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In recent years, China's petroleum enterprises are facing severe challenges in thedomestic and international business with the intensification of the global energy crisis, whichincreases the pressure and resistance of sustainable development. In this regard, petroleumenterprises speed up strategic adjustment with cost efficiency, restructuring and "going out"as the core, strengthen focus on the profits and costs of enterprises. As an important part ofthe cost of petroleum enterprises, the effective planning of tax expenditures will helppetroleum enterprises to reduce the cost, improve the overall effectiveness and financialmanagement, and enhance the competitiveness in the domestic and international markets.Therefore, it is particularly necessary for petroleum enterprises to do in-depth research on taxplanning and carry out scientific and effective tax planning.
     The paper starts from the principle of tax planning and conducts an in-depth andsystematic study on the tax planning issues of petroleum enterprises by applying the theoriesand approaches of taxation, business management, econometrics, finance, game theory andother disciplines. Firstly, the paper analyzes research status and existent problem of taxplanning, and summarizes the insufficiency in the research about tax planning of petroleumenterprises by summing up the research literature about tax planning at home and abroad.Secondly, the paper makes an overview of concept, classification, principles, basic techniquesand influencing factors of tax planning, introduces the contract theory, effect theory and gametheory related to economic theory, expounds the petroleum enterprises and theircharacteristics, and discusses the internal and external motivations of tax planning for thepetroleum enterprises, which lay a theoretical foundation for further research on tax planningof petroleum enterprises. Thirdly, using the relevant economic theory as an analysis tool, thepaper analyzes the economic effects of tax planning of petroleum enterprises from bothaspects of macro and micro, which shows that tax planning of petroleum enterprises is ofpositive significance. Using decision-making analysis of game theory, the paper dissects theparticipants and their game relationship that may involve in the process of tax planning ofpetroleum enterprises, in order to better provide the theoretical basis for the practice of taxplanning. Fourthly, by summing up the current situation of main tax policy of petroleumenterprises, the paper discusses deficiencies of current tax system of petroleum enterprises,and analyzes the main problems that petroleum enterprises are facing in the tax planningactivities such as the insufficient understanding of tax planning, lack of organization structure, ignoring the positive role of planning and shortage of planning personnel. Fifthly, based onthe tax policy of petroleum enterprises, objectives and the overall framework of tax planningof petroleum enterprises are designed combining with the characteristics of petroleumindustry. With the financial activities to be the main line, the paper concretely analyzesstrategies of tax planning of petroleum enterprises in our country for activities includingfinancing, investment, production and operation, distribution of profits and so on from twoaspects of domestic and multinational operations, including choosing a reasonable form offinancing for financing planning, the form of enterprise organization and investment forinvestment planning, the appropriate way of purchasing, inventory valuation and deduction ofcost and expense for production and operation planning, the design of remuneration systemand the way of profit distribution for profit distribution planning in the process of domesticbusiness, and the thin capitalization, the formation of the international finance corporation forfinancing planning, investment destination and the form of enterprise organization forinvestment planning, transfer pricing and the allocation of multinational service charge forproduction and operation planning, the applying of international tax treaty and the time-delayof repatriating dividends, commodity instead of dividend payment for profit distributionplanning in the multinational business activities. Sixthly, by analyzing an example of apetroleum and gas group corporation for tax planning strategy in the domestic andmultinational business activities including financing, investment, production and operationand profit distribution, the paper further substantiates the feasibility and effectiveness of taxplanning strategy of petroleum enterprises. Finally, the paper analyzes the risks thatpetroleum enterprises are facing in the process of tax planning such as the change of policyenvironment, the deviation of law enforcement of tax authority, business activities, planningoperations, dissects the causes of risk, designs the system of risk assessment including priorrisk assessment, in-process risk monitoring and after risk assessment, and puts forwardmeasures effectively preventing petroleum enterprises from the risk of tax planning includingstrengthening risk awareness of tax planning, paying attention to change of policyenvironment of tax planning, strengthening communication and coordination with the taxauthority, setting up specialized management institution for tax planning, improvingprofessional level of tax planners, establishing internal control system for tax planning,transferring risk through the outsourcing of tax planning and so on.
     The research in this paper is expected to rich theoretical system of tax planning and toprovide theoretical reference and practical guidance for petroleum enterprises to carry outscientific and effective tax planning.
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