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     2. Zn、B肥处理植株的光合物质积累总量相应增加了7%~15%、10%~16.5%,鳞茎的光合物质分配比率相应地增加了0.72%~6.48%、1.79%~7.88%。Mn肥虽使植株的光合物质积累总量增加了10%~16.60%,但鳞茎的光合物质分配比率下降了0.7%~5.19%。
     3. Zn、B、Mn肥处理增加了鳞茎产量,增产效果B肥17.04%>Mn肥13.01%>Zn肥7.50%。本试验在氮、磷、钾肥充足的基础上施Zn、B、Mn肥,Mn肥对兰州百合生长的促进效果比施Zn、B肥效果要差的原因可能是试验地土壤中的Mn素不缺乏。
The Lilium davidii var. unicolor is one of the characteristic vegetables in Gansu province, its bulb is gigantic, crude fiber is few,taste is crisp glutinous soft, sweet and delicate. Besides extremely high edible value and certain pharmacology function, Lilium davidii var. unicolor also has great appreciative value. This experiment take the lily as the research object in Hongsi village, Xiaokang ying country, Yuzhong country, designed different concentrations treatment of zinc、boron and manganese fertilizer.Biological characteristic,plant anti-drought and the yield, internal quality of bulb were conducted to determine microelement fertilizer measures of Lilium davidii var. unicolor . The main results were:
     1. The concentration of 200mg/L of Zn fertilizer and 100 mg/L B fertilizer treatment made plant stem of Lilium davidii var. unicolor stout, highly accessible, leaves lush, leaf area index increased by 6.8% and 12.7% correspondingly, plant green features delayed 5~6 days, alleviated the decline rate of leaves during the latter flower effectively. The concentration of 300mg/L of Mn fertilizer treatment made the poison concentrate on the plants easily, plants small, leaves yellow and wilting, leaf numbers and chlorophyll content dropped by 11.44~17.91% and 6.85%~15.0% correspondingly, lowered the photosynthetic efficiency of leaves, and affected the bulb yield.
     2. Under Zn, B fertilizer ,the accumulation of dry matter increased by 7%~15%, 10%~16.5%, the distribution ratio of bulb dry matter increased by 0.72%~6.48%, 1.79%~7.88%. Although Mn fertilizer treatment made the total accumulation increase by 10%~16.60%, but the distribution ratio of bulb dry matter dropped by 0.7%~5.19%,impacted the bulb yield and internal quality.
     3. Zn, B, Mn fertilizer treatment increased the bulb yield, the yield of B fertilizer treatment increased by 17.04%> Mn fertilizer 13.01%> Zn fertilizer 7.50%. In this experiment, the bulb yield of Zn, B fertilizer treatment were higher than Mn fertilizer may be due to soil which rich in Mn element.
     4. With the 100mg/L ~ 300mg/L concentration range, Zn, B, Mn fertilizer treatment made leaves proline content,soluble sugar content, MDA content and CAT activity increase significantly. The concentration of 200mg/L of Zn, B, Mn fertilizer treatment increased every anti-drought content significantly. leaves proline content increased by 4.81%~23.63%, soluble sugar content increasd by 0.90%~7.37%, MDA content dropped by1.28%~9.64%,CAT activity increasd by 0.20%~2.79%.It improved the ability to adapt to the adverse environment,and eased the danger of drought on the growth and development of Lilium davidii var. unicolor.
     5. With the 100mg/L ~ 300mg/L concentration range, Zn, B, Mn fertilizer treatment increased the bulb dry matter weight,carbohydrate content, crude protein content and entire calcium, magnesium content highly. Comprehensive analysis, 200mg/L is the best concentration of Zn, B, Mn fertilizer to improve the bulb internal quality. The concentration of 200mg/L of Zn, B fertilizer treatment made every bulb internal quality increase by 0.4%~13.73% , 200mg/L of Mn fertilizer made internal quality increase by 1.68%~10.46%. Therefore,Zn, B, Mn fertilizer treatment impacted the internal quality significantly, Zn, B, Mn fertilizer treatment increased soluble sugar content and calcium, magnesium content, made the bulb sweeter, provided certain amount of nutritional value for people.
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