fertilizer, flue-cured tobacco’s quality is well-balanced.
    Organic acid content increased, and accelerated combined quality advance. In early
    stage,applicating chemical fertilizer and unfully-formented cake fertilizer’s effect is good,
    on 20 days, 40 days, 60 days additional manure fully-fermented cake fertilizer,their effect is
    better than basal dressing for all.
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