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     结果:38例均成功完成手术,平均手术时间45±23min,平均出血量27.5±16.8 m1,手术结束时血钠、血糖与术前比较,差异无统计学意义(p>0.05);发生“外科包膜”穿孔1例(2.63%),无电切综合征(TURS)发生;术后发生尿道口狭窄3例(7.89%)假性尿失禁者6例(15.79%),短暂性血尿5例(13.16%),无1例原有心、脑、肺、肾合并症加重;随访1-3个月,IPSS评分、QOL评分、Qmax及RUV与术前明显改善,差异有统计学意义(p<0.05)。
Objective:To evaluate the therapeutic effect and safety of plasmakenitic vaporization of prostate (TUPKVP) in the treatment of high risk benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).
     Methods:We reviewed 38 cases who were senior benign prostatic hyperplasia in our hospital.These patients who were older than 75 years and had other complications were adopted. Before the surgery, these patients should have biochemical tests, blood routine test and coagulation function test, they also receive urinary tract ultrasound to measure the volume of the prostate, residual urine volume, urodynamics test and the maximum flow rate; International prostate symptom score (IPSS) and quality of life (QOL) scores are also observed. We still collect the data of the operative time, blood loss, the variation of blood sodium and blood glucose after the operation, bladder washing time, indwelled urinary catheter time. Heart, brain, lung, kidney and other complications of the situation are too observed. SPSS13.0 statistical software are used to analyze these data, measurement data are expressed by x±s,the frequency method, and percentage, also analyzed by paired T test, to p<0.05 as statistically significant difference.
     Results:38 cases all succeeded with operation. The mean operative time was 45±23 min, blood loss was 27.5±16.8 ml, the variation of blood sodium and blood glucose before and after surgery has no statistical significance. One patient had the prostate capsule perforation, no patient had transurethral resection syndrome; After operation 3 cases suffered urethral stricture,6 cases of pseudo-incontinence,5cases of transient hematuria. No patients had aggravated complications, after 1 to 3 months following up, There were significant differences of International prostate symptom score, quality of life score, residual urine volume, urodynamics test and the maximum flow rate before and after operation (p<0.05).
     Conclusion:TUPKVP can be particularly applied to high risk BPH with less bleeding and more safety.
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