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     为了获得热稳定性好和/或催化活性高的β-甘露聚糖酶工程酶,并实现低聚甘露糖的酶法制备,本论文克隆了宇佐美曲霉(Aspergillus usamii) YL-01-78β-甘露聚糖酶的完整cDNA和部分DNA序列,将该酶成熟肽的编码基因实现了在毕赤酵母(Pichia pastoris)GS115中的异源表达,并在此基础上对该酶进行了理性改造和应用的研究,主要研究结果如下:
     (2)借助pPIC9K质粒将AuMan5A成熟肽的编码基因整合入了P. pastoris GS115基因组中,从第一批转化子中筛选到了一株高拷贝重组子GSKM4-8,其产酶水平最高可达54.6U mL-1。而后,借助pPICZαA质粒构建出了双重重组子GSKZαM4-2,其产酶水平最高可达78.1U mL-1,且具有良好的遗传稳定性。对GSKZαM4-2的表达条件进行了优化,最佳的表达条件为:起始pH值6.5、诱导时间120h、甲醇浓度1.5%、诱导温度32℃,在此条件下GSKZαM4-2的产酶水平可达162.8U mL-1,较优化前的表达水平提高了1.08倍,较GSKM4-8的表达水平提高了1.98倍。此外,对Glu168和Glu276残基进行了突变分析,证实了Glu168和Glu276残基对AuMan5A保持其催化活性起着重要的作用。reAuMan5A是一个经糖基化修饰的蛋白质,其含糖量为21.3%。酶学特性分析的结果表明,reAuMan5A的最适反应pH值为3.0、最适反应温度为70℃、在60℃以下及pH值3.0~7.0之间具有较好的稳定性;除Ag+和Hg2+外,其它所测的金属离子及EDTA对reAuMan5A的酶活性没有明显的影响;reAuMan5A对角豆胶有较好的催化活性,对魔芋粉和瓜尔豆胶的催化活性较低,而对桦木木聚糖、可溶性淀粉和羧甲基纤维素钠无催化活性;reAuMan5A对角豆胶的Km和Vmax值分别为1.36mg mL-1和415.8U mg-1。
     (3)以结合自由能为参考标准设计出了一种C-端带有纤维素结合结构域(CBM)的AuMan5A-CBM融合酶,利用重叠PCR技术构建出了AuMan5A-CBM的编码基因并在P. pastoris GS115中实现了异源表达。P. pastoris GSAuMC4-5的产酶活性最高可以达到40.6U mL-1,且具有良好的遗传稳定性。reAuMan5A-CBM的最适反应温度为75℃,较reAuMan5A提高了5℃,reAuMan5A-CBM耐受的温度较reAuMan5A也提高了8℃;另外,reAuMan5A-CBM对角豆胶的Km和Vmax值分别为0.66mg mL-1和389.1U mg-1,Km值较reAuMan5A的1.36mg mL-1有明显的降低;另外,reAuMan5A-CBM具有较好的纤维素结合能力。
     (4)基于AuMan5A的3-D结构并借助理性设计的手段设计出了一个RMSD值和结合自由能均较低的截短突变体AuMan5AN3C3,借助pPIC9KM质粒将其编码基因整合入了P. pastoris GS115中并实现了表达,P. pastoris GSNC4-7菌株的产酶活性最高可以达到73.4U mL-1,较GS115/Auman5A的52.8U mL-1提高了39.0%。reAuMan5AN3C3的比酶活性较reAuMan5A有显著的提高,其它酶学特性与reAuMan5A的基本一致。借助二硫键设计、分子对接和分子动力学模拟的软件在AuMan5A中理性地引入了一个二硫键,设计了一个引入二硫键的突变体AuMan5Ads324330,将其编码基因在P. pastoris GS115中实现了表达。遗憾的是,实验获得的结果与预期的结果存在一定的差异,这也表明理性设计的条件及参数仍有改进的空间。
     (5)经单因素实验确定的β-甘露聚糖酶酶法水解魔芋精粉制备低聚甘露糖的条件为:用去离子水配制的30g L-1魔芋胶溶液,酶液添加量为60U g-1魔芋精粉,水解温度为60℃,水解时间为6h,在此条件下魔芋精粉的水解率可达36.6%。β-内切葡聚糖酶对β-甘露聚糖酶水解魔芋精粉具有一定的协同作用,水解率最高可达65.4%。薄层层析分析结果显示魔芋精粉经酶水解后的产物主要是二糖以上的寡糖,且主要介于二糖与六糖之间,无单糖的产生。这些研究为生物催化制备低聚甘露糖的工业化生产奠定了基础。
β-Mannanases (EC3.2.1.78), abbreviated from β-1,4-D-mannan mannohydrolases, canrandomly hydrolyze the internal β-1,4-D-mannosidic linkages of mannans to form varyinglength mannooligosaccharides, which have important physiological activities and can be usedas dietary fiber and prebiotics. The traditional production method that high temperature andacid or alkaline were used to hydrolyze konjac gum to mannooligosaccharides needs a largeamount of acid or alkaline. That can cause complex post-processing, high cost and severeenvironmental pollution, while enzymatic production has the advantages of ambienttemperature and environmentally friendliness. The key biocatalyst is β-mannanase in theenzymatic production of mannooligosaccharides, which was paid more concern and attentionby the researchers. Although there are a lot of reports about the-mannanases, theirapplications are still limited by their low activities and poor stability in an extremeenvironment.
     To obtain excellent engineered β-mannanases that have good thermostability and/or highcatalytic activity, and realize the biosynthesis of glucomannan oligosaccharides, we cloned thefull-length cDNA and partial DNA sequences of A. usamii YL-01-78-mannanase(abbreviated as AuMan5A) and made its mature peptide-encoding gene (Auman5A) expressedin P. pastoris GS115. On the basis of that, it was done that the preliminary research on therational modification and application of this-mannanase. The main results are listed asfollows:
     (1) The full-length cDNA and partial DNA sequences of AuMan5A gene were amplifiedby3,5rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) and T vector-mediated PCR techniques.The DNA sequence is2168bp in length, harboring275bp5′flanking regulatory regions,343bp3′flanking regulatory regions and the1427bp full-length cDNA sequence in which twoshort introns with63and60bp are inserted, respectively. Among which, the cDNA includes51bp5′non-coding region,224bp3′non-coding region and an1152bp open reading frame(ORF). The ORF encodes a21-aa signal peptide, a17-aa propeptide, and a345-aa maturepeptide (AuMan5A) with two putative N-glycosylation sites. Then, its secondary andthree-dimensional (3-D) structures were predicted. The modelled3-D structure of AuMan5Aconsists principally of the (/)8barrel fold. One Glu catalytic-residue is located at theC-terminus of4and7, respectively.
     (2) The Auman5A was integrated into P. pastoris GS115genome by pPIC9K vecotor,and one strain labeled as GSKM4-8having the highest recombinant-mannanase activity of54.6U mL-1was chosen from the first-batch P. pastoris transformants. Then, the double P.pastoris transformant GSKZαM4-2with the highest-mannanase activity of78.1U mL-1andfavorable genetic stability was obtained by pPICZαAvecotor, and used to optimize expressionconditions. As GSKZαM4-2was induced under the optimized conditions (initial pH value6.5,induction period120h, methanol concentration1.5%and induction temperature32℃),
     -mannanase activity reached162.8U mL-1, being2.08times as high as that expressed using the standard protocol (Invitrogen, USA), and1.98-fold higher than that expressed byGSKM4-8. In addition, mutation analyses were carried out on the Glu168and Glu276residuesof AuMan5A, these results confirmed that the Glu168and Glu276residues of AuMan5A playedimportant roles in keeping its catalytic activity. The reAuMan5A is an N-glycosylated protein,and its carbohydrate content was determined to be21.3%. It displayed the maximum activityat pH3.0and70℃, and was stable at a pH range of3.0~7.0and at60℃or below. Its activitywas not significantly affected by metal ions tested and EDTA, but inhibited by Ag+and Hg2+.The reAuMan5A showed the highest activity towards locust bean gum, but lower activitiestowards konjac gum and guar gum. No activity was detected towards birchwood xylan,soluble starch or carboxyl methyl cellulose. The kinetic parameters, Kmand Vmax, of thereAuMan5A towards locust bean gum were1.36mg mL-1and415.8U mg-1, respectively.
     (3) The AuMan5A-CBM was designed based on the binding free energy, then theAuMan5A-CBM encoding gene was constructed by overlapping PCR and expressed in P.pastoris GS115. The GSAuMC4-5with the highest-mannanase activity of40.6U mL-1possesses favorable genetic stability. The temperature optimum of the reAuMan5A-CBM was75℃, being5℃higher than that of the reAuMan5A. And it was stable at68℃, being8℃higher than that of the reAuMan5A. The kinetic parameters, Kmand Vmax, of thereAuMan5A-CBM towards locust bean gum were0.66mg mL-1and389.1U mg-1, showingan obvious decrease in Km. In addition, the reAuMan5A-CBM possesses favorablecellulose-binding capacity.
     (4) Based on the3-D structure of AuMan5A, a truncated mutant AuMan5AN3C3with thelowest RMSD value and binding free energy was designed by in silico design. TheAuMan5AN3C3encoding gene was integrated into P. pastoris GS115genome by pPIC9KMvecotor and expressed, the β-mannanase activity of P. pastoris GSNC4-7expressionsupernatant was73.4U mL-1, which increased by39.0%as compared with that (52.8U mL-1)of reAuMan5A. Compared with the reAuMan5A, the reAuMan5AN3C3showed an obviousincrease in the specific activity and no significant change in the other enzymatic properties. Adisulfide bond was rationally introduced into AuMan5A forming a mutant AuMan5Ads324330by disulfide bond design, molecular docking and molecular dynamics simulation softwares,and its encoding gene was expressed in P. pastoris GS115. Unfortunately, there were somedifferences between the expected result and experimental result, which indicated that therewere still some room for improvement in the conditions and parameters of the in silico design.
     (5) The optimal hydrolytic condition of konjak gum for producing glucomannanoligosaccharides were as follows:30g L-1konjak gum solution (with deionized water),60U g-1konjak gum β-mannanase dosage,60℃hydrolytic temperature and6h hydrolytictime. Under this condition, the hydrolytic rate of konjak gum can reach36.6%. In addtion, theβ-endo-glucanase can play a synergistic role in the enzymatic hydrolysis of konjak gum byβ-mannanase, and its hydrolytic rate can reach65.4%. Analysis of oligosaccharide productsobtained by enzymatic hydrolysis of konjak gum using thin layer chromatography revealedthat these enzymes yielded mixture of mannobiose to mannohexose as their main products,and no trace of mannose could be detected in these hydrolysis experiments. These studies can lay the foundation for industrialized production of glucomannan oligosaccharides bybiocatalysis.
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