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Since reform and opening-up over the past 25 years, the industrialization process and socio- economic development in China have made remarkable achievement, however, the urbanization development lags behind relatively. Additionally, a great deal of contradictions and problems in current China's socio-economic development, such as, the problems caused by duality structures in urban and rural areas, three main problems in rural area (problems in agriculture, in rural areas and with farmers), problems in industrial structure adjustment, urban planning and infrastructure construction, rational utilization of land resource and ecological environmental protection etc, unexceptionally have close connections to relative lag of urbanization. Therefore, Chinese Government made principle of "implement urbanization strategy; promote urban and rural areas development semoutanously" as one of the most important items in Tenth Five-Year Plan of the national socio-economic development.The domestic and international industrial clusters with regional characteristics successfully grow, which promote the population migration in urban and growth of the secondary and the tertiary industries, improvement of comprehensive competitiveness, resource sharing and infrastructure joint construction, and generate the remarkable cluster effect. The industrial clusters with regional characteristics in China not only greatly promote the rural industrialization and provide an effective regionally organizational mode of space clusters for small and medium-sized enterprises which are great in number and scattered in location, but also offer the prerequisite and basic condition as key elements for the regional urbanization, meanwhile, the urbanization has upgraded and created more favorable foundation for the further regional industrial structure. Thereby, it has great value and realistic significance to examine China's urbanization development path closely from the new visual angle, structure the theory with importance of "developing the interaction mechanism and operational mode with urbanization and the industrial agglomeration" with Chinese characteristics under the global economic integration background.This research is divided into 6 chapters, and the main content of each chapter is as follows:Chapter one: Introduction. The main introduction sets up the background of the problems, research meaning, definitions and understandings of several concepts, research contents, basic thoughts and technological methodologies, and innovative points and limitations;Chapter two: Literature Review. This paper outlines comments of urbanization development mechanism, gradual industrial structure progress and urbanization relation to domestic and international relevant industries, and latest documents about interaction
    relations between industrial clusters and urbanization;Chapter three analyses mainly relations of the industrial clusters and the urbanization's coupling development. This chapter analyses by collecting universality of industrial clusters at home and abroad, it also analyses the competitive ability of the industrial clusters, the relationship between town group developing and the industrial cluster forming, the relationship between the growth of industrial cluster development zone and the space gradual progress of town development, and the relationship between the growth of industrial clusters and several indexes of urbanization process.Chapter four applies systematic dynamics, to structure the dynamic mechanism of development for industrial clusters and urbanization. It takes Yiwu of Zhejiang Province as an example, and sets up flow chart and pursue of development model for Yiwu city industrial cluster interacting with urbanization. By systematic simulation, it announces systematic dynamic development relation of Yiwu city industrial cluster interacting with urbanization.Chapter five studies and summarizes interacting development model based on specific markets of industrial clusters and urbanization, and "grape bunch " grown up a private regional eco
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