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Multinational technical alliance is the result of economic globalization andknowledge-based economy inevitably. And it is the comprehensive entity of twotrends of multinational strategic alliance development and economic technologicalinternational innovation. The developping trend of multinational technical alliancefocuses on the cooperation innovation. The rising of multinational technical alliancecooperative innovation change the pattern of global economic competition and offerthe strategic opportunity for the development strategy of enterpriseinternationalization.
     Continuous innovation is the essential choice of the enterprise survival anddevelopment under the uncertainty increasing global competition environment. Thenew enterprise who can learn and integrate knowledge in a global context will havecompetitive edge in future development and superior resources to make thetechnological innovation come true. In order to speed up the pace of the cooperativeinnovation, the enterprise must to rapid accumulation of knowledge, technology, etc.Through organizational learning alliance partners for new skills and knowledge, theenterprise can change and improve the structure, technology, experience and level oforiginal knowledge quickly, and change the original competitive strategy of theenterprise, to develop more competitive products to increase the vitality of enterprises.The need and process of knowledge in innovation and innovation come frominner-enterprise as well as the innovative network of enterprises. It puts forward anew challenge for the innovative enterprise knowledge creation, knowledge sharingand knowledge management. On the other hand the role of knowledge in such aninnovative enterprise is influenced by many factors.
     With the expansion of enterprise and development, the purpose of multinationaltechnology alliance change from reduce of the enterprise cost and share the risk of theenterprise to organization learning innovation. Technological innovation has been the foundation of the development of the enterprise that alternative cost control andquality control in the fierce market competition environment. Companies rely on theinnovation ability of oneself is difficult in the modern society that developingdifficulty increasing, technology increasingly complex. But it is hard to promote theinnovative ability of alliance members if just consider the matter from the two anglesof reduce costs and risks about transnational technology alliance. Multinationaltechnical alliance can promote the bidirectional flow of knowledge and techniquebetween enterprises and improve the ability of technology innovation. In this way, thecooperative innovation performance will be improved.
     Multinational technology alliance is a kind of enterprise alliance. The objectivesof multinational technology alliance are rational allocation of resources, keeping thecompetitive advantage and collaborative risk aversion. The main relationship ofmultinational technology alliance is technical cooperation, technical exchanges andtechnical innovation. So the objectives, scope, management, and demands of thecooperation are different from the other types of alliance. From the point ofcooperation objectives, multinational technology alliance pays attention to sustainablecompetitiveness and faces the international market. It’s different from generalenterprises and alliances who innovate only for the purpose of survival. From thepoint of cooperation scope, multinational technology alliance concentrates on thetechnical level. The enterprises in the multinational technology alliance have certainstrength. So the alliance has more advanced technology and lead-edge technologies ina global context than other alliance. From the point of cooperation management,multinational technology alliance has to balance the interests of all parties in order toready to deal with emergencies. The multinational technology alliance is acombination of several large multinational companies, so the management of it ismore complicated than that in other modality for co-operation. From the point ofcooperation demands, everyone in the multinational technology alliance wants toshorten the period and acquire the more valuable achievements in shorter time. In thisway, the multinational technology alliance will have sustainable competitiveness.
     Multinational technology alliance is a special form of alliance. Every singledetail of organizational learning in the multinational technology alliance is influencedby the characteristics of multinational technical alliance. The degree ofcomplementary resources and the support that can give each other are the important conditions for enterprises choosing partners. The primary premise of the stablerelationships is whether alliance members can set up the mutual trust cooperationattitude after establishing a coalition. The differences of learning style,communication frequency and communication mode between alliance members havedirect influence on the flowing of knowledge in the multinational technology alliance.The decision of competitive strategy, the task order and the efficiency of the completedepend on the similarity of the value orientation, development goals and managementconcept. These are the relationship properties between alliance members during thealliance to conclude. We call them the characteristics of multinational technicalalliance.
     One of the key factors of efficient functioning is technological innovation fromorganizational learning by alliance members in a huge organization just asmultinational technology alliance. Based on the systematic literature review, thearticle analyzes the implication of characteristics of multinational technical alliance,alliance organizational learning and cooperative innovation performance. The articleidentifies three influencing factors of characteristics of multinational technicalalliance as chimerism, similarity and interactivity, and identifies three influencingfactors of organizational learning as knowledge acquisition, knowledge integrationand knowledge exploitation. The article establishes a theory model about theinfluence of the characteristics of multinational technical alliance on cooperativeinnovation performance.
     Using the data from questionnaires examines the theory model and hypotheses.Carry on analysis on the data using software SPSS21and LISREL8.80, and thenmake discussion on the results. The results of empirical test indicate that, of the26hypothesis,18have passed, while8have not. Regarding to the hypothesis which havepassed, we discuss their significance.
     There are several innovation points in this paper:
     (1) This particular union forms for multinational technology alliance, based onthe alliance members to conclude the alliance during the show the relationshipbetween the characteristics. The article identifies three influencing factors ofcharacteristics of multinational technical alliance as chimerism, similarity andinteractivity. Chimerism is the degree of trust and the degree of close of the alliancemembers in the multinational technical alliance. Similarity is the degree of similar of technical level, business strategy, corporate culture, and organization structurebetween the alliance members in the multinational technical alliance. Interactivity isthe frequency of the communication and interaction between the alliance members inthe multinational technical alliance.
     (2) The article establishes a theory model about the influence of thecharacteristics of multinational technical alliance on cooperative innovationperformance. This study based on the theoretical basis of multinational technologyalliance, through to the related influence factors of theoretical research and empiricaltest, come to the conclusion, the chimerism, similarity and interactivity of alliancemembers positively impact the cooperative innovation performance throughorganizational learning.
     (3) The article identifies three influencing factors of organizational learning asknowledge acquisition, knowledge integration and knowledge exploitation from theview of knowledge management. Organizational learning have mediation role for thecharacteristics of multinational technical alliance and cooperative innovationperformance.
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