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This paper, in accordance with the findings of ground survey in combination with the RS technology and GIS technology, the forest community in terms of its features, landscape special distribution as well as the dynamic process of Pangquangou area were analyzed to establish the health assessment indicator system for an integrated assessment of the forest landscape health condition of the locality.
    In line with the findings of the control area surveys, the growth, regeneration, biodiversity, community ecological niche, inter-species competitive intensity, clustering intensity of the Pangquangou area forest community were studied. And the following conclusions were drawn. Pangquangou area contains high biodiversity. Among the five typical communities, the herb layer has the highest species richness index, followed by those of the shrub layer and the arbor layer. The better the forest growth and regeneration is , the better the pure spruce forest regenerated; The total quantity of forest regeneration rises first but then falls with the increase of the altitude; As far as the slope degree is concerned, the regeneration at the plain and less steep locations is better than that of the forest located at the steep slopes; With the aspect, the regeneration at the shady slope is better that of the sunny slope. The overlapping values of the ecological niche of the dominant communities are higher, with higher too the similarity proportional value. For the intra-species competition, the performance is: Larix principis-rupprechtii >spruce>Red Birch> White Birch >Guandi Willow>Catalpa>David poplar. The competitive intensity has obvious power funcitonnon-linear equation relation to the oak diameters. At sites of lower altitude (1950m -2050m) and the sunny slope, cluster distribution is the main feature is the distribution of the Larix principis-rupprechtii community, with high level of clustering while at the sites of high altitude (2050m- 2250m) and the shady slope, the Larix principis-rupprechtii community tends to distribute randomly with lower level of clustering.
    With the data of three courses of RS, the paper conducted analysis to the forest landscape distribution and the dynamic process of the Pangquangou area, which concluded that the forested land as the base of the Pangquangou area landscape plays the dominant role in controlling the landscape general structure, functions and the dynamic processes. Locations with higher general landscape variation contains richer landscape types. The results of the dynamic analysis indicate that with the expansion of the average scale of the forested land patch, the form of the patch turns to be more complicated, the landscape diversity declined, and the uniformity index tended to be at the low level, explaining that the dominant types of the landscape (Larix principis-rupprechtii forest and the spruce forest) gradually strengthened its dominant positions to make the general landscape variation level lower.
    A set of forest landscape health assessment indicator system suitable for Pangquangou area and in terms of the landscape variation, Patch features, productivity, organizational structure, resistance, site condition was set up for the assessment of the current Pangquangou area forest landscape health. Meanwhile, the integrated model of forest landscape health assessment was established to form the assessment method comprising indicator system, indicator weigh, integrated assessment model assessment grades. The model was adopted to make a integrated assessment for the Pangquangou area forest landscape health to get the general assessment score of 0.70, indicating a general good health condition of the Pangquangou area forest landscape.
    The paper contained unique understanding and innovation in establishing method of forest landscape health indicator, integrated assessment and analysis methods, the analysis and assessment methods and results have certain contribution and practical application values to the forestry managerial and production activities in the Pangquangou area as well as the current forest quality assessment in China.
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