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Objective To study the associativity between the distribution of sympathetic nerve in annulus fibrosus disci intervertebralis and the onset of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis.Methods First,create goat scoliosis model.Each intervertebral disc is divided into four sections-the front left disc,the rear left disc,the front right disc and the rear right disc.Then study sympathetic nerves distribution characteristic of various section in annulus fibrosus disci intervertebralis of goat through NF200 conventional fluorescence dyeing and glyoxalic acid dyeing. meanwhile,scoliosis goats,normal peoples,and AISs,using the same method.
     Results Succeed in establishing goat scoliosis model.Result shows that there is no significant difference in distribution of any two(out of four) sections' sympathetic nerve in normal goats annulus fibrosus disci intervertebralis,there is no significant difference between the sympathetic fibers distribution of convex side and concave side in annulus fibrosus disci intervertebralis of scoliosis goat apical vertebral,there is no significant difference in distribution of any two(out of four) sections' sympathetic fiber in normal peoples annulus fibrosus disci intervertebralis,and there is significant difference between the sympathetic fiber distribution of convex side and concave side in annulus fibrosus disci intervertebralis of AIS apical vertebral-the sympathetic nerve supply of convex side to gain advantage concave side.Conclusions Left and right difference in the distribution of sympathetic nerve in annulus fibrosus disci intervertebralis may be one of etiopathogenisis to the onset of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis.
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