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In China, Snack industry is in the ascendant. Its market structure takes on the phase, which is existed traditional and modern, Chinese and western, middle and low. Chinese snack is in inferior position with the competition of western style. With the rapid development of snack, the competition should be very severity between Chinese ami western snack day by day. It is the key that a scientific competitive strategy suitable for the company of Chinese snack should be laid out, which decides the rapid development and the satisfactory market share in whole snack industry in China.
    The essay is basis on the theory of competitive strategy ,which was brought forward by Michaele. Porte." It analyses and studies the enterprise of Chinese snack, it makes comparison with and uses for reference the company of western style snack. It is thought that focus strategy should be adopted by the company of Chinese snack. At the same time, it should be put in practice correlative tactic with the precondition of focus strategy. Then, the company of Chinese style snack can achieve and keep competitive advantage with the company of western snack.
    The structure of the essay follows: The first chapter analyzes the essence of snack, the infection of diet culture of China, the research background and signification. The second chapter sums up and generalizes the theory of competitive strategy. The third chapter analyses opportunities and threats, strengths and Weaknesses of the company of Chinese snack. The fourth chapter emphasize on the necessity and feasibility, why does the company of Chinese style snack select the focus strategy. The essay bring forward the actualizing approach. The five chapter adopts the illustration of Malan Snack Co. Ltd. It specifically analyses the successful exertion and thinks about the change of interior and exterior environment, Malan Snack Co. Ltd should adjust and optimize its tactics, which should surround the focus strategy.
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