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In the software architecture, the trend for adopting the heterogeneous architecture becomes more and more obvious. The development of middleware gives light on the match among the heterogeneous software architectures. Database middleware is a technology used most extensively and maturely. It can availably wrap to different database system's methods and interfaces, provide some public interfaces for its client to visit the distributed databases in the heterogeneous platform. The database middleware technology is not only an effective way of increasing software productivity, but also it can provide new software with high reliability, high performance, high quality and low cost.
    This paper analyzes a common problem in the process of software engineering from two viewpoints: customers and software engineering technology. Then, It is expounded how to give birth to the database middleware technology. The paper analyzes the database middleware's present situation and its disadvantages. To satisfy requirements, the paper analyzes some characteristics of an ideal database middleware system. This paper constructs a design model of an ideal database middleware system with these characteristics.
    According to the model, this paper implements an experiment system, named XMLDBMW(XML-Based database middleware). The system consists of an administration tool and a database middleware server process. The former is to provide a visual interface for administrator to configure and control system. The latter, which is the core of the system, implements the theories model. XML is used as the standard format for data exchange and Java is used as developing language in the system. And, the design strictly follows related international standards to be convenient for expanding and standardizing in the future.
    Finally, this paper summarizes the main work that the author has completed, and puts forward the direction of further research work.
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