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Picking the period from the Mukden Incident to the severance of diplomatic relations between the United States and Puppet Manchukuo after the Pearl Harbor Incident as the research limit, this dissertation made a thorough investigation of the United States policy towards Puppet Manchukuo by the use of Foreign relations of the United States, Maxwell M. Hamilton Papers and Stanley K. Hornbeck Papers stored in Hoover Institution Archive, and important historical materials such as Manchukuo Government Gazette, Shengjing Times and so on. On the basis of studying the U.S. political attitudes on the one hand and analyzing the economic links on the other, the dissertation focused on the elucidation of subtle issues from broad angles by putting the whole process in the grand background of the U.S. Far East policy, striving for profundity in argument presentations and accuracy in discussions.
     The dissertation consists of three parts: introduction, body and conclusion, and the body is divided into five chapters.
     Chapter I, the introduction, introduced the current state of researches on the U.S. policy towards Puppet Manchukuo, summarized relating academic achievements and pointed out their deficiencies and problems, hereupon explained the reasons of the topic selection of this dissertation, its academic values and practical meanings, and introduced the researching methodology and logical frame of this dissertation.
     Chapter II reviewed the origin and evolution of American northeast China policy. At the end of the 19th century, the U.S. put forward the Open Door Policy toward China. Later, either the policy“to aid Japan to contain Russia”, or the contest against Japan, in the final analysis, was to defend the Open Door Policy and realize its national interests. In 1920’s, although apparently not, actually there were numerous contradictions between the U.S. and Japan. Peace under the Washington System was transient and could not bind up Japan.
     Chapter III discussed the initial establishment of the U.S. policy towards Puppet Manchukuo. After the Mukden Incident, American attitude towards the incident experienced three stages from negative wait-and-see and pass-the-buck to cooperation with League of Nations but without practical actions, and then to the announcement of Stimson Doctrine of Non-Recognition. During the policy-making process, there were often violent arguments because of different opinions between President Hoover and Secretary of State Stimson, of which the biggest may be their disparate ideas about the harm that the incident could bring to America. There are rich materials for this chapter. Besides the incident archives at home, there were also accounts in The Memoirs of Herbert Hoover and in Stimson’s writings, which can be used to very each other together with Foreign relations of the United States. In addition, this chapter made a comment on the Stimson Doctrine and carried out an analysis of the Non-Recognition Doctrine in the light of internal law theories.
     Chapter IV mainly discussed the revaluation of the Unites States on its policy towards Puppet Manchukuo. In 1933, when Roosevelt became the new American president in place of Hoover, it was widely talked in international and American opinion that the United States would change its Manchukuo and Far East policies. Starting from January 1933 when Stimson met Roosevelt to discuss the policy towards Puppet Manchukuo, this chapter on the one hand described Roosevelt’s China views, and on the other hand analyzed the roles of officials from the States Council and relating American diplomats in the making of policy towards Puppet Manchukuo. More importantly, after consulting a large number of historical materials, the author found that in the 1933-1934 American-Puppet Manchukuo relations, a significant historical fact has be neglected all the time, that is Hamilton’s trip to Far East. Through a textual research on Maxwell M. Hamilton Papers and Stanley K. Hornbeck Papers stored in Hoover Institution Archive, this chapter made a thorough analysis on Far East Division’s reevaluation in making the policy towards Puppet Manchukuo.
     Chapter V mainly discussed the 1935-1936 adjustments of the U.S. policy towards Puppet Manchukuo. Because Puppet Manchukuo issued the Oil Monopoly Law on Japan’s instructions to monopolize oil products, America’s economic interest in northeast China suffered heavy blows. U.S. companies represented by the Standard-Vacuum Oil Company exerted pressures on the State Department policy makers to safeguard their business interests in Puppet Manchukuo. On the basis of an analysis of America’s business interest in Puppet Manchukuo, and a comparison by putting it into America’s whole economic interest in east Asia, this chapter analyzed the reasons of the U.S. policies.
     Chapter VI discussed the process of the U.S. withdrawal from Puppet Manchukuo. In 1936, a not-too-big-nor-too-small controversy was provoked about whether the U.S. consulates in Harbin and Mukden (Shenyang) should retreat. In 1937, the launch of Japan’s all-around aggression against china diverted America’s attention to Puppet Manchukuo. While great administration reorganizations were conducted in Puppet Manchukuo in order to support Japan’s invading strategies against China, there were also personnel changes in American Far East Division. It was not until autumn 1941 that the U.S. and Japan held a senior meeting in Washington, but when the war was coming quietly without declaration. On Japan’s instructions Puppet Manchukuo issued the rescript On the Current Situation, which declared the end of the U.S. policy towards Puppet Manchukuo.
     Relations between the U.S. and Puppet Manchukuo lasted ten years, and the U.S. policy towards Puppet Manchukuo constituted a significant part of the wartime U.S. Far East policies. In the light of theories, the making of such policy reflected the double needs of American diplomacy for both idealism and realism, while in the light of practice, the making of such policy was deeply influenced by multiple forces as interest groups and big companies, which reflected the multiple considerations in the process of policy makings, during which the Far East Division played key roles.
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    ①Dean Acheson, Present at the Creation: My Years in the State Department, New York: W.W. Norton, Inc., 1969, p.15.
    ②对30年代国务院的官僚政治所做的深刻写照,见小詹姆斯·汤姆森的《国务院的作用》(James C, Thomson, Jr., The Role of the Department of State, in Dorothy Borg, Shumpei Okamoto ed. Pearl Harbor as History: Japanese-American Relations, 1931-1941, New York: Columbia University Press, pp.81-106.)。
    ②Nelson T. Johnson,又译为纳尔逊·约翰逊。从1930年2月1日开始担任美国驻华公使,1935年9月17日两国外交关系升格为大使级,詹森担任大使至1941年5月14日。Cathal J. Nolan ed., Notable U.S. Ambassadors Since 1775, A Biographical Dictionary, Greenwood Press, pp.201-204.
    ①Charles S. Campbell, Jr., Special Business Interests and the Open Door Policy,New Haven: Yale University Press, 1968, pp.29-30.
    ①William A. Williams, The Tragedy of American Diplomacy, Cleveland and New York: The World Publishing Company, 1959, p.30.
    ②Charles S. Campbell, Jr., Special Business Interests and the Open Door Policy, New Haven: Yale University Press, 1968, p.12.
    ③Walter Lafeber, The New Empire: An Interpretation of American Expansion, 1860-1898, New York: Cornell University Press, 1963, p.375.
    ①Ernest N. Paolino, The Foundations of the American Empire: William Henry Seward and U. S. Foreign Policy, New York: Cornell University Press, 1973, p.26.
    ②Ernest N. Paolino, The Foundations of the American Empire: William Henry Seward and U. S. Foreign Policy, New York: Cornell University Press, 1973, p.29.
    ①United States Department of State, Papers relating to the foreign relations of the United States, 1899, Washington D. C.: Government Printing Office, 1901, pp.129-130. Hereafter cited as FRUS.
    ③Mr. Hay to Mr. Herdliska, July 3, 1900, FRUS, 1900, p.299.
    ②The Annual Message of the President Transmitted to Congress, December 3, 1901, FRUS, 1901, pp. li-liii.
    ③Dana G. Munro, American Commercial Interests in Manchuria, Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Volume 39, China: Socialand Economic Conditions (January, 1912), pp.154-168.该文对美国在东北的商业利益做了详细统计,包括大量表单数据。
    ①Elting Morrison ed., The Letters of Theodore Roosevelt, Volume VII, Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1951, p.764.
    ②Elting Morrison ed., The Letters of Theodore Roosevelt, Volume IV, Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1951, p.724.
    ③Elting Morrison ed., The Letters of Theodore Roosevelt, Volume IV, Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1951, pp.1283-1287.
    ④Elting Morrison ed., The Letters of Theodore Roosevelt, Volume IV, Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1951, p.482.
    ①Lloyd C. Griscom, Diplomatically Speaking, Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1940, p.263.
    ①杨生茂主编:《美国外交政策史(1775-1989)》,北京:人民出版社,1991年,第251页。另据《纽约时报》统计,从1905-1909年间,美国向东北输出的商品由2350万美元,下降到750万美元。New York Times, 1910.6.18.
    ②The Japanese Ambassador to the Secretary of State, November 30, 1908, FRUS, 1908, pp.510-512.
    ①Foster Rhea Dulles, China and America, The story of Their Relations Since 1784, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1946, p.124.
    ③The Secretary of State to Ambassador Reid, November 6, 1909, FRUS, 1910, p.234.
    ③Griswold. A. Whitney, The Far Eastern Policy of the United States, New York: Harcourt, Brace and company, 1938, p.132.
    ④Elting Morrison ed., The Letters of Theodore Roosevelt, Volume VII, Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1951, p.190.
    ④Arther S. Link, ed., The Papers of Woodrow Wilson, Volume 32, New Jersey: Princeton University Press,1979, p.197.
    ①The Japanese Ambassador to the Secretary of State, June 14, 1917, Papers relating to the foreign relations of the United States with the address of the president to Congress, December 4, 1917, p.258.
    ②British Documents on Foreign Affairs, PartⅡ, Series E. Asia, Volume 22, China, p.289.转引自秦珊著:《美国威尔逊政府对华政策研究》,北京:中国社会科学出版社,2005年,第141页。
    ①Agreement Effected by Exchange of Notes between the United States and Japan, Papers relating to the foreign relations of the United States with the address of the president to Congress December 4, 1917, pp.264-265.
    ①Griswold. A. Whitney, The Far Eastern Policy of the United States, New York: Harcourt, Brace and company, 1938, p.217.
    ②New York Times, 1922.2.18.
    ②《关东厅警察长的报告》,《日本外务省档案》,MT. 161425,第7099页。转引自车维汉、朱虹、王秀华著:《奉系对外关系》,沈阳:辽海出版社,2001年,第151页。
    ②即John V. A. Mac Murray,中文又译作马慕瑞或马克谟。1907年进入美国国务院,1913-1917年任美国驻华使馆头等参赞,1919-1924年任美国国务院远东司司长,1924-1925年任助理国务卿。l925-1929年任驻华公使。1930-1933年任霍普金斯大学国际关系学院院长兼教授。1942-1944年任国务卿特别助理,1944年退休。
    ②The Minister in China (Mac Murray) to the Secretary of State, July 22, 1929, FRUS, 1929, Volume II, pp.227-228.
    ①The Secretary of State to the Minister in China (Mac Murray), July 13, 1929, FRUS, 1929, Volume II, p.200.?
    ②? The Secretary of State to the Minister in China (Mac Murray), July 19, 1929, FRUS, 1929, Volume II, pp.215-217.?
    ③? The Secretary of State to the Minister in China (Mac Murray), July 22, 1929, FRUS, 1929, Volume II, p.223.?
    ④? The Minister in China (Mac Murray) to the Secretary of State, July 26, 1929, FRUS, 1929, Volume II, p.250.?
    ⑤? The Secretary of State to the French Ambassador (Claudel), AIDE MEMOIRE, FRUS, 1929, Volume II, pp.242-244.?
    ①The Naval Attache in China (Powell) to Mac Murray, August 2, 1929, FRUS, 1929, Volume II, pp.267-270.
    ②The Secretary of State to the Chargéin Japan (Neville), November 26, 1929, FRUS, 1929, Volume II, pp.350-352.?
    ③? The Secretary of State to Certain Diplomatic Representatives, December 1, 1929, FRUS, 1929, Volume II, p.372.?
    ①The Chargéin China(Perkins) to the Secretary of State, Nov.27, 1929, December 5, 1929, FRUS, 1929, Volume II, pp.392-393.
    ③Rohan Butler, J. P. T. Bury, M. E. Lambert ed., Documents on British Foreign Policy, 1919-1939, Second Series, Volume III, Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1960, pp.826-828.
    ①Rohan Butler, J. P. T. Bury, M. E. Lambert ed., Documents on British Foreign Policy, 1919-1939, Second Series, Volume IX, Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1960, pp.282-283.
    ②Christopher Thorne, The Limits of Foreign Policy: The West, The League, and the Eastern Crisis of 1931-1933, London: Hamish Hamilton, 1972, p.189.
    ①The Minister in China (Johnson) to the Secretary of State, September 19, 1931, FRUS, Japan: 1931-1941, Volume I, p.1.
    ②The Minister in China (Johnson) to the Secretary of State, September 22, 1931, FRUS, Japan: 1931-1941, Volume I, p.5.
    ③Russell D. Buhite, Nelson T. Johnson and American Policy toward China, 1925-1941, East Lansing: Michigan State University Press, 1968, p.163.
    ②Henry L. Stimson, The Far Eastern Crisis: Recollection and Observations, New York: Harper and Brothers, 1936, pp.34-37.
    ③The Secretary of State to the Minister in Switzerland (Wilson), at Geneva, September 23, 1931, FRUS, 1931, Volume III, The Far East, p.48.
    ④Memorandum of Trans-Atlantic Telephone Conversation, FRUS, 1931, Volume III, The Far East, pp.50-51.
    ⑤Memorandum by the Secretary of State, September 22, 1931, FRUS, Japan: 1931-1941, Volume I, pp.5-8.?
    ①The Secretary of State to the Charge in Japan (Neville), September 24, 1931, FRUS, Japan: 1931-1941, Volume I, pp.8-9.
    ①The Vice Consul at Mukden (Lynch) to the Minister in China, September 20, 1931, FRUS, 1931, Volume III, The Far East, p.21.
    ③Henry L. Stimson, The Far Eastern Crisis: Recollection and Observations, New York: Harper and Brothers, 1936, p.67.
    ⑥Resolution Voted Upon by the Council of the League of Nations on October 24, 1931, FRUS, Japan: 1931-1941, Volume I , pp.29-30.?
    ⑦? The Secretary of State to the Consul General at Nanking (Peck), October 27, 1931, FRUS, Volume III, The Far East, p.331.
    ①Memrorandum by the Unddr Secretary of State (Castle), November 2, 1931, FRUS, Volume III, The Far East, p. 351.
    ③Memorandum by the Secretary of State of a Conversation With the Japanese Ambassador (Debuchi), November 19, 1931, FRUS, Japan: 1931-1941, Volume I, pp.45-46.
    ④Memorandum by the Secretary of State, November 22, 1931, FRUS, 1931, Volume III, The Far East, pp.534-535.
    ①Memorandum by the Secretary of State, January 7, 1932, FRUS, 1932. Volume III, The Far East, p.8.
    ①Rohan Butler, J. P. T. Bury, M. E. Lambert ed., Documents on British Foreign Policy, 1919-1939, Second Series, Volume IV, Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1960, pp.102.
    ①Henry L. Stimson, The Far Eastern Crisis: Recollection and Observations, New York: Harper and Brothers, 1936, p.175.
    ③Memorandum by the Secretary of State, March 17, 1932, FRUS, 1932, Volume III, The Far East, p.592.
    ④国联调查团正式成立于1932年1月21日,团长为英国驻国联代表、前印度代理总督罗伯特·李顿(V. A. G. R. Lytton),团员有美国前任菲律宾总督麦考益、法国前任安南(越南)军司令官劳德、德国前任东非总督施奈、意大利前任南美各国公使马柯迪。此外,中国前外交部长顾维钧和日本驻土耳其大使吉田伊三郎作为调查团顾问,分别代表本国政府襄助调查团工作。
    ⑤The Secretary of State to the Consul at Geneva (Gilbert), January 21, 1932, FRUS, 1932, Volume III, The Far East, pp. 42-43; The Secretary of State to the Consul General at Shanghai (Cunningham) , January 29,1932, FRUS, 1932, Volume III, The Far East, pp. 100-101.
    ①The Consul General at Mukden (Myers) to the Minister in China (Johnson), June 3, 1932, FRUS, 1932, Volume IV, The Far East, pp. 58-60.
    ②The Consul General at Harbin (Hanson) to the Minister in China (Johnson), May 23, 1932, FRUS, 1932, Volume IV, The Far East, pp. 33-34.
    ①The Secretary of State to the Minister in China (Johnson), March 8, 1932, FRUS, 1932, Volume III, The Far East, pp. 529-530.
    ②The Secretary of State to Ambassador Guthrie, May 11, 1915, FRUS, 1915, p.146.
    ①Richard N. Current, The Stimson Doctrine and the Hoover Doctrine, The American Historical Review, Volume 59, No. 3. (April, 1954), pp. 513-542.
    ②Elting E. Morison, The Turmoil and Tradition: A Study of the Life and Times of Henry L. Stimson, Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1960, p.312.
    ①关于德拉诺家族与中国的关系,参见邓蜀生著:《罗斯福:自由世界的盟主》,台北:百观出版社,1995年,第17-18页;Nathan Miller, The Roosevelt Chronicles: The Story of a Great American Family, New York: Doubleday and Co., 1979, pp.182-183.
    ②Elliot Roosevelt, As He Saw It, New York: Duell, Sloan and Pearce, 1946, p.158.
    ③Herbert Feis, 1933: characters in crisis, Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1966, pp.48-52.
    ④Charles Beard, American Foreign Policy in the Making, 1932-1940, New Heaven: Yale University Press, 1947, p.137.
    ①Robert Ferrell: American Diplomacy in the Great Depression, Hoover-Stimson Foreign Policy, 1929-1932, New Heaven: Yale University Press, 1957, p. 241.
    ②Charles Beard, American Foreign Policy in the Making, 1932-1940, New Heaven: Yale University Press, 1947, p.141.
    ③Bernard Sternsher, The Stimson Doctrine: F. D. R. Versus Moley and Tugwell, The Pacific Historical Review, Volume 31, No. 3 (August, 1962), p. 284.
    ③Waldo H. Heinrichs, Jr.,“1931-1937,”in Ernest May and James C. Thomas Jr. ed., American-East Asian Relations: A Survey, Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1972, p.252.
    ④Dean Acheson, Present at the Creation: My Years in the State Department, New York: W. W. Norton, Inc., 1969, p.15.
    ①Ernest May and James C. Thomas Jr. ed., American-East Asian Relations: A Survey, Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1972, p.250.
    ③Shizhang Hu, Stanley K. Hornbeck and the Open Door Policy, 1919-1937, London: Greenwood Publishing Group, 1995, p.23.
    ④1916年,霍恩贝克完成《当代远东政治》(Contemporary politics in the Far East)一书,该书出版后风靡一时,曾先后八次再版。霍恩贝克亦因此奠定了远东问题专家的地位。
    ⑤关于霍恩贝克在美国远东政策制定中的作用,可参见Waldo H. Heinrichs, Jr.,“1931-1937”, in Ernest May and James C. Thomas Jr. ed., American-East Asian Relations: A Survey, Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1972, p.217; Frederich W Marks III., Wind over Sand: The Diplomacy of Franklin Roosevelt, Athens: University of Georgia Press, 1988, pp.48-49; Russell D. Buhite,“The Open Door in Perspective,”in Frank J. Merli and Theodore A. Wilson ed., Makers of American diplomacy, from Benjamin Franklin to Henry Kissinger, New York: Simon & Schuster Adult Publishing Group, 1974, pp.431-432. etc.
    ⑥James C. Thomson Jr., The Role of the Department of State in Dorothy Borg, Shumpei Okamoto, Dale K. A. Finlayson ed., Pearl Harbor as History:Japanese-American Relations, 1931-1941, New York: Columbia University Press: 1973, pp.82-83.
    ②Waldo H. Heinrichs Jr., American ambassador: Joseph C. Grew and the development of the United States, New York: Oxford University Press, 1986, p.186.
    ③Joseph C. Grew, Ten years in Japan: A contemporary record drawn from the diaries and private and official papers of Joseph G. Grew, United States ambassador to Japan, 1932-1942, New York: Simon & Schuster, 1944, p.80.
    ④K. Marlin Friedrich, In Search of A Far Eastern Policy: Joseph Grew, Stanley Hornbeck, and American-Japanese relations, 1937-1941, Michigan: University Microfilms, 1980, Preface p. IV.
    ①Trip to Far East, Diary, October 26, 1933.
    ②Trip to Far East, Diary, December 5, December 11, 1933.
    ③The Counnselor of Legation in China (Peck) to the Secretary of State, December 6, 1933, FRUS, 1933, Volume III, The Far East, p.477.
    ①Trip to Far East, Diary, October 26, December 5, December 11, December 12, 1933.
    ③Trip to Far East, Diary, November 2, November 20, November 29, November 27, 1933; January 8, 1934.
    ①MacGregor Clauss, Errol, The Roosevelt Administration and Manchukuo, 1933-1941 , Historian, 32:4 (1970:August), p.601.
    ②The Secretary of State to the Consul General at Shanghai (Cunningham), March 27, 1934, FRUS, 1934, Volume III, The Far East, p.91.
    ②The Ambassador in Japan (Grew) to the Secretary of State, May 8, 1933, FRUS, 1933, Volume III, The Far East, pp.732-733.
    ①The Consul General at Mukden (Myers) to the Acting Secretary of State, June 2, 1933, FRUS, 1933, Volume III, The Far East, p.734.
    ②The Consul General at Mukden (Myers) to the Acting Secretary of State, July 10, 1933, FRUS, 1933, Volume III, The Far East, pp.736-737.
    ③William Bernard Ashbaugh, "The yardstick of trade": The Far Eastern Division and American-East Asian relations, 1933-1935, Ph.D. Dissertation, Temple University, 2000, p.286.
    ①旭日火油公司是壳牌集团于1900年在日本设立的分支机构,英文原名为Rising Sun Petroleum。
    ②1934年美孚在伪满洲国的投资估计达448,096美元,相比之下,它在日本投资为7,108,587美元。参见Irvine H. Anderson, Jr., The Standard-Vacuum Oil Company and United States East Asian Policy, 1933-1941, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1975, p.53, Table II-2.
    ③Irvine H. Anderson, Jr., The Standard-Vacuum Oil Company and United States East Asian Policy, 1933-1941, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1975, pp.54-55.
    ④The American Embassy in Japan to the Japanese Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Informal Memorandum, FRUS, Japan, 1931-1941, Volume I, pp.130-131.
    ①The Japanese Ministry for Foreign Affairs to the American Embassy in Japan, August 2, 1934, FRUS, Japan, 1931-1941, Volume I, pp.132-133.
    ①The Ambassador in Japan (Grew) to the Secretary of State, December 1, 1934, FRUS, 1934, Volume III, The Far East , pp.773-774.
    ③The Ambassador in China (Johnson) to the Secretary of State, FRUS, 1935, Volume III, The Far East, p.933.
    ①Edward W. Chester, United States Oil Policy and Diplomacy: A Twentieth-Century Overview, Westport, Conn. : Greenwood Press, 1983, p.296.
    ④Warren I. Cohen, The Chinese connection: Roger S. Green, Thomas W. Lamont, George E. Sokolsky, and American-East Asian Relations, New York: Columbia University Press, 1978, pp.13-17.
    ①The Consul General at Mukden (Ballantine) to the Chargéin China (Gause), Febrary 16, 1935, FRUS, 1935, Volume III, The Far East, pp.64-65.
    ②Justus D. Doenecke, The Diplomacy of Frustration: The Manchuria Crisis of 1931-1933 as Recealed in the Papers of Stanley K. Hornbeck, Stanford, California: Hoover Institution Press, 1981, p.63.
    ③The Consul General at Mukden (Ballantine) to the Chargéin China (Gause), Febrary 16, 1935, FRUS, 1935, Volume III, The Far East, p. 65.
    ①The Consul General at Harbin (Adams) to the Minister in China (Johnson), March 21, 1935, FRUS, 1935, Volume III, The Far East, pp. 86-88.
    ②New York Times, 1935.7.30.
    ①The Ambassador in China (Johnson) to the Secretary of State, July 29, 1936, FRUS, 1936, Volume IV, The Far East, p.255.
    ④The American Ambassador in Japan (Grew) to the Japanese Minister for Foreign Affairs (Hirota), December 1, 1937, FRUS, Japan: 1931-1941, Volume I, p.154.
    ⑤The Counselor of Embassy in China (Lockhart) to the Secretary of State, December 3, 1937, FRUS, 1937, Volume III, The Far East, p. 946.
    ⑥The Secretary of State to the Coun8elor of Embassy in China (Lockhart), at Peiping, December 23, 1937, FRUS, 1937, Volume III, The Far East, p. 952.
    ②James C. Thomson Jr., The Role of the Department of State in Dorothy Borg, Shumpei Okamoto, Dale K. A. Finlayson ed., Pearl Harbor as History:Japanese-American Relations, 1931-1941, New York: Columbia University Press: 1973, p.84.
    ③James C. Thomson Jr., The Role of the Department of State in Dorothy Borg, Shumpei Okamoto, Dale K. A. Finlayson ed., Pearl Harbor as History:Japanese-American Relations, 1931-1941, New York: Columbia University Press: 1973, p.84.
    ①James C. Thomson Jr., The Role of the Department of State in Dorothy Borg, Shumpei Okamoto, Dale K. A. Finlayson ed., Pearl Harbor as History:Japanese-American Relations, 1931-1941, New York: Columbia University Press: 1973, p.83.
    ②Cordell Hull, The Memoirs of Cordell Hull, Volume I, New York: the Macmillan Company, 1948, pp.894-895.
    ③Cordell Hull, The Memoirs of Cordell Hull, Volume I, New York: the Macmillan Company, 1948, p.895.
    ①Proposal Presented to the Department of State Through the Medium of Private American and Japanese Individuals on April 9, 1941, FRUS, Japan: 1931-1941, Volume II, pp.398-402.
    ②Memnorandumn by the Secretary of State, April 16, 1941, FRUS, Japan: 1931-1941, Volume II, pp.406-407.
    ③Cordell Hull, The memoirs of Cordell Hull, Volume II, New York: Macmillan Co., 1948, p.995.
    ③Renewed Insistence by the Japanese Government upon its Peaceful Purposes-Resumption of Conversations, FRUS, Japan: 1931-1941, Volume II, pp.345-348.
    ①Roberta Wohlstetter, Pearl Harbor: Warning and Decision, Palo Alto, California: Stanford University Press, 1962, p.146.
    ②Roberta Wohlstetter, Pearl Harbor: Warning and Decision, Palo Alto, California: Stanford University Press, 1962, p.146.
    ①George M Waller edited with an introduction, Pearl Harbor : Roosevelt and the coming of the war, D C Heath & Co., 1976, p.338.
    ②Joseph P. Lash, Roosevelt and Churchill, 1939-1941: The Partnership That Saved the West, New York : W. W. Norton, 1976, p.469.
    ③Roberta Wohlstetter, Pearl Harbor: Warning and Decision, Palo Alto, California: Stanford University Press, 1962, p.518.
    ④即苟尔雷(Louis Hill Gourley)。
    ②Dean Acheson, Present at the Creation: My Years in the State Department, New York: W. W. Norton, Inc., 1969, p.15.

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