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With economic globalization and the development of information technology, enterprise management decision-making faces with complex and changing internal and external environment, encounters many new challenges such as how to deal with complexity, dynamic and uncertainty. The traditional group decision-making has become into complex large group decision-making, and the corresponding traditional group decision-making coordination mechanism and model have also evolved into a large group of decision-making coordination mechanism and model.
     Currently, the studies about the group decision-making coordination mechanism and model mostly base on small or medium sized group, and can not suit the needs of the large group decision-making coordination. The research direction of the group coordination is not very consistent at home and abroad. In abroad, the studies emphasis on theorys and methods, the domestic researchs mostly concentrate on the innovation of the group decision-making method. Based on the research of the traditional technologies of group coordination of domestic and international, this paper proposed a coordination mechanism and model for the large group decision-making, and further built a large group decision support system.
     The major works of the paper mainly includes following aspects:
     (1) Detailed analyzed the research actuality and developing trends of the causes, type, management methods of conflict in group decision making, and the corresponding coordination technologies and control models of group decision conflict are stated,provide theory support for the further research.
     (2) Based on the research of the traditional group decision-making conflict model and the decision-making characteristics of large group,a conflict coordination framework of large group is analyzed, a two-phase conflict coordination model and mechanism of large group decision-making based on HeXie Management Theory are constructed, the effectiveness of the coordination model is verified through a example.
     (3) Under the support of the large group decision-making methods and the coordination model of group conflicts, and combining the development trend of information system construction, the support environment architecture and run platform-layer structure of a large group decision support system are built, the system's information flow and the main functions of management module are designed so as to form a large group decision support system based on group coordinating using B/S mode.
     (4) Using the ASP.NET platform and combining with WCF services and the Silverlight browser plug-in, main functions of the large group decision support system based on group coordination are achieved, and applied to the practical large group decision-making.
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