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This thesis will begin with an introduction to basic terms and concepts, particularly the term“transboundary environmental damage”, then will mainly discusses the state responsibility and liability for transboundary environmental damage in international law. Due to the limitations of the states responsibility for transboundary environmental damage, this thesis suggests the development of civil liability regime will play a significant role as a tool for environmental protection.
     The thesis consists of five chapters. Chapter one mainly introduces the academic background and significance of the subject, the ways of selecting materials, the scope of the subject.
     Chapter two will begin with an introduction to basic terms and concepts, particularly the term“transboundary environmental damage”. Given the great volume of legal materials and literature on international environmental law, this thesis concludes that the transboundary environmental damage can arise from a wide range of activities which are carried out in one country but inflict adverse effects in the territory or control areas of another or the areas beyond the limits of national jurisdiction. While all human activities having adverse effects might give rise to environmental damage, it is unlikely that all environmental damage results in legal liability and responsibility. There are no agreed international standards which establish a threshold for environmental damage which triggers liability and allows claims to be brought. State practice, decisions of international tribunals and the writings of jurists suggest that environmental damage must be‘significant’or‘substantial’for liability to be triggered. In defining environmental damage, scholars propose four conditions which must exist for environmental damage to fall within the definition of transboundary environmental damage. First, the damage must be a result of human activity; secondly, the damage must result from physical consequences of that human activity; thirdly, there must be transboundary effects; and fourthly, the damage must be significant or substantial. The general scope providing for liability and compensation evolves from a focus on damage to persons and to property through damage to the environment, damage to the environment itself. They include:⑴loss of life or personal injury;⑵loss of, or damage to, property;⑶loss or damage by impairment of the environment evolving the costs of reasonable measures of reinstatement of the environment and the costs of reasonable response measures.
     Chapter three mainly discusses the state responsibility and liability for transboundary environmental damage in international law. In conventional international law on the protection of the environment, there is currently only one treaty which falls completely addressing the question of liability, namely, the Convention on International Liability for Damage Caused by Space Objects of 1972. Another fairly treaty rule on responsibility is Article 139 of the 1982 Convention on the Law of Sea. Besides, one other Convention which seems to envisage the application of state liability is the Article 7 of the 1997 Convention of the Non-navigational Uses of International Watercourses. Most treaties include those in which a reference to liability has been made in the text without further clarification as to the substantive or procedural rules of liability.“No-Harm Principle”is the fundamental principle in the customary international law concerning transboundary environmental damage. Under this principle, the states have a duty to prevent, reduce, and control pollution and environmental damage. In the past judicial decisions and state practice, there is only one case referred to state liability for transboundary environmental damage without any legal debates, namely, the Trail Smelter arbitration case. The applicable law of the claims for environmental damage in the practice of the UN Compensation Commission is Security Council resolution 687 and other relevant Security Council resolutions, the criteria established by the Governing Council, and any pertinent decisions of the Governing Council. The environmental claims before the Commission provide a rare and much needed example of institutionalized and systematic processing of such claims in the history of international claims resolution.
     Chapter four mainly focus on the allocation models of loss in the case of transboundary damage arising out of hazardous activities. Due to the limitations of the states responsibility for transboundary environmental damage, the International Law Commission (ILC) decided to codify a set of legal regime for the states liability in case of loss from transboundary environmental damage in 1978. After years of working, the ILC reviewed the work on this topic in 1997. It felt that the scope and content of the topic remained unclear due to such factors as conceptual and theoretical difficulties, appropriateness of the title and the relation of the subject to the topic of“state responsibility”. It further observed that aspects of prevention and liability are distinct from one another, though related. It was recommended that they be studied separately. After finished the work on the subject of prevention, The ILC established a working group in 2002 to consider possible approaches to the study of the topic on liability. The working group recommended the ILC should better deal with the topic as allocation of loss among different actors involved on the operations of the hazardous activities. The focus on allocation of loss instead of the development of an international liability regime is well in tune with the emerging thinking on the subject which is focused on facilitating a more equitable and expeditious scheme of compensation to the victims of transboundary damage.
     Chapter five is to conclude the whole views of this thesis, and also put forward some suggestions to Chinese government for dealing with the problems of transboundary environmental damage which might occur in China.
①金瑞林主编:《环境法学》,北京大学出版社 1990 年,第 15-16 页。
    ① Garrett Hardin: “The Tragedy of the Commons”, Science, VOL. 162, pp. 1244-1245.
    ① World Bank: “World Development Report 1992”, pp. 64-65, http://www-wds.worldbank.org/servlet/WDSContentServer/WDSP/IB/1992,(访问日期:2006 年 4 月 5 日)。
    ② 经济合作与发展组织:《贸易的环境影响》,丁德宇等译,中国环境科学出版社 1996 年,第 2 页。
    ① 汪劲:《环境问题的全球化及其法律对策》,法制与社会发展,2002 年第 5 期。
    ① Harold and Margaret Sprout:Toward a Politics of the Planet Earth, NewYork ,Van Nostrand Reinhold 1971, p.446.
    ② (美)弗卡普拉:《绿色政治:全球的希望》,石音译,东方出版社 1988 年,第 275 页。
    ③ Richard A. Falk: A Study of future worlds, The Free Press 1975, pp. 2-3.
    ① 汪劲:《环境法学》,北京大学出版社 2006 年,第 78 页。
    ① 王亿同主编译:《英汉辞海》,国防工业出版社 1987 年,第 1749 页。
    ② Compact Oxford English Dictionary of Current English, Oxford University Press 2002, p. 367.
    ③ Webster’s Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary, Merriam-Webster 1987, p. 416.
    ① Philippe sands: Principles of international environmental law, Cambridge University Press2003, p. 16.
    ② 《中国大百科全书(环境科学卷)》,中国大百科全书出版社 1983 年,第 154 页。
    ③ Webster’s Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary, Merriam-Webster 1987, p. 416.
    ④ 高家伟:《欧洲环境法》,工商出版社 2000 年,第 2 页。
    ⑤ G M BATES: Environmental Law in Australia, Butterworths 1995, p. 3.
    ① 蔡守秋:《环境法教程》,法律出版社 1995 年,第 1 页。
    ① Philippe sands: Principles of international environmental law, Cambridge University Press 2003, p. 18.
    ② 中国环境报社编译:《迈向 21 世纪―联合国环境与发展大会文献汇编》,中国环境科学出版社 1992 年,第 156 页。
    ③ 《禁止为军事或任何其他敌对目的使用环境改变技术公约》第 2 条。
    ④ 1991 年《南极环境保护议定书》第 3 条第 2 款,这是目前条约中规定最为广泛的“环境”定义。
    ⑤ P. W. BIRVIE and A. E. BOYLE: International Law and The environment, Oxford University Press 2002, p. 122.
    ① 王曦:《国际环境法》,法律出版社 2004 年第 2 版,第 7 页。
    ② Thomas Schoenbaux: Environmental Damage in the Comman Law, Environmental Damage in International and Comparative Law, edited by Michael Bowman and Alan Boyle, Oxford University Press 2002, p. 213.
    ③ Philippe sands: Principles of international environmental law, Cambridge University Press 2003, p. 876.
    ① 1988 年《南极矿物资源活动管制公约》第 1 条(15)。
    ② 1979 年《远程跨界空气污染公约》第 1 条 a 款。
    ③ 1982 年《联合国海洋法公约》第 1 条第 1 款 e。
    ④ Allen L. Springer:Towards a Meaningful Concerpt of Pollution in International Law, International Environmental Law, edited by Paula M, Pevato, Dartmouth Publishing Company 2002, p. 532.
    ⑤ Philippe sands: Principles of international environmental law, Cambridge University Press 2003, p. 877.
    ⑥ 1993 年欧洲理事会《卢加诺公约》第 8 条 d 款。
    ⑦ 1985 年《保护臭氧层维也纳公约》第 1 条第 2 款、1992 年《气候变化框架公约》第 1 条第 1 款。
    ⑧ 1979 年《远程跨界空气污染公约》第 1 条 b 款。
    ① 叶明照:《国际环境法概论》,厦门大学出版社 1992 年,第 127 页。
    ② 上述案例的具体内容参考国际法院网站: http://www.icj-cij.org/icjwww/idecisions.htm,(访问时间:2006年 5 月 3 日)。
    ③ 联合国安理会第 687 号决议,http://www.un.org/Docs/scres/1991/scres91.htm,(访问时间:2006 年 5 月 3日)。
    ① Draft Articles on Prevention of Transboundary Harm from Hazardous Activities, art 2 (c) .
    ② Ibid., art 2 (b) .
    ③ 参考国际法委员会对《预防危险活动的跨界损害条款草案》第 2 条的第 9 项解释。
    ④ 例如在美国东西海岸都发现了从中国经空气传播的化学物质和颗粒物,其中包括有毒的汞污染物质。详见 2006 年 4 月 13 日参考消息第 8 版。
    ⑤ Draft Articles on Prevention of Transboundary Harm from Hazardous Activities, art 2 (d).
    ① 参考国际法委员会对《预防危险活动的跨界损害条款草案》第 1 条的第 12 项解释。
    ② Advisory Opinion on Legal Consequences for States of the Continued Presence of South Africa in Namibia (South West Africa) notwithstanding Security Council Resolution 276, paras. 117-123, http://www.icj-cij.org/icjwww/idecisions/isummaries/inamsummary710621.htm,(访问时间:2006 年 9 月 1 日)。
    ① O. Schachter: International Law in Theory and Practice, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers 1991, pp. 365-366.
    ② XUE HANQIN: Transboundary Damage in International Law, Cambridge University Press 2003, p. 7.
    ③ 但随着国际环境法的发展,国家在“预防原则”的前提下,面对严重或不可逆转损害的威胁时,须承担预防环境损害发生的义务,不能以缺乏科学充分确实证据为理由,延迟采取措施防止环境恶化。法律可以排除国家由于“不可抗力”引起损害的责任,但是国家必须承担“预防义务”,制定更高的环境标准。如果由于人为的因素直接或间接地加剧了由于自然灾害引起的损害,国家可能要承担对这部分损害的责任。
    ④ O. Schachter: International Law in Theory and Practice, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers 1991, p. 366.
    ⑤ XUE HANQIN: Transboundary Damage in International Law, Cambridge University Press 2003, p. 5.
    ⑥ 参考国际法委员会对《预防危险活动的跨界损害条款草案》第 1 条的第 16 项解释。
    ① XUE HANQIN: Transboundary Damage in International Law, Cambridge University Press 2003, p. 10.
    ② 详见 1989 年《控制危险废物跨界转移及其处置的巴塞尔公约》第 4 条(1)。
    ③ XUE HANQIN: Transboundary Damage in International Law, Cambridge University Press 2003, pp. 7-8.
    ④ Philippe sands: Principles of international environmental law, Cambridge University Press 2003, p. 879.
    ⑤ Ibid., pp. 319-321.
    ⑥ Ibid., p. 897.
    ⑦ 例如 1997 年《国际水道非航行使用法公约》第 7 条(1)“水道国在自己的领土内利用国际水道时,应采取一切适当措施,防止对其他水道国造成重大损害。”
    ⑧ 1992《工业事故跨界影响公约》第 1 条(d)。
    ①《预防危险活动的跨界损害条款草案》第 1 条规定:“本条款适用于国际法不加禁止的、其有形后果有造成重大跨界损害的危险的活动。”
    ② 美国在其处理环境问题的国内法中也使用了“重大” 一词。参看美国法律研究所,《重述法律》,第 601 节,报告员的说明 3,第 111-112 页, 转印自国际法委员会对预防条款草案解释中注解 920。
    ③ 例如,1993 年欧洲理事会《关于对环境危险活动所致损害的民事责任的公约》第 8 条(d)。
    ④ Philippe sands: Principles of international environmental law, Cambridge University Press 2003, p. 879.
    ⑤ “临界负荷”是指一种污染物在空气中的浓度达到自然力所不能稀释或分解的水平。
    ⑥ Radionuclide contamination of foods: FAO recommended limits, www.fao.org/docrep/U5900t/u5900t08.htm,(访问时间:2006 年 5 月 4 日)。
    ② 美国法中的“自然资源”包括土地、鱼、野生动物、生态系统、空气、水、地表水、饮用水供应以及其他被美国国家、州、地方政府、印第安部落和外国政府管理、信托、控制或者拥有以及附属于美国国家的其他资源,包括专属经济区。
    ③ 参看美国油污法第 2706 节。
    ① 《卢加诺公约》第 2 条第 7 款。
    ① 《卢加诺公约》,第 2 条第 10 款。
    ② 《卢加诺公约》,第 2 条第 8 款。
    ③ Louise de la Fayett: The Concept of Environmental Damage in International liability Regime, Environmental Damage in International and Comparative Law, edited by Michael Bowman and Alan Boyle, Oxford University Press 2002, p. 163.
    ④ 《巴塞尔公约议定书》第 2 条 2(c)。
    ① 《核能领域里的第三者责任的巴黎公约》第 3 条和《核损害民事责任的维也纳公约》第 1 条第 1 款(k)。
    ② 《核损害民事责任的维也纳公约》第 1 条第 1 款(k)。
    ① Louise de la Fayett: The Concept of Environmental Damage in International liability Regime, Environmental Damage in International and Comparative Law, edited by Michael Bowman and Alan Boyle, Oxford University Press 2002, p. 169.
    ② 《空间责任公约》第 1 条(a)。
    ① 规章 1 第 3 项(f)提出了“对海洋严重损害”(serious harm to marine environment)的概念,但规章没有说明对“海洋严重损害”和“海洋环境的损害”的区别。
    ② 由于对南极的矿物资源开发可能对南极环境带来无法恢复的损害,该公约在法国和澳大利亚的反对下没有生效。
    ③ 根据《南极矿物资源活动管制公约》第 1 条第 15 项的规定,“对南极环境损害”的范围应包括对大气的损害、对海洋的损害以及对陆地生命的损害。
    ① O. Schachter: International Law in Theory and Practice, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers 1991, pp. 367.
    ② EDWARD H. P. BRANS: Liability for Damage to Public Natural Resources, Kluwer Law International 2001, p. 12.
    ③ Draft Articles on Prevention of Transboundary Harm from Hazardous Activities, Art. 2 (b).
    ① Draft Principles on the allocation of loss in the case of transboundaryharm arising out of hazardous activities, Art. 2(a).
    ② European Commission, White Paper on Environmental Liability, pp.19-21,http://ec.europa.eu/environment/liability/white_paper.htm,(访问时间:2006 年 5 月 4 日)。
    ③ 参见《世界卫生组织宪章》绪言。
    ④ 例如切尔诺贝利事件 4 号反应堆的核辐射要到 10 万年后才能消除,参见解放日报 2006 年 4 月 27 日第 4版。
    ① 《危险废物跨界转移及其处置所造成损害的责任和赔偿问题议定书》第 13 条。
    ② 1992 Fund Claims Manual, http://www.iopcfund.org/compensation.htm,(访问时间:2006 年 5 月 2 日)。
    ③ Sanford E. Gaines: International Principles for Transnational Environmental Liability: Can Developments in Municipal Law Help Break the Impasse? Harvard International Law Journal, winter 1989, Vol. 30, p. 325.
    ④ Ibid.
    ① 联合国赔偿委员会理事会第 7 号决议,第 8 页,http://www2.unog.ch/uncc/decision.htm,(访问时间:2006年 5 月 2 日)。
    ② 现在的发展趋势是,全球公域资源概念也包括海洋生物、迁徙鸟类或濒临灭绝的野生生物。
    ③ 可参考 1982 年《联合国海洋法公约》第 87 条、第 119 条。
    ④ 可参考 1967 年《关于各国探索和利用包括月球和其他天体在内外层空间活动的原则条约》第 1 条。
    ① 例如第 6 条第 1 款规定“本公约缔约国,在充分尊重第 1 条和第 2 条中提及的文化和自然遗产的所在国的主权,并不使国家立法规定的财产受到损害的同时,承认这类遗产是世界遗产的一部分,因此,整个国际社会有责任合作予以保护。”
    ② 1969 年《油污损害赔偿公约》第 2 条。
    ③ XUE HANQIN: Transboundary Damage in International Law, Cambridge University Press 2003, p. 235.
    ① 转引自《1956 年国际法年鉴》,第 2 卷,第 227 页。
    ③ First Report on Diplomatic Protection by Mr. John R.Dugard , A/CN.4/506, p. 5.
    ④ 王铁崖、陈体强译:《奥本海国际法》上卷,第一分册,商务印书馆 1981 年,第 257 页。
    ① 有学者认为德拉戈主义是没有根据的,并且没有得到一般的承认。参考王铁崖、陈体强译:《奥本海国际法》上卷,第一分册,商务印书馆 1981 年,第 257 页。
    ② “Yearbook of International Law Commission”, 1963, Volume 2, paeas. 40-41, pp. 227-259.
    ③ 转引自张乃根:对《国家责任条款》“不法”一词的粗浅评析,中国国际法学会 2006 年学术年会论文资料汇编(上册),第 189 页。
    ① 奥本海国际法,第一卷,第一分册,中国大百科全书出版社 1995 年,第 403-403 页。
    ② H.L.A Hart: Concept Of Law, second edition, Oxford University Press 1994, p.83.
    ③ Ibid. , p. 227.
    ① O. Schachter: International Law in Theory and Practice, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers 1991, p. 202.
    ② “Yearbook of International Law Commission”, 1970, Volume2, para. 66(c), p. 306.
    ① “Yearbook of International Law Commission”, 1973, Volume 2, paeas. 40-41, pp.169-170.
    ② Ibid. ,paras. 38-39, pp.169.
    ③ “Yearbook of International Law Commission”, 1978, Volume 2, paea. 24, p.151.
    ④ Y. Matsui: “The Transformation of the law of State Responsibility” in State Responsibility in International Law, edited by Reno Provost, Darmouth Publishing Company 2002, p. 62.
    ⑤ 贺其治:《国家责任法及案例浅析》,法律出版社 2003 年,第 16 页。
    ① Survey of International Law in Relation to the Work of Codification of International Law Commission, A/cn.4/1/Rev.1, para. 97, p. 56.
    ② 1953 年联大第 799(八)决议,http://daccess-ods.un.org/TMP/4841230.html,(访问时间:2006 年 6 月 5日)。
    ③ “Yearbook of International Law Commission”, 1969, Volume 2, para.66, p. 229.
    ④ “Yearbook of International Law Commission”, 1963, Volume 2, paras. 4-6, pp. 227-228.
    ① “Yearbook of International Law Commission”, 1969, Volume 2, paras.80-81, p. 233.
    ② “Yearbook of International Law Commission”, 1996, Volume 2, paras.56-64, pp. 57-58.
    ① 《国际法委员会第五十三届会议工作报告》,A/56/10,第 74 段,第 21 页。
    ①《国际法委员会第五十三届会议工作报告》,A/56/10,第 45-60 段,第 14-17 页。
    ② “Yearbook of International Law Commission”, 1973, Volume 2, paeas. 40-41, pp.169-170.
    ③ 联大第 28 届会议第 3071 号决议,http://daccess-ods.un.org/TMP/2963855.html,(访问时间:2006 年 5 月 3日)。
    ④ 联大第 31 届会议第 31/97 号决议,http://daccess-ods.un.org/access.nsf/Get?OpenAgent&JN=NR030280,(访问时间:2006 年 5 月 3 日)。
    ⑤ “Yearbook of International Law Commission”, 1980, Volume 2, para. 4.
    ① 《国际法委员会第五十三届会议工作报告》,A/56/10,第 79-84 段,第 294-296 页。
    ① 《国际法委员会第五十三届会议工作报告》,A/56/10,第 87-94 段,第 296-297 页。
    ② 《关于国际法委员会第 53 届会议工作报告的大会决议》(A/RES/56/82),第 2 页。
    ③ 《国际法委员会第五十四届会议工作报告》,A/57/10, 第 430-457 段。
    ④ 截至到 2006 年 1 月,共有 8 个国家提出的意见,参考国际法委员会第 58 届会议文件,A/CN.4/562.
    ⑤ Report of the International Law Commission, A/61/10, pp.104-105.
    ① Report of the International Law Commission on the Work of its forty-eight session, A/51/10, paras.156-157, p. 86.
    ② 《国家对国际不法行为的责任草案》第 38 条。
    ① 1972 年《空间责任公约》第 3 条。
    ④ Louise La Fayette: The Concept of Environmental Damage in International Liability Regimes in Environmental Damage in International and Comparative Law, edited by Michael Bowman and Alan Boyle, Oxford University Press 2002, p. 172.
    ⑤ Philippe sands: Principles of international environmental law, Cambridge University Press 2003, p. 897.
    ② Philippe sands: Principles of international environmental law, Cambridge University Press 2003, p. 898.
    ③ Protocol Between The Government of Canada and the Government of USSR of April 2 1981 for the Settlement of All Maters Connected with the Disintegration of Cosmos 954 in 1978, Art.1.
    ① Louise La Fayette: The Concept of Environmental Damage in International Liability Regimes in Environmental Damage in International and Comparative Law edited by Michael Bowman and Alan Boyle, Oxford University Press 2002, p. 172.
    ② Ibld., p.173.
    ③ Philippe sands: Principles of international environmental law, Cambridge University Press 2003, p.898.
    ④ BIRVIE And BOYLE: International Law and The environment, Oxford University Press 2002, p.187.
    ① Riccardo-Pisillo-Mazzeschi: Forms of International Responsibility for Environmental Harm in International Responsibility for Environmental Harm, edited by Francesco Francioni and Tullio Scovazzi, Graham & Trontman Limited 1991, p.18.
    ① 1979 年《远程跨界空气污染公约》第 2-5 条、第 8 条。
    ② 有学者认为第 8 条的注解具有中立的效果,它并没有妨碍国家对违背公约义务而产生的损害承担国际法责任这一普遍国际法规则的适用。参见 Philippe sands: Principles of international environmental law, Cambridge University Press 2003, p.899.
    ① 有学者认为该宣言向国际社会宣告了有关跨界环境损害的法律,为国际法委员会和国际法院进一步编簒和适用这部分法律提供了起点。参看 P. W. BIRVIE And A. E. BOYLE: International Law and The environment, Oxford University Press 2002, p.105.
    ① 关于“哈曼主义”的解释可以参考[英]詹宁斯 瓦茨修订:奥本海国际法(第一卷第二分册)(王铁崖等译),中国大百科全书出版社 1995 年,第 105 页注解 62。
    ② Alexandre Kiss and Dinach Shelton: International Environmental awl, Transnational Publishers 2000, p. 272.
    ③ P. W. BIRVIE And A. E. BOYLE: International Law and The environment, Oxford University Press 2002, p.104.
    ① Carter, Trimble,Bradley: International Law, Aspen Publishers 2003, pp. 912-913.
    ② Ibid.
    ③ Philippe Sands: Principles of international environmental law, Cambridge University Press 2003, p. 242.
    ④ Alexandre Kiss and Dinach Shelton: International Environmental awl, Transnational Publishers 2000, p277.
    ① Judgment of 9 April 1949—Merits, p. 22, http://www.icj-cij.org/icjwww/icases/icc/iccframe.htm,(访问时间:2006 年 6 月 2 日)。
    ② Philippe Sands: Principles of international environmental law, Cambridge University Press 2003, p. 243.
    ③ Dissenting Opinion of Judge De Castro, p 389. http://www.icj-cij.org/icjwww/icases/iaf/iafframe.htm,(访问时间:2006 年 6 月 5 日)。
    ① Order of 22 September 1995, http://www.icj-cij.org/icjwww/icases/inzfr/inzfrframe.htm, (访问时间:2006 年6 月 5 日) 。
    ② Advisory Opinion of 8 July 1996, para.29, http://www.icj-cij.org/icjwww/icases/iunan/iunanframe.htm,(访问时间:2006 年 6 月 5 日) 。
    ④ 条款草案评注第 3 条第 3 项。
    ① First Report on Prevention of Transboundary Damage from Hazardous Activities, A/cn.4/487, para.65.
    ③ “《关于环境与发展的里约宣言》:应用和执行,秘书长的报告”,E/CN.17/1997/8, 第 23 段。
    ④在国际环境法学界,有学者认为“适当注意”类似于“共同而有区别的责任”原则,两者都允许不同的国家可以适用不同的行为标准,但前者的概念比较抽象,See P. W. BIRVIE and A. E. BOYLE: International Law and The environment, Oxford University Press 2002, pp.112-113.
    ⑤ XUE HANQIN: Transboundary Damage in International Law, Cambridge University Press 2003, p. 162.
    ① 参考国际法委员会对《预防危险活动的跨界损害条款草案》第 3 条的解释。
    ② The Second report on Prevention of Transboundary Damage from Hazardous Activities, A/cn.4/501, para.20.
    ③ XUE HANQIN: Transboundary Damage in International Law, Cambridge University Press 2003, p. 163.
    ④ P. W. BIRVIE And A. E. BOYLE: International Law and The environment, Oxford University Press 2002, p.112.
    ① Draft Articles on Prevention of Transboundary Harm from Hazardous Activities, Art. 3-7.
    ① Philippe Sands: Principles of international environmental law, Cambridge University Press 2003, p. 249. ② Ibid., p. 251.
    ① Yearbook of International Law, 1994, Volume 1, part 2, p.94.
    ② Philippe Sands: Principles of international environmental law, Cambridge University Press 2003, p. 267.
    ① 参考公约第 4 条,一般义务。
    ② 参考公约第 2 条第 2 项。
    ③ 参考公约第 2 条第 5 项(a)。
    ④ 参考公约第 1 条第 2 项。
    ⑤ Order of 22 September 1995, http://www.icj-cij.org/icjwww/icases/inzfr/inzfrframe.htm, (访问时间:2006 年6 月 5 日)。
    ① Precaution from Rio to Jahannesburg, published by UNEP, 2002, p. 43. http://www.environmenthouse.ch/index.php?page=publications,(访问时间:2006 年 6 月 5 日)。
    ② Ibid.,p.44.
    ③ Philippe Sands: Principles of international environmental law, Cambridge University Press 2003, p. 276.
    ④ 上诉机构报告,1998 年 1 月 16 日,WT/DS48/AB/R, para. 16.
    ⑤ Ibid., para. 43.
    ⑥ Ibid., para. 60.
    ⑦ Ibid., para. 123.
    ① Precaution from Rio to Jahannesburg,, published by UNEP, 2002, p. 47.
    ① First Report on Prevention of Transboundary Damage from Hazardous Activities, Second Part, A/cn.4/487/Add.1, para86.
    ① “《关于环境与发展的里约宣言》:应用和执行,秘书长的报告”,E/CN.17/1997/8, 第 24 段。
    ② First Report on Prevention of Transboundary Damage from Hazardous Activities, Second Part,A/cn.4/487/Add.1, para. 96.
    ① 即《关于敷设自动触发水雷公约》。
    ② Judgment of 9 April 1949-Mert, pp. 22-23, http://www.icj-cij.org/icjwww/icases/icc/iccframe.htm,(访问时间:2006 年 6 月 5 日)。
    ③ 陈致中编著:《国际法案例》,法律出版社 1998 年,第 81-83 页。
    ④ Survey of Liability regimes relevant to the topic of international liability for injuries arised out of acts not prohibited by international law, A/CM.4/543, p. 81.
    ① Judgment of 20 December 1974-Merits, http://www.icj-cij.org/icjwww/icases/iaf/iafframe.htm,(访问时间:2006 年 7 月 1 日)。
    ② 第 63 段认为“一旦法院裁定就其未来的行为做出一项承诺,那么,预见其不履行这一承诺的可能性的问题,就不属于法院的职责范围。然而,法院一旦注意到,如果判决的基础受到影响,请求国可以根据《国际法院规约》的有关条款请求对情形进行审查。”新西兰认为,法国的计划如果得以实施,将影响到上述1974 年判决的基础。
    ③ Order of 22 September 1995, http://www.icj-cij.org/icjwww/icases/inzfr/inzfrframe.htm,(访问时间:2006 年 7月 1 日)。
    ① Order of 22 June 1973-Request for the Indication of Interim Measures of Protection, http://www.icj-cij.org/icjwww/icases/iaf/iafframe.htm,(访问时间:2006 年 7 月 1 日)。
    ② I. C. J. Reports 1970, pp. 33-34.
    ③ Judgment of 20 December 1974-Merits, Para. 50, http://www.icj-cij.org/icjwww/icases/iaf/iafframe.htm,(访问时间:2006 年 7 月 2 日)。
    ① Judgment of 26 June 1992-Preliminary Objections, http://www.icj-cij.org/icjwww/icases/inaus/inausframe.htm,(访问时间:2006 年 7 月 2 日)。
    ② Orders of 13 September 1993-Discontinuance, http://www.icj-cij.org/icjwww/icases/inaus/inausframe.htm,(访问时间:2006 年 7 月 2 日)。
    ① 邵沙平主编:《国际法院新近案例研究》,商务印书馆 2006,第 203-205 页。
    ② Survey of Liability regimes relevant to the topic of international liability for injuries arising out of acts not prohibited by international law, A/cn.4/543, p. 85.
    ④ Judgment of 15 Septmber1997, para.155, http://www.icj-cij.org/icjwww/idocket/ihs/ihsjudgement/ihs_ijudgment_970925_frame.htm, (访问时间:2006 年 7月 2 日) 。
    ① Judgment of 15 Septmber1997, para.140.
    ② Survey of Liability regimes relevant to the topic of international liability for injuries arised out of acts not prohibited by international law, A/cn.4/543, p. 136.
    ① 赔偿基金由伊拉克 10 亿美元的海外石油资产再加上一定比例的每年出售石油产品后的收入。
    ② See The Claims, http://www2.unog.ch/uncc/theclaims.htm, (访问时间:2006 年 7 月 2 日) 。
    ① Status of Processing and Payment of Claims, http://www2.unog.ch/uncc/status.htm,(访问时间:2006 年 7 月 2日)。
    ② Mojtaba Kazazi: Environmental Damage in the practice of the UN Compensation Commission in Environmental Damage in International and Comparative Law, edited by Michael Bowman and Alan Boyle, Oxford University Press 2002, pp 122-123.
    ③ 这些国家提出的赔偿金额约为 4330 万美元,经专家小组核准的金额约为 830 万美元,参考 2002 年专家小组第二次报告,http://www2.unog.ch/uncc/reports.htm,(访问时间:2006 年 7 月 2 日) 。
    ④ S/AC,26/1991/7REV.1, http://www2.unog.ch/uncc/decision.htm#_1992,(访问时间:2006 年 7 月 2 日) 。
    ⑤ Governing Council Decision 132, see http://www2.unog.ch/uncc/decision.htm,(访问时间:2006 年 7 月 2) 。
    ⑥ Governing Council Decision 171, see http://www2.unog.ch/uncc/decision.htm,(访问时间:2006 年 7 月 2) 。
    ⑦ Governing Council Decision 212, see http://www2.unog.ch/uncc/decision.htm,(访问时间:2006 年 7 月 2 日)。
    ① Governing Council Decision 234, see http://www2.unog.ch/uncc/decision.htm,(访问时间:2006 年 7 月 2 日)。
    ② Governing Council Decision 235, see http://www2.unog.ch/uncc/decision.htm,(访问时间:2006 年 7 月 2 日)。
    ③ Governing Council Decision 248, see http://www2.unog.ch/uncc/decision.htm,(访问时间:2006 年 7 月 2 日)。
    ④ Secretary-General’s Report of 2 May 1991,S/22559, para. 20, http://www2.unog.ch/uncc/introduc.htm,(访问时间:2006 年 7 月 2 日)。
    ① 联合国环境规划署联合国环境规划署“环境破坏、责任和赔偿的专家工作组”认为环境损害是指没有商业价值的损失,自然资源的减损是指具有商业价值的损失。
    ② Mojtaba Kazazi: Environmental Damage in the practice of the UN Compensation Commission in Environmental Damage in International and Comparative Law, edited by Michael Bowman and Alan Boyle, Oxford University Press 2002, p. 116.
    ③ Governing Council Decision 7, para.34, http://www2.unog.ch/uncc/decision.htm,(访问时间:2006 年 7 月 2日)。
    ④ Governing Council Decision 7, para.35, http://www2.unog.ch/uncc/decision.htm,(访问时间:2006 年 7 月 2日) 。
    ⑤ Panel Report F4/5(2005), S/AC.26/2005/10, para.58, http://www2.unog.ch/uncc/reports.htm,(访问时间:2006年 7 月 2 日) 。
    ⑥ Panel Report F4/5(2005), S/AC.26/2005/10, para.58, 技术附件 1 至 3,http://www2.unog.ch/uncc/reports.htm,(访问时间:2006 年 7 月 2 日) 。
    ① 王利明:《侵权行为法归责原则研究》,中国政法大学出版社 1992 年,第 18 页。
    ② D. J. Harris: Case and Materials on International Law, Sweet & Maxwell 1998, p. 421.
    ③ 格老秀斯:《战争与和平法》,第二卷,第 21 节:“没有过失的人,对事件不负责任。”转引自菲德罗斯《国际法》下册,商务印书馆 1981,第 449 页。
    ① D. J. Harris: Case and Materials on International Law, Sweet & Maxwell 1998, pp. 496-497.
    ① 金瑞林:《环境侵权与民事救济――兼论环境立法中存在的问题》,载于王曦主编:《国际环境法与比较环境法》第 1 卷,法律出版社 2002 年,第 375-376 页。
    ② Richard A. Epstein: Cases and Materials on Torts, Citic Publishing House 2003, pp. 116-118.
    ① XUE HANQIN: Transboundary Damage in International Law, Cambridge University Press 2003, pp. 301-302.
    ② 王铁涯等译:《奥本海国际法》第 9 版,中国大百科全书出版社 1995 年,第 407 页。
    ① 叶明照:《国际环境法概论》,厦门大学出版社 1992 年,第 134 页。
    ① P. W. BIRVIE And A. E. BOYLE: International Law and The environment, Oxford University Press 2002, p.187.
    ② XUE HANQIN: Transboundary Damage in International Law, Cambridge University Press 2003, pp.78-79.
    ③ 有些双边条约规定任何一方对本国境内的个人或法人的活动在对方境内引起的损害承担赔偿责任。
    ④ First report on the legal regime for allocation of loss in case of transboundary harm arising out of hazardous activities, A/cn.4/531, page 5.
    ① First report on the legal regime for allocation of loss in case of transboundary harm arising out of hazardous activities, A/cn.4/531, p. 6.
    ③ “Yearbook of International Law Commission”, 1973, Volume 2, paea. 40, p.169.
    ① Ian Brownlie: System of the Law of Nations: State Responsibility, part1, p.50, 转引自 Third Report on International Liability for Injurious Consequences Arising out of Acts not Prohibited by International Law, A/CN.4/510, p. 14.
    ② Alane E. Boyle: State Responsibility and International Liability for Injurious Consequences of Acts Not Prohibited by International Law: A Necessary Distinction? In State Responsibility in International Law, edited by Rene Provost, Dartmouth Publishing Company 2002, p. 144.
    ③ Yearbook of International law commission, 1981, vol. 1, p. 228.
    ④ Riccardo-Pisillo-Mazzeschi: Forms of International Responsibility for Environmental Harm in International Responsibility for Environmental Harm, edited by Francesco Francioni and Tullio Scovazzi, Graham & Trontman Limited 1991, pp. 26-27.
    ② 参考国际法委员会对《预防危险活动的跨界损害条款草案》第 1 条的解释。
    ④ Third report on international liability for injuries consequences arising out of acts not prohibited by international law, A/CN.4/360, section 6, paragraph 2 of schematic outline.
    ⑤ Yearbook of international law commission 1987, volume 2, Part 2, chapter Ⅵ, para. 127.
    ⑥ First report on the legal regime for allocation of loss in case of transboundary harm arising out of hazardous activities, A/CN.4/531, pp.14-15.
    ① First report on the legal regime for allocation of loss in case of transboundary harm arising out of hazardous activities, A/cn.4/531, p. 15, notes 61.
    ② 关于国际法不加禁止行为所产生的损害性后果的国际责任的第十二次报告,A/cn.4/475, 第 7-10 页。
    ① Yearbook of international law commission 1996, Volume 2, Part 2, AnnexⅠ, commentary to article 5.
    ② Yearbook of international law commission 1997, Volume 2, Part 2, chap.Ⅵ, paras. 165-167.
    ③ 工作组报告见 2002 年联合国第 54 届会议国际法委员会报告第 7 章,A/57/10。
    ④ Report of the International law Commission 2006, chapter V, A61/10, p. 105.
    ① Report of the International law Commission 2006, chapter V, A61/10, p. 117.
    ① Report of the International law Commission 2006, chapter V, A61/10, p. 172.
    ② Yearbook of International law Commissions,vol.2, part one, p.247, Preliminary report, A/cn.4/334, p. 250.
    ① 在这方面,中国政府还认为该法律制度也不应该妨碍国家法律或国际私法规则下的民事赔偿责任。参见联大第 58 届会议第六委员会简要记录,A/C.6/58/SR.16,第 43 段。
    ② 见巴基斯坦的书面评论,参见《国际法不加禁止的行为所产生的损害性后果的国际责任(危险活动引起跨界损害所造成的损失的国际责任),从各国政府收到的评论和意见》,A/CN.4/562,A 节。
    ③ 委员会在关于预防的条款草案中也表达了相同的看法。Report of the International law Commission 2006, chap.V, A61/10, p. 117.
    ④ Third report on the legal regime for allocation of loss in case of transboundary harm arising out of hazardous activities, A/cn.4/566, p. 9.
    ① 在英语中 Damage 和 harm 都表示“损害”的意思。前者注重实际已经发生的损害,后者的含义比较宽泛,还包括没有实际发生的损害。在本《原则草案》,“transboundary damage”和“transboundary harm”都是指一国管辖或控制内的活动在另一国管辖或控制区域内造成的损害。参考 Report of the International law Commission 2006, chapter V, A61/10, p. 116.
    ② 如何判断“重大”或“实质性”的损害,取决于具体的条约、国家法律或司法实践。参见本文第一章第二节的论述。
    ① 也可参考 1954 年《武装冲突情况下保护文化财产公约》与 1972 年《关于禁止和防止非法进出口文化财产和非法转让其所有权的方法的公约》中第 1 条“文化财产”的定义,
    ② 也可参考 1992 年《跨界水道公约》第 1 条(2)款。
    ③ 一般认为对属于“公共物”(res communis)的环境因素的损害赔偿不容易确定,比较好的方式是,国家以信托的方式管理这些财产,通常公共部门或公共利益团体获得了提出赔偿的地位,参见本文第一章第三节的论述。
    ④ 具体可参见本文第一章第三节的论述。
    ⑤ Second report on the legal regime for allocation of loss in case of transboundary harm arising out of hazardous activities, A/cn.4/540, p. 15.
    ⑥ 第五十六届会议工作组报告, A/cn.4/L661, 第 2 段。
    ① Third report on the legal regime for allocation of loss in case of transboundary harm arising out of hazardous activities, A/cn.4/566, p. 9.
    ② Second report on the legal regime for allocation of loss in case of transboundary harm arising out of hazardous activities, A/cn.4/540, p.17.
    ① Report of the International law Commission 2006, chapter V, A61/10, p. 133.
    ② Louise de la Fayett: The Concept of Environmental Damage in International liability Regime, Environmental Damage in International and Comparative Law, edited by Michael Bowman and Alan Boyle, Oxford University Press 2002, pp. 166-167.
    ③ 可参考本文第二章第三节对该案的表述。
    ④ First report on the legal regime for allocation of loss in case of transboundary harm arising out of hazardous activities, A/cn.4/531, p.18.
    ① 《油污损害公约》第 1 条(3)规定:“船舶所有人”是指登记为船舶所有人的人,如果没有这种登记,则是指拥有该船的人。但如船舶为国家所有,而由在该国登记为船舶经营人的公司所经营,“船舶所有人” 即指这种公司。
    ② 可参考《油污损害公约》第 3 条第 2、3 款,《基金公约》第 4 条第 2 款(a)项和(b)项及第 4 条第 3 款。
    ③ 《国际燃油污染损害民事责任公约》第 1 条(3)。
    ④ 《基金公约》第 10 条(1)。
    ① 徐国平:《船舶油污损害赔偿法律制度研究》,北京大学出版社 2006 年,第 45 页。
    ② 徐国平:《船舶油污损害赔偿法律制度研究》,北京大学出版社 2006 年,第 70 页。
    ① Regulations on Prospecting and Exploration for Polymetallic Nodules in the Area, part V.
    ② Regulations on Prospecting and Exploration for Polymetallic Nodules in the Area, Regulation 30.
    ① Survey of liability regimes relevant to the topic of international liability for injurious consequences arising out of acts not prohibited by international law, Prepared by the Secretariat, A/CN.4/543, pp.62-63.
    ① First report on the legal regime for allocation of loss in case of transboundary harm arising out of hazardous activities, A/cn.4/531, p.38.
    ② Second report on the legal regime for allocation of loss in case of transboundary harm arising out of hazardous activities, A/cn.4/540, p.24
    ① Report of the International law Commission 2006, chapter V, A61/10, p152.
    ① Survey of liability regimes relevant to the topic of international liability for injurious consequences arising out of acts not prohibited by international law, Prepared by the Secretariat, A/cn.4/543, p. 135.
    ③ 例如 Amoco Cadiz 的案件持续了 13 年。
    ④ Report of the International law Commission 2006, chapter V, A61/10, p. 154.
    ① 徐国平:《舶油污损害赔偿法律制度研究》,北京大学出版社 2006 年,第 45 页。
    ② 《核损害民事责任公约》第 1 条第 1 款(c)。
    ③ Marie-Louis Larsson: The Law of Environmental Damage: Liability and Reparation, The Hague Kluwer Law International 1999, p. 401.
    ④ Report of the International law Commission 2006, chapter V, A61/10, p. 140.
    ② Report of the International law Commission 2006, chapter V, A61/10, pp.157-158.
    ④ Report of the International law Commission 2006, chapter V, A61/10, p. 159.
    ① 例如《巴塞尔公约议定书》第 5 条“过错赔偿责任”规定“任何因其未能遵守《公约》的有关规定或因其有意、疏忽或轻率的不当行为或不作为而造成或促成损害者,应对此种损害负赔偿责任。”
    ② Survey of liability regimes relevant to the topic of international liability for injurious consequences arising out of acts not prohibited by international law, Prepared by the Secretariat, A/cn.4/543, p. 131.
    ① Second report on the legal regime for allocation of loss in case of transboundary harm arising out of hazardous activities, A/cn.4/540, p. 28.
    ② Report of the International law Commission 2006, chapter V, A61/10, p. 164.
    ① (日)原田尚彦著,于敏译,《环境法》,法律出版社 2001 年,第 51-53 页。
    ② 高家伟:《欧洲环境法》,工商出版社 2000 年,第 157 页。
    ① Judgment of 9 April 1949-Mert, p22-23, http://www.icj-cij.org/icjwww/icases/icc/iccframe.htm, (访问时间:2007 年 2 月 4 日)。
    ② P.W. Boyle: International Law and The environment, Oxford University Press 2002, p.136.
    ③ 例如根据《关于环境损害的预防和补救的环境赔偿责任的第 2004/35/CE 号指令》第 5 条和第 6 条,第 13条指定的主管当局可以要求经营者采取必要的预防或恢复措施;如果经营者不采取这些措施或找不到经营者,主管当局可以自己采取这些措施。
    ① “Yearbook of International Law Commission”, 1973, Volume 2, paea.39, p.169.
    ② Ibid., Volume 1, para. 37, p. 211.
    ③ Ibid., para. 38, p. 211.
    ④ Black’s Law Dictionary, seventh edition, West Group 1999, p. 1314.
    ① M. C. W. Pinto: Reflection On International Liability For Injurious Consequences Arising Out Of Acts Not Prohibited By International Law, Netherlands Yearbook of International Law 1985, p. 26.
    ② 《联合国海洋法公约》的英文版第 235 条。http://www.un.org/Depts/los/convention_agreements/convention_overview_convention.htm,(访问时间:2007年 1 月 12 日)。
    ① 在英文文本中,第 4 条“充分和及时的赔偿”中,“应当”是用 should 而不是 shall。
    ② Third report on the legal regime for allocation of loss in case of transboundary harm arising out of hazardous activities, A/cn.4/566, pp. 25-27.
    ① 有关国家的观点可参考 Second report on the legal regime for allocation of loss in case of transboundary harm arising out of hazardous activities, A/cn.4/540, pp. 10-11.
    ② 参考《巴塞尔公约》网站,http://www.basel.int/ratif/protocol.htm,(访问时间:2007 年 3 月 2 日)。
    ① 具体参考新华网专题报道:《松花江发生重大水污染》,http://www.xinhuanet.com/society/zt051124/,(访问时间:2007 年 1 月)。
    ① 中国代表段洁龙在第 61 届联大六委的发言,参考中国外交部网站: http://www.fmprc.gov.cn/chn/wjb/zzjg/tyfls/default.htm,(访问时间:2007 年 1 月 3 日)。
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    2 . Barcelona Traction, Light and Power Company, Limited (Belgium v. Spain)(New Application: 1962).
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