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     ①与正常对照组比较:颅内动脉瘤高血压组、非高血压组患者的主动脉膨胀性均(aortic distensibility, DIS)明显降低(P<0.001),而僵硬度(aortic stiffness index, SI)均明显增加(P<0.001)。
Intracranial aneurysm (IAs) is the weakness of intracranial vessels that balloons out and is apt to rupture. It is the most dangerous brain disease because of high mortality and morbidity. Cerebrovascular disease is the third leading cause of death worldwide. And rupture of intracranial aneurysms is responsible for one-fourth cerebrovascular deaths. In spite of surgical and pharmacological treatment, nearly half of the aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) patients die. Therefore, early diagnosis and prevention of IA should be a major healthcare concern in order to reduce morbidity and mortality. Etiology studies indicate that IA is related to congenital vessel wall dysplasia and acquired intracranial arterial degenerative diseases. To investigate the blood vessels of patients with IAs, we studied the aortic diameter and aortic elastic properties in IAs patients.
     Part I Correlation Analysis of Aortic Diameter and Intracranial Aneurysms
     Previous studies showed that the vascular wall of congenital dysplasia and acquired intracranial arterial degenerative disease are the causes of IAs. The relationship between aortic diameter and IAs remains unclear. This study was performed to assess the correlation between aortic diameter and IAs.
     107IAs patients (57patients with hypertension) and108control subjects were recruited. The internal aortic diameters in diastole were measured by transthoracic two-dimensional echocardiography.
     Aortic diameter adjusted by body surface area in various echocardiographic section had no significant differences between IAs-HP, IAs-NHP and control group (P>0.05). Univariate analyses showed the aortic diameter was not associated with IAs.
     The aortic diameter was not associated with IAs. Therefore, the aortic diameter was unlikely useful in early diagnoses and prevention of IAs.
     Part II Aortic elastic properties and its clinical significance in IAs
     Increased large artery stiffness was an risk factor of vascular diseases. Intracranial aneurysms (IAs) occurrence is related to congenital vessel wall dysplasia and acquired intracranial arterial degenerative diseases. Therefore, the assessment of aortic mechanical properties is of particularly importance in understanding vascular disease mechanisms. This study investigated the relationship between the aortic elastic properties and IAs.
     107IAs patients (57patients with hypertension) and108control subjects were recruited. The internal aortic diameter was measured3cm above the aortic valve during systole and diastole phases by M-mode echocardiography, and the aortic elasticity index was calculated.
     ①ompared to the controls, aortic distensibility was significantly decreased in IAs patients (P<0.001), while aortic stiffness index was significantly increased in IAs (P<0.001).
     ②ompared to the patients with IAs who did not have hypertension(IAs-NHP), aortic distensibility was significantly decreased in patients with hypertensive IAs (IAs-HP)(P<0.001), while aortic stiffness index was significantly increased (P<0.001). Similar results were obtained when the aortic elasticity index was adjusted for body surface area and body mass index.
     IAs appears to correlate with abnormal aortic elasticity, and hypertension is closely related to the severity of aortic elasticity. Therefore, Abnormal aortic elasticity assessed by non-invasive ultrasound is helpful in the diagnosis and prognosis of IAs.
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