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Castle is an important bearer of Western European medieval civilization. It reflects thesocial's basical information at that time, and none can understand it exactly without anyknowledge about medieval societies. Then Western European medieval castles contain basicalinformation of the society at that time, and the people who live in the society nowadays needssome social background knowledge to understand them. These needs to be analysised multiply ina point of historical sociology. Beside the introduction and conclusion, this article divides fiveparts: the overview of medieval castles; the castles under the economic field; castles-theweatherglass of political evolution; castles in the war; the culture factor of castles vicissitude.
     Medieval Castles was not simply fortification, its "ternary syncretism" of military, residenceand private made it different from fortifications of other periods. Frank Continent was theoriginal region of castles, and Norman Conquest brought it into England; Castles had several ofsocial function, which contained economy, political, military culture and so on; the type ofcastles present diversification because of division standard, and its geographical distribution haddifferent investigation because of the level difference. In view of comprehensive social reason,the number of castles dropped off gradually; its model developed to the type of mason,complexity and palace; its function development tendency was from functionalism to culturalsymbolism.
     The certain economic formation was the primary cause of castles rise in early middle age.In original traditional society, economy aspect produced deep demand to castles, such asdeficient state revenue, feudal land system, manorial business model; however, the rise ofcastles also had the important role in protecting the economic activities, promote town market,construction industry and the development of urbanization. Following the breakup of manorialeconomy, the growing up and booming of monetary economy and voyage commerce, theeconomic base of castles resulted ultimate vacillation.
     The political fission and the political reality of authority localization were the importantreason in early middle age. The transformation of political environment made important impactto development of castle, which contained balance of power of royal-aristocracy power, noblerebels, throne wars, border situation and so on. Following the establishment of centralizationtendency, which outstanding feature of the specialization of government institutions and offices,the non-feudalization of local administration, and the unification of the state judicial system, thepolitical aspect of castles existence occurred change and losses its political necessity gradually.
     The structural character of feudal armies which knights became its nuclear, and theenvironment of unrest wars in early middle age society were immediate ca use of castles rise. The war's character of multiply, balkanization, plunder and violence provided the developmentof castles sufficient military necessary. The military function of castles got long-time value,because it was closely related with certain military technology and tactics. Following thereducing of social truceless, the revolution of army structural form and military technology andtactics, and the military function of castles fallen into a decline gradually.
     Cultural concepts and ideology of medieval society had the slow impact to the rise andevolution of castles. As the most important strategical obstructive and instrument in medievalwar, the castles reflected the war culture and experience in early middle age. In turn, the rise anddecline of castles had important influence to the development of social culture, such as landscapedesign, symbol, structural aesthetics, castle literature and historiography.
①Edward King, Munimenta Antiqua or Observations on Antient Castles including remarks on the whole progress ofArchitecture, especially vol. Ⅲ, London1804.转引Joan Counihan,“The Growth of Castle Studies in England and on theContinent since1850”, Anglo-Norman StudiesⅪ,1989, p.77.
    ②Ella S.Armitage, The Early Norman Castles of the British Isles, London:John Murray,1912,p.1.
    ④E.S.Armitage, letter to Goddard Orpen,14,September1911, in the possession of the National library of Ireland, ms.17784.转引自Joan Counihan,“The Growth of Castle Studies in England and on the Continent since1850”, Anglo-Norman StudiesⅪ,1989, p.78.
    ①Ella S.Armitage, the Early Norman Castles of the British Isles, London,1912, p.70.
    ②Ella S.Armitage, the Early Norman Castles of the British Isles, London,1912, p.63.
    ③P.A.M.S., Review, the Burlington Magazine for Connoisseurs, Vol.22, No.115,1912, p.53.
    ④乔治尼尔森先生(Mr. George Neilson)和戈达德奥彭先生(Mr. Goddard Orpen)已经在苏格兰和爱尔兰早期土丘城堡的研究上作出贡献。
    ⑤Ella S.Armitage,“The Early Norman Castles of England”, The English Historical Review, Vol.19, No.74(1904), pp.209-245.和Ella S. Armitage,“The Early Norman Castles of England (Continued)”, The English Historical Review, Vol.19, No.75(1904),pp.417-455.
    ⑥B.K.Davison, Early Earthwork castles: a New Model, Chǎteau-Gaillard,1969, p.3.
    ⑦B.K.戴维森:《英格兰城堡的起源》(B.K.Davison, The Origins of the Castle in England: The Institute’s Research Project),考古杂志(Archaeological Journal)第124卷,1967,第202-211页;R.A.布朗:《一位历史学家对英国城堡起源的探讨》(R.A.Brown, An Historian’s approach to the Origins of the Castle in England),考古杂志,(Archaeological Journal)第126卷,1969,第131-148页。阅读这两篇论文可进一步了解当时关于城堡起源的论战。
    ①D.J.卡斯卡特金:《英国城堡:英格兰、威尔士及其岛屿的城堡索引和目录》(D.J.Cathcart King, CastellariumAnglicanum),纽约:克劳斯国际出版公司1983年版。
    ③Robert Liddiard, Castles in Context: Power, Symbolism and Landscape,1066-1500,Windgather Press, p.5.
    ④A.Hamilton Thompson, Military Architecture in England during the Middle Age,1912, p.58.
    ⑤A.Hamilton Thompson, Military Architecture in England during the Middle Age,1912, p.59.
    ⑥P.A.M.S., Review, the Burlington Magazine for Connoisseurs, Vol.22, No.115,1912, p.52.
    ①Robert Liddiard, Castles in Context: Power, Symbolism and Landscape,1066-1500,Windgather Press, p.3.
    ②R. Allen Brown, Allen Brown’s English Castles, New York,2004, Introduction, p.Ⅹ.
    ③C. L. H. Coulson, Castles in Medieval Society, Oxford, Introduction.
    ④该书首次出版于1954年,后来多次再版。本文依据的版本是:R.A.Brown, Allen Brown's English Castles, Woodbridge:Boydell Press,2004.
    ①M.W.Thompson, The Decline of the castle, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,2008.
    ②M.W.Thompson, The Rise of the castle, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,2008.
    ③Joseph and Frances Gies, Life in a Medieval Castle, London: Harper and Row, Publishers,1974.
    ④N.J.G.Pounds, The Medieval Castle in England and Wales, a Social and Political History, Cambridge: Cambridge UniversityPress,1990.
    ⑤C. L. H. Coulson, Castles in Medieval Society, Oxford: Oxford University Press,2003.
    ⑥Ander Vauchez, Encyclopedia of the Middle Age Vol.1, Cambridge: James Clarke&Co Ltd,2000.
    ①Brauer Jurgen, Hubert van Tuyll, Castles Battles and Bombs: How Economics Explains Military History, Chicago: ChicagoUniversity Press,2008.
    ②Charles Coulson,Structural Symbolism in Medieval CastleArchitecture, Journal of the British Archaeological Association,vol.132,1979, pp.73-90.
    ③参见N.J.G.Pounds, The Medieval Castle in England and Wales, a Social and Political History, Cambridge: CambridgeUniversity Press,1990.
    ①Oliver Creighton and Robert Higham, Medieval castles, Shire Press Ltd.,2003.
    ②R.Allen Brown, Castles: A history and Guide, Dorset: Blanford Press,1980.
    ③Lise E. Hull, Britain’s Medieval Castles, London: Greenwood Press,2006.
    ④W.G.Hoskin, The Making of the English Landscape, London: Hodder&Stoughton,1955.
    ⑤城堡研究协会(Castle Studies Groups),创建于1987年,由英格兰最出色的城堡学者组成并向其他所有人开放,其宗旨是促进城堡研究。
    ⑥R.Muil, The New Reading the Landscape: Fieldwork in Landscape History, Exeter: Exeter University Press,2000.
    ⑦O.H.Creighton,Castles and Landscape, London:Continuum,2002.
    ⑧Robert Liddiard, Castles in Context: Power, Symbolism and Landscape,1066-1500, Bollington: Windgather Press,2005.
    ②Sarah Speight, British Castle Studies in the Late20thand21stCenturies, History Compass2,2004, p.15.
    ①R.Allen Brown, The Architecture of Castles: a Visual Guide, New York: Fact on File,1984, p.7.
    ②Ander Vauchez, Encyclopedia of the Middle Age Vol.1, p.251.
    ③Edward D. English, Encyclopedia of the Middle World Vol.1, New York: Facts On File,2005, p.158.
    ④Plantagenet Somerset Fry, The David and Charles Book of Castles, Newton, Abbot, Devon: David and Charles,1980,p.9.
    ⑤R.Allen Brown, Allen Brown's English Castles, New York: Boydell Press,2004, p.3.
    ①Frank Sear, Roman Architecture, New York: Cornell University Press,1983, pp.45-46.
    ②[法]Jean Mesqui著,赵念国译:《城堡—从战争时期到和平年代》,上海:上海书店出版社,2004.,第14页。
    ③Robert Bartlett, England under the Norman and Angevin Kings1075-1225, Oxford: Clarendon Press,2000, pp.269-270.
    ④Jean-Denis G.G.Lepace, Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe, an illustrated History, Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland,2002, p.5.
    ①N.J.G.Pounds, The Medieval Castle in England and Wales, a Social and Political History, Cambridge: Cambridge UniversityPress,1990p.300.
    ②Jean-Denis G.G. Lepace, Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe, an Illustrated History. Efferson, N.C.: McFarland,p.16.
    ①Joseph and Frances Gies, Life in a Medieval Castle, London: Harper and Row, Publishers,1974, p12.
    ②A. Hamilton Thompson, Military Architecture in England during the Middle Age, Oxford,1912, p.1.
    ③Sidney Toy, Castles: Their Construction and History, Dover Publications, INC.,1985, p.37.
    ①Sidney Toy, Castles: Their Construction and History, Dover Publications, INC.,1985, p.38.
    ②Sidney Toy, Castles: Their Construction and History, Dover Publications, INC.,1985, p.39.
    ③A. Hamilton Thompson, Military Architecture in England during the Middle Age, Oxford,1912, p.24.
    ④有时也被称之为《温摩尔协议》(Treaty of Wedmore),是历史学家在论及僧侣阿瑟(Asser)在阿尔弗雷德一生中一次事件的术语。该事件概括了878年维京人领导人格思穆(Guthrum)受洗,并认阿尔弗雷德为他的养父,并同意离开威塞克斯。该协议经常被历史学家认为是存在的,但也没有文件特别的提到该协议。详情请看维基百科http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treaty_of_Wedmore.
    ⑤Sidney Toy, Castles: Their Construction and History, Dover Publications, INC.,1985, p.51.
    ⑥R. Allen Brown, The Architecture of Castles: A Visual Guide, New York: Facts on File Publicatiobs,1984, p.27.
    ①Ordericus Vitalis, The Ecclesiatical History of England and Normandy, translated with notes and the introduction of Guizotby thomas Forester, M.A., First AMS edition,1968, p.19.
    ①R.A..Brown, H.M.Colvin,A.J.Taylor, The History of the King's Works,Vol.Ⅱ, London: Her Majestry's Stationery Office,1963, pp.553,554,612.
    ②R. Allen Brown, The Architecture of Castles A Visual Guide, New York,1984, p.28.
    ①R. Allen Brown, The Architecture of Castles A Visual Guide, New York,1984, p.20.
    ②R. Allen Brown, The Architecture of Castles A Visual Guide, New York,1984, p.29.
    ③Ella S.Armitage, The Early Norman castles of the Britain Isles, London,1912, p.82.
    ④Robert Higham and Philip Barker, Timber Castles, B.T.Batsford Ltd,1992, p.326.
    ⑤Ella S.Armitage, The Early Norman castles of the Britain Isles, London,1912, p.82.
    ⑥Joseph and Frances Gies, Life in a Medieval castle, London: Harper and Row, Publishers,1974, p.9.
    ⑧R. Allen Brown, The Architecture of Castles A Visual Guide, New York,1984, p.20.
    ①Joseph and Frances Gies, Life in a Medieval castle, London: Harper and Row, Publishers,1974, p.24.
    ①Allcroft, A.H., Earthwork of England: Prehistoric, Roman, Saxon, Danish, Norman and Medieval, London, KessingerPublishing, LLC,1908.
    ②R.A.Brown, H.M.Colvin, A.J.Taylor, The History of the King's Works,Vol.Ⅱ, London: Her Majestry's Stationery Office,1963,pp.595,588.
    ③N.J.G.Pounds, The Medieval Castle in England and Wales, a social and political history, Cambridge University Press,1990,p.231.
    ④Ella S.Armitage, The Early Norman castles of the Britain Isles, London,1912, p.85.
    ⑤Ella S.Armitage, The Early Norman castles of the Britain Isles, London,1912, pp.103,107,121.
    ⑥King, D.J.C., Castellarium Anglicannum,2vols,London,1983.
    ①Ella S.Armitage, The Early Norman Castles of the Britain Isles, London,1912, pp.160,216.
    ②O.H.Creighton, Castles and Landscapes, London:Continuum,2002, pp.210-212.
    ③R.A.Brown, H.M.Colvin, A.J.Taylor, The History of the King's Works,Vol.Ⅱ, London: Her Majestry's Stationery Office,1963,pp.583,616,624,667,677.
    ④R.A..Brown, H.M.Colvin,A.J.Taylor, The History of the King's Works,Vol.Ⅱ, London: Her Majestry's Stationery Office,1963, pp.553,624,745,749,778.
    ①O.H.Creighton, Castles and Landscapes, London:Continuum,2002, p.186.
    ②John Beeler, Castles and Strategy in Norman and early Angevin England, Speculun,31,1956.
    ③Richard Eales, Royal Power and Castles in Norman England, in Robert Liddiard, Anglo-Norman Castles, the Boydell Press,2003, p.54.
    ④Hilarire Belloc, Warfare in England, London,1912.
    ①Sidney Painter, English Castles in the early Middle age: Their Number, Location and Legal position, Speculum, vol.10, No.3,1935,p.323.
    ②Richard Eales, Royal Power and Castles in Norman England, in Robert Liddiard, Anglo-Norman Castles, the Boydell Press,2003, p.55.
    ③O.H.Creighton, Castles and Landscapes, London:Continuum,2002, p.36.
    ④O.H.Creighton, Castles and Landscapes, London:Continuum,2002, p.36.
    ①R.Allen Brown, H.M.Colvin,A.J.Taylor, The History of the King's Works, Vol1, London: Her Majesty'sAtationery Office,1963, p.25.
    ③Sidney Painter, English Castles in the early MiddleAge: Their Number, Location and Legal position, Speculum, vol.10, No.3,1935,p.324.
    ④Robert Liddiard, Castles in Context Power, Symbolism and Landscape,1066-1500,Windgather press,2005, p.132.
    ①O.H.Creighton, Castles and Landscapes, London:Continuum,2002, p.39.
    ②King, D,J.Cathcart, The Castle in England and Wales: An Interpretative History, London:Croom Helm, p.11.
    ③Richard Eales, Royal Power and Castles in Norman England, in Robert Liddiard, Anglo-Norman Castles, the Boydell Press,2003, p.54.
    ④O.H.Creighton, Castles and Landscapes, London:Continuum,2002, p.52.
    ⑤O.H.Creighton, Castles and Landscapes, London:Continuum,2002, p.51.
    ①O.H.Creighton, Castles and Landscapes, London:Continuum,2002, p.187.
    ③N.J. Pounds, The Medieval Castle in England and Wales, a Social and Political History, Cambridge University Press,1990,p.295
    ④N.J. Pounds, The Medieval Castle in England and Wales, a Social and Political History, Cambridge University Press,1990,p83-84。
    ④Joseph and Frances Gies, Life in a Medieval castle, London: Harper and Row, Publishers,1974, p.187.
    ⑤[法]Jean Mesqui著,赵念国译:《城堡-从战争时期到和平年代》,上海:上海书店出版社,2004,第138-139页。
    ①[法]Jean Mesqui著,赵念国译:《城堡-从战争时期到和平年代》,上海:上海书店出版社,2004,第15页。
    ②N.J.G.Pounds,The Medieval Castle in England and Wales, a Social and Political History, Cambridge university press,1990,p.296.
    ③N.J. Pounds, The Medieval Castle in England and Wales, a Social and Political History, Cambridge University Press,1990,p.298.
    ④Robert Liddiard, Castles in Context, Power, Symbolism and landscape,1066-1500, Windgather press,2005, p.3.
    ①Joseph and Frances Gies, Life in a Medieval castle, London: Harper and Row, Publishers,1974, p.222.
    ②N.J. Pound, The Medieval Castle in England and Wales, a Social and Political History, Cambridge University Press,1990,p256.
    ③R. Allen Brown, AList of Castles,1154-1216, the English History Review, Vol.74, No.291,1959, p.249.
    ④John Beeler, List of Castles in England and Wales,1052-1189, in Warfare in England1066-1189,1966, pp.397-426.
    ①D.Renn, Norman Castles in Britain, London and New York,1968.
    ②Robert liddiard, Anglo-Norman Castles, The Boydell press,2003, p.47.
    ③Robert Liddiard, Castles in Context, Power, Symbolism and landscape,1066-1500, Windgather press,2005, p.71.
    ④Robert liddiard, Anglo-Norman Castles, The Boydell press,2003, p.48.
    ⑥F.M.Stenton, The First Century of English Feudalism1066-1166, Oxford: Clarendon Press,1932, p.199.
    ⑦Sidney Painter, English Castles in the Early MiddleAge: Their Numbers, Location, and Legal Position, Speculum, Vol.10,No.3,1935, p.322-323.
    ⑧Richard Eales, Royal Power and Castles in Norman England, in Robert Liddiard, Anglo-Norman Castles, the Boydell Press,2003, p.51.
    ①由The History of the King's WorksⅠ, pp.21-23所整理。
    ③N.J. Pounds, The Medieval Castle in England and Wales, a Social and Political History, Cambridge University Press,1990,p.57.
    ④R. Allen Brown, AList of Castles,1154-1216, the English History Review, Vol.74, No.291,1959, p.249.更为详细的目录请看该论文的第261至280页。
    ①R.Allen Brown, H.M.Colvin, a.J.Taylor, The History of the King's Works, Vol1, London: Her Majesty'sAtationery Office,1963, pp.111,113.
    ②详情见R.Allen Brown, H.M.Colvin, The History of the King's WorksⅡ,Her Majestry's Stationery Office,1963, pp.553-895.包括威尔士和苏格兰。
    ③[法]Jean Mesqui著,赵念国译:《城堡—从战争时期到和平年代》上海:上海书店出版社,2004.,第22-23页。
    ④[法]Jean Mesqui著,赵念国译:《城堡—从战争时期到和平年代》上海:上海书店出版社,2004.,第25页。
    ①R.Allen Brown, English Castles, The Boydell Press,2004, p.3.
    ②详见Caernarfon Castle, http://www.castlewales.com/caernarf.html.
    ①N.J.G.Pounds, The Medieval Castle in England and Wales, a Social and Political History, Cambridge: Cambridge UniversityPress,1990, p.256.
    ②[法]Jean Mesqui著,赵念国译:《城堡—从战争时期到和平年代》上海:上海书店出版社,2004.年,第140页。
    ③这一内容详见Marilyn Stokstad, Medieval Castles, Greenwood Press,2005, p.77.
    ①Joseph and Frances Gies, Life in a Medieval Castle, London: Harper and Row Publishers,1974, p.219.
    ⑤Richard Eales, Royal Power and Castles in Norman England, in Robert Liddiard, Anglo-Norman Castles, the Boydell Press,2003, p.52.
    ①Joseph and Frances Gies, Life in a Medieval Castle, London: Harper and Row Publishers,1974, p.220.
    ②N.J.G.Pounds,The Medieval Castle in England and Wales, a Social and Political History, Cambridge: Cambridge universitypress,1990, p.249.
    ③R. Allen Brown, Allen Brown's English Castle, Woodbridge: The Boydell Press, p.169.
    ②[法]Jean Mesqui著,赵念国译:《城堡—从战争时期到和平年代》上海:上海书店出版社,2004.,第15-16页。
    ③GeraldA.J.Hodgentt, A Social and Econnomic History of Medieval Europe, Routledge,2006, p.33.
    ⑧GeraldA.J.Hodgentt, A Social and Econnomic History of Medieval Europe, Routledge,2006, p.124.
    ①Lise E. Hull, Britain's Medieval Castles, Greenwood Press,2006, p.24.
    ④GeraldA.J.Hodgentt, A Social and Econnomic History of Medieval Europe, Routledge,2006, pp.34-35.
    ①O.H.Creighton, Castles and Landscapes, London:Continuum,2002, p.177.
    ①O.H.Creighton, Castles and Landscapes, London:Continuum,2002, p.164.
    ②O.H.Creighton, Castles and Landscapes, London:Continuum,2002, p.165
    ①O.H.Creighton, Castles and Landscapes, London:Continuum,2002, p.165.
    ③O.H.Creighton, Castles and Landscapes, London:Continuum,2002, p.164.
    ④C.G. Harfield,“AHand-List of Castles Recorded in the Domesday Book”, the English Historical Review, Vol.106,No.419(1991), p.390.
    ⑥GeraldA.J.Hodgentt, A Social and Econnomic History of Medieval Europe, Routledge,2006, p.128.
    ①GeraldA.J.Hodgentt, A Social and Econnomic History of Medieval Europe, Routledge,2006, p.128.
    ②Edward Miller, John Hatcher, Medieval England: Towns, Commerce and Crafts1086-1348, New York: Longman GroupLimited,1995, p.87.
    ③Edward Miller, John Hatcher, Medieval England: Towns, Commerce and Crafts1086-1348, New York: Longman GroupLimited,1995, p.87.
    ②O.H.Creighton, Castles and Landscapes, London:Continuum,2002, pp.151-153.
    ③M.W.Bereford, New Towns of Middle Age, London: Lutterworth Press,1967, p183.
    ④M.W.Bereford, New Towns of Middle Age, London: Lutterworth Press,1967, pp.334-335.
    ③N.J.G.Pounds,The Medieval Castle in England and Wales, a social and political history, Cambridge University Press, p.160.
    ④Nigel Saul, The Oxford Illustrated History of Medieval England, Oxford: Oxford University Press,1997, p.109.
    ⑤O.H.Creighton, Castles and Landscapes, London:Continuum,2002, p.153.
    ⑥由The History of the King's WorksⅠ, pp.21-23所整理。
    ①G.Martin, Ann Williams, Domesday Book:AComplete Translation, penguin Classic,2004
    ②C.G. Harfield,“AHand-List of Castles Recorded in the Domesday Book”, the English Historical Review, Vol.106,No.419(1991), pp.371-392
    ②Colin Platt, Medieval England, A Social History and Archaeology from the Conquest to1600AD, London: Routledge,1994,p.126.
    ②Edward Miller, John Hatcher, Medieval England: Towns, Commerce and Crafts1086-1348, New York: Longman GroupLimited,1995, pp.396-397.
    ⑧Nigel Saul,The Oxford Illustrated History of Medieval England, Oxford: Oxford University Press,1997, p.151.
    ③Edward Miller, John Hatcher, Medieval England: Towns, Commerce and Crafts1086-1348, New York: Longman GroupLimited,1995, p.399.
    ⑤Nigel Saul, The Oxford Illustrated History of Medieval England, Oxford: Oxford University Press,1997, p.104.
    ⑦N.J.G.Pounds, The Medieval Castle in England and Wales, a social and political history, Cambridge: Cambridge UniversityPress,1990,p.251.
    ⑧Joseph and Frances Gies, Life in a Medieval Castle, London: Harper and Row Publishers,1974, pp.219-220.这段译文来自网上译文,特此摘录。
    ①Nigel Saul, Yhe Oxford Illustrated History of Medieval England, Oxford: Oxford University Press,1997, p.155.
    ②Nigel Saul, The Oxford Illustrated History of Medieval England, Oxford: Oxford University Press,1997, p.159.
    ④Nigel Saul, The Oxford Illustrated History of Medieval England, Oxford: Oxford University Press,1997, p.159.
    ⑤Nigel Saul, the Oxford Illustrated History of Medieval England, Oxford: Oxford University Press,1997, p.155.
    ①Deno.J.Geanakoplos, Medieval Westerm Civilizationand the Byazntine and Islamic World, D.C.Heath and Company,1979,p.190.
    ②Susan Reynolds, An Introduction to the History of English Medieval Towns, Clarendon Press1982, p.87.
    ⑤Joseph and Frances Gies, Life in a Medieval castle, London: Harper and Row, Publishers,1974, p.55.
    ⑥Colin Platt, Medieval England, A Social History and Archaeology from the Conquest to1600AD, London: Routledge,1994,pp.4-5.
    ⑦R.Allen Brown, Allen Brown's English Castles, Woodbridge: the Boydell Press,2004, p.105.
    ②详情请看Sidney Toy, Castles: Their Construction and History, New York: Dover Publications, INC.,1984, p.216.和MarilynStokstad, Medieval Castles, Lodon: Greenwood Press,2005, p.69.
    ③Marilyn Stokstad, Medieval Castles, Lodon: Greenwood Press,2005, p.69.
    ②N.J.G.Pounds, The Medieval Castle in England and wales: A Social and Political History, Cambridge: Cambridge UniversityPress,1990, p.3.
    ③N.J.G.Pounds, The Medieval Castle in England and Wales, a Social and Political History, Cambridge: Cambridge UniversityPress,1990, p.4.
    ①N.J.G.Pounds, The Medieval Castle in England and Wales, a Social and Political History, Cambridge: Cambridge UniversityPress,1990, p.4-5.
    ④John Gillingham and RalphA. Griffiths, Medieval Britain:a very Short Introduction, Oxford: Oxford University Press,pp.1-2.
    ⑤N.J.G.Pounds, The Medieval Castle in England and Wales, a Social and Political History, Cambridge: Cambridge UniversityPress,1990, p.4.
    ⑥N.J.G.Pounds, The Medieval Castle in England and Wales, a Social and Political History, Cambridge: Cambridge UniversityPress,1990, p.4.
    ⑦此处为作者笔误,卡利斯布鲁克非威廉一世建造,而是建于爱德华一世统治期间,为怀特岛(Isle of Wight)上的城堡。详见于R.Allen Brown, H.M.Colvin, a.J.Taylor, The History of the King's Works, Vol2, London: Her Majesty'sAtationery Office,1963, p.591.
    ③R.Allen Brown, H.M.Colvin, a.J.Taylor, The History of the King's Works, Vol1, London: Her Majesty'sAtationery Office,1963, p.23.
    ④N.J. Pounds, The Medieval Castle in England and Wales, a Social and Political History, Cambridge University Press,1990,p.5.
    ⑦N.J. Pounds, The Medieval Castle in England and Wales, a Social and Political History, Cambridge: Cambridge UniversityPress,1990, p.295.
    ⑨N.J. Pounds, The Medieval Castle in England and Wales, a Social and Political History, Cambridge: Cambridge UniversityPress,1990, p.5.
    ②N.J. Pounds, The Medieval Castle in England and Wales, a Social and Political History, Cambridge: Cambridge UniversityPress,1990, p.5.
    ②Robert Bartlett, England under the Norman and Angevin Kings1075-1225, Oxford: Claredon Press,2000, p.147.
    ④N.J. Pounds, The Medieval Castle in England and Wales, a Social and Political History, Cambridge: Cambridge UniversityPress,1990, p.92.
    ①Robert Bartlett, England under the Norman and Angevin Kings1075-1225, Oxford: Claredon Press,2000, p.157.
    ②Robert Bartlett, England under the Norman and Angevin Kings1075-1225, Oxford: Claredon Press,2000, p.177.
    ③F.W.Maitland, Domesday Book and Beyond, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1987, p.307.
    ①R,Allen Brown, The Normans and the Norman Conquest second edition, Woodbridge: The Boydell Press,1985, p.182.
    ①N.J.G.Pounds, The Medieval Castle in England and Wales, a Social and Political History, Cambridge: Cambridge UniversityPress,1990, p.27.
    ②N.J.G.Pounds, The Medieval Castle in England and Wales, a Social and Political History, Cambridge: Cambridge UniversityPress,1990, p.29.
    ③N.J.G.Pounds, The Medieval Castle in England and Wales, a Social and Political History, Cambridge: Cambridge UniversityPress,1990, p.27.
    ①R.Allen Brown, H.M.Colvin, a.J.Taylor, The History of the King's Works, Vol1, London: Her Majesty'sAtationery Office,1963, p.41.
    ②Robert Liddard, Anglo-Norman Castles, Woodbridge:The Boydell Press,2003, p.139.
    ③Robert Bartlett, England Under the Norman and Angevin Kings,1075-1225, Oxford:Clarendon Press,2000, p.280.
    ①Robert Liddard, Anglo-Norman Castles, Woodbridge: The Boydell Press,2003, p.143.
    ②R.Allen Brown, H.M.Colvin, a.J.Taylor, The History of the King's Works, Vol1, London: Her Majesty'sAtationery Office,1963, p.113.
    ③Robert Liddard, Anglo-Norman Castles, Woodbridge: The Boydell Press,2003, p.137.
    ④Robert Bartlett, England under the Norman and Angevin Kings,1075-1225, Oxford:Clarendon Press,2000, p.279.
    ⑤R.Allen Brown, AList of Castles,1154-1216, The English Historical Review, Vol.74, No.291,1959, p.249.
    ①Joseph and Frances Gies, Life in a Medieval castle, London: Harper and Row, Publishers,1974, pp.186-187.
    ③N.J.G.Pounds, The Medieval Castle in England and Wales, a Social and Political History, Cambridge: Cambridge UniversityPress,1990, p.52.
    ④R.Allen Brown, H.M.Colvin, a.J.Taylor, The History of the King's Works, Vol1, London: Her Majesty'sAtationery Office,1963, p.41.
    ①R.Allen Brown, H.M.Colvin, a.J.Taylor, The History of the King's Works, Vol1, London: Her Majesty'sAtationery Office,1963, p.41.
    ②N.J.G.Pounds, The Medieval Castle in England and Wales, a Social and Political History, Cambridge: Cambridge UniversityPress,1990, p.53.
    ③R.Allen Brown, H.M.Colvin, a.J.Taylor, The History of the King's Works, Vol1, London: Her Majesty'sAtationery Office,1963, p.41.
    ⑤Robert Liddiard, Anglo-Norman Castles, Woodbridge: The Boydell Press,2003, p.65.
    ⑥Robert Liddiard, Anglo-Norman Castles, Woodbridge: The Boydell Press,2003, p.65.
    ①N.J.G.Pounds, The Medieval Castle in England and Wales, a Social and Political History, Cambridge: Cambridge UniversityPress,1990, p.33
    ②N.J.G.Pounds, The Medieval Castle in England and Wales, a Social and Political History, Cambridge: Cambridge UniversityPress,1990, p.34.
    ④Robert Liddard, Anglo-Norman Castles, Woodbridge:The Boydell Press,2003, p.136.
    ⑤R.Allen Brown, H.M.Colvin, a.J.Taylor, The History of the King's Works, Vol1, London: Her Majesty'sAtationery Office,1963, p.113.
    ①R.Allen Brown, H.M.Colvin, a.J.Taylor, The History of the King's Works, Vol1, London: Her Majesty'sAtationery Office,1963, p.35.
    ③详情见R.Allen Brown, H.M.Colvin, a.J.Taylor, The History of the King's Works, Vol1, London: Her Majesty'sAtationeryOffice,1963, p.66.和Robert Liddard, Anglo-Norman Castles, Woodbridge:The Boydell Press,2003, p.136,137.
    ③Richard Eales, Royal Power and Castles in Norman England, Robert Liddiard, Anglo-Norman Castles, Woodbridge: theBoydell Press,2003, p.58.
    ④R.Allen Brown, H.M.Colvin,A.J.Taylor, The History of the King's Works, Vol1, London: Her Majesty'sAtationery Office,1963, p.67.
    ②R.Allen Brown, H.M.Colvin, a.J.Taylor, The History of the King's Works, Vol1, London: Her Majesty'sAtationery Office,1963, p.228
    ④R.Allen Brown, Allen Brown's English Castles, Woodbridge: The Boydell Press,2004, p.64.
    ⑤N.J.G.Pounds, The Medieval Castle in England and Wales, a Social and Political History, Cambridge: Cambridge UniversityPress,1990, p.39.
    ①R.Allen Brown, H.M.Colvin,A.J.Taylor, The History of the King's Works, Vol1, London: Her Majesty'sAtationery Office,1963, p.52.
    ②R.Allen Brown, H.M.Colvin,A.J.Taylor, The History of the King's Works, Vol1, London: Her Majesty'sAtationery Office,1963, p.52.
    ③R.Allen Brown, H.M.Colvin,A.J.Taylor, The History of the King's Works, Vol1, London: Her Majesty'sAtationery Office,1963, p.54.
    ④R.Allen Brown, H.M.Colvin,A.J.Taylor, The History of the King's Works, Vol1, London: Her Majesty'sAtationery Office,1963, p.55.
    ①R.Allen Brown, H.M.Colvin,A.J.Taylor, The History of the King's Works, Vol1, London: Her Majesty'sAtationery Office,1963, p.164.
    ②R.Allen Brown, H.M.Colvin,A.J.Taylor, The History of the King's Works, Vol1, London: Her Majesty'sAtationery Office,1963, p.169.
    ③R.Allen Brown, H.M.Colvin,A.J.Taylor, The History of the King's Works, Vol1, London: Her Majesty'sAtationery Office,1963, p.171.
    ④R.Allen Brown, H.M.Colvin,A.J.Taylor, The History of the King's Works, Vol1, London: Her Majesty'sAtationery Office,1963, pp.166-167.
    ②J.H.Hexter, Reappraisals in History, NewYork,1963. p142.
    ⑤F.W.Maitland, Domesday Book and Beyond, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1987, p.307.
    ⑤[比]R. C.范卡内冈著,李红海译:《英国普通法的诞生》,北京:中国政法大学出版社,2003,第45页。
    ②Paul Brand, The Origins of the English Legal Profession, Massachusetts,1992, p.5.
    ③R.Abel, A Comparative Theory of Dispute Institution in Society, Law and Society Review,1974(8).转引自[美]H·W·埃尔曼著,贺卫方,高鸿钧译:《比较法律文化》,北京:清华大学出版社,2002,第86-87页。
    ⑤Paul Brand, The Origins of the English Legal Profession, Massachusetts,1992, p.16.
    ①Paul Brand, The Origins of the English Legal Profession, Massachusetts,1992, p.27.
    ②Paul Brand, The Origins of the English Legal Profession, Massachusetts,1992, p.28.
    ③Paul Brand, The Origins of the English Legal Profession, Massachusetts,1992, p.29.
    ④J.H. Baker, An Introduction to English Legal History, Butterworths,1990, p/179.
    ⑤Lyonb, A Constitutional and Legal History of Medieval England, Norton,1980, p.625.
    ③F.Pollock and F.W. Maitland, The History of English Law before the time of EdwardⅠ, Vol.I, Cambridge: CambridgeUniversity Press,1895, p.133.
    ①R. Allen Brown, Allen Brown's English Castles, Woodbridge: The Boydell Press,2004, p.123.
    ②N.J.G.Pounds, The Medieval Castle in England and Wales, a Social and Political History, Cambridge: Cambridge UniversityPress,1990, p.8.
    ③Joseph and Frances Gies, Life in a Medieval Castle, London: Harper and Row, Publishers,1974, p.187.
    ④Michael Prestwich, Armies and Warfare in the Middle Age: The English Experience, Yale University Press,1996, p.58.
    ②R.Allen Brown, The Normans and the Norman Conquest second edition, Woodbridge: Boydell Press,1985, p.80.
    ③R.Allen Brown, The Normans and the Norman Conquest second edition, Woodbridge: Boydell Press,1985, p.81.
    ①R.Allen Brown, The Normans and the Norman Conquest second edition, Woodbridge: Boydell Press,1985, p.85.
    ③Sidney Painter, Castle-Guard, The American Historical Review, Vol.XL, No.3, No.3,1935, pp.450-459.
    ④J.H.Round, Castle Guard, Archaeological Journal, LⅨ,1902, pp.144-159.
    ⑤F.M.Stenton, The First Century of English Feudalism,1066-1166,1932, pp.190-215.
    ①Robert Liddard, Anglo-Norman Castles, Woodbridge:The Boydell Press,2003, p.204.
    ②Robert Liddard, Anglo-Norman Castles, Woodbridge:The Boydell Press,2003, pp.204-205.
    ③Robert Liddard, Anglo-Norman Castles, Woodbridge:The Boydell Press,2003, p.209.
    ④Robert Liddard, Anglo-Norman Castles, Woodbridge:The Boydell Press,2003, p.210.
    ①N.J.G.Pounds, The Medieval Castle in England and Wales, a Social and Political History, Cambridge: Cambridge UniversityPress,1990, p.122.
    ②N.J.G.Pounds, The Medieval Castle in England and Wales, a Social and Political History, Cambridge: Cambridge UniversityPress,1990, pp.123.124.
    ③N.J.G.Pounds, The Medieval Castle in England and Wales, a Social and Political History, Cambridge: Cambridge UniversityPress,1990, p.124.
    ④N.J.G.Pounds, The Medieval Castle in England and Wales, a Social and Political History, Cambridge: Cambridge UniversityPress,1990, p.125.
    ①Michael Prestwich, Armies and Warfare in the Middle Age: The English Experience, Yale University Press,1996, p.281.
    ①Konstantin Nossov, Ancient and Medieval Siege Weapons:A Fully Illustrated Guide to Siege Weapons and Tactics,Staplehurst: Spellmount Ltd.,2006, p.75.
    ②Konstantin Nossov, Ancient and Medieval Siege Weapons:A Fully Illustrated Guide to Siege Weapons and Tactics,Staplehurst: Spellmount Ltd.,2006, p.176.
    ③Konstantin Nossov, Ancient and Medieval Siege Weapons:A Fully Illustrated Guide to Siege Weapons and Tactics,2006,Staplehurst: Spellmount Ltd., pp.175-176.
    ④Konstantin Nossov, Ancient and Medieval Siege Weapons:A Fully Illustrated Guide to Siege Weapons and Tactics, Staplehurst:Spellmount Ltd.,2006, pp.171-177.
    ⑤Michael Prestwich, Armies and Warfare in the Middle Age: The English Experience, Yale University Press,1996, p.289-290.
    ⑥Konstantin Nossov, Ancient and Medieval Siege Weapons:A Fully Illustrated Guide to Siege Weapons and Tactics,Staplehurst: Spellmount Ltd,.2006, p.67.
    ⑦Marilyn Stokstad, Medieval Castles, Greenwood Press,2005, pp.132-133.这部分内容源自Anna Comnena, The Alexiad. Bk.ⅩⅢ, pp.330-31.
    ①Mrrilyn Stokstad, Medieval Castles, London: Greenwood Press,2005, p.131.原引至Anna Comnena. The Alexiad. Bk. ⅩⅢ,p.329.
    ①Konstantin Nossov, Ancient and Medieval Siege Weapons:A Fully Illustrated Guide to Siege Weapons and Tactics,Staplehurst:Spellmount Ltd.,2006, p.235.
    ①热液体主要是指煮沸的汤水或生石灰水。近代有人认为还包括滚烫的油,这只是传说,没有多少可信度。“只要想一想,有谁会相信,在高高的城墙上,防御者点火烧热笨重的大铁锅,里面晃动着昂贵的油,然后,防御者抬起烧得发烫的大铁锅,冒着敌人的炮火,将沸油倒在进攻者的头上?”参见[法]Jean Mesqui著,赵念国译:《城堡—从战争时期到和平年代》上海:上海书店出版社,2004.,第117-118页。
    ②Lise E.Hull, Britain's Medieval Castle, Greenwood Publishing Group,2006, p.41.
    ③Lise E.Hull, Britain's Medieval Castle, Greenwood Publishing Group,2006, p.42.
    ①Lise E.Hull, Britain's Medieval Castle, Greenwood Publishing Group,2006, p42.
    ①Robert Liddard, Anglo-Norman Castles, Woodbridge:The Boydell Press,2003, p.136.
    ②网页资源,http://www.deremilitari.org/resources/articles/goodall.htm.来自John Goodall, Dover Castle and the Great Siege of1216, Chateau Gaillard XIX: Actes du Colloque International de Graz,1998.注释13.
    ①网页资源,http://www.deremilitari.org/resources/articles/goodall.htm.来自John Goodall, Dover Castle and the Great Siege of1216, Chateau Gaillard XIX: Actes du Colloque International de Graz,1998.注释18.
    ②网页资源,http://www.deremilitari.org/resources/articles/goodall.htm.来自John Goodall, Dover Castle and the Great Siege of1216, Chateau Gaillard XIX: Actes du Colloque International de Graz,1998.注释23.
    ①Marilyn Stokstad, Medieval Casrles, London: Greenwood Press,2005, p.43.
    ①R. Allen Brown, Allen Brown's English Castle, Woodbridge: The Boydell Press, p.169.
    ②M.W.Thompson, the Decline of the Castle, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, p.34.
    ③Robert Liddiard, Castles in Context: Power, Symbolism and Landscape,1066-1500, Bollington: Windgather Press, p.72
    ④N.J.G.Pounds, The Medieval Castle in England and Wales, a Social and Political History, Cambridge: Cambridge UniversityPress,1990, p.250.
    ④S. Painter, A History of the Middle Ages284-1500, London,1975.p.329.
    ①F. Gies, The Knight in History, New York,1984, p.150.
    ②George Rusche&Otto Kircheimer, Punishment and Social Structure, NewYork,1939. p12.
    ⑤Michael Prestwich, Armies and Warfare in the Middle Age: The English Experience, Yale University Press,1996, p.287.
    ②Matthew Johnson, Behind the Castle Gate:from Medieval to Renaissance, Routledge,2002, p.122.
    ③N.J.G.Pounds, The Medieval Castle in England and Wales, a Social and Political History, Cambridge: Cambridge UniversityPress,1990, p.253.
    ④N.J.G.Pounds, The Medieval Castle in England and Wales, a Social and Political History, Cambridge: Cambridge UniversityPress,1990, p.253.
    ⑤N.J.G.Pounds, The Medieval Castle in England and Wales, a Social and Political History, Cambridge: Cambridge UniversityPress,1990, pp.252-253.
    ⑥Maurice Keen, Medieval Warfare: A History, Oxford: Oxford University, pp.181-182.
    ④Joseph and Frances Gies, Life in a Medieval Castle, London: Harper and Row, Publishers,1974, p.218.
    ⑤N.J.G.Pounds, The Medieval Castle in England and Wales, a Social and Political History, Cambridge: Cambridge UniversityPress,1990, p.249.
    ①N.J.G.Pounds, The Medieval Castle in England and Wales, a Social and Political History, Cambridge: Cambridge UniversityPress,1990, pp.299-300.
    ②Clifford Geertz,The Interpretation of Cultures.Harcourt Brace,1973.
    ②Frances Gies,The Knight in History, NewYork,1984. p18。
    ⑤Frances Gies,The Knight in History, NewYork,1984, p17.
    ④Edgar Prestage, Chivalry, Its Historical Significance and Civilizing Influence, Routledge,1996, p183.
    ⑤Joachim Bumke, Courtly Culture: Literature and Society in the High Middle Age, California University Press,1991, p.321.
    ①这部分内容请详见Robert Liddiard, Castles in Context, Power, Symbolism and Landscape,1066-1500, Bollington:windgather,2005, pp.134-139.
    ②Robert Liddiard, Castles in Context, Power, Symbolism and Landscape,1066-1500, Bollington: windgather,2005, p.134.
    ②Marilyn Stokstad, Medieval Castle, London: Greenwood Press,2005, pp.64-65.
    ③Robert Liddiard, Castles in Context Power, Symbolism and Landscape,1066-1500,Windgather press, p.132.
    ④Matthew Johnson, Behind the Castle Gate: from Medieval to Renaissance, Routledge,2002, p.74.
    ⑤B.M.Morley, Hylton Castle, Archaeological Journal133,1976, pp.118-34.和C.Robin, Kin and Gender in Classic ManyaSociety: a Case Study from Yaxchilán, Mexico, in New directions in Anthropological Kinship, New York, Rowman andLittlefield, pp.204-28.择选自Matthew Johnson, Behind the Castle Gate: from Medieval to Renaissance, Routledge,2002, p.74.
    ①Lise E.Hull, Britain's Medieval Castles, London: Greenwood Publishing Froup,2006, p.127.
    ②这一部分列举的数据请详见Lise E.Hull, Britain's Medieval Castles, London: Greenwood Publishing Froup,2006, p.128.和N.J.G.Pounds, The Medieval Castle in England and Wales: a Social and Political Historical History, Cambridge: CambridgeUniversity Press,1990, pp.261-262.
    ③N.J.G.Pounds, The Medieval Castle in England and Wales: a Social and Political Historical History, Cambridge: CambridgeUniversity Press,1994, p.262.
    ④Lise E.Hull, Britain's Medieval Castles, London: Greenwood Publishing Froup,2006, p.128.
    ①Matthew Johnson, Behind the Castle Gate: from Medieval to Renaissance, Routledge,2002, p.71.
    ②Marilyn Stokstad, Medieval Castle, London: Greenwood Press,2005, p.67.
    ③Lise E.Hull, Britain's Medieval Castles, London: Greenwood Publishing Froup,2006, p.138.
    ④Matthew Johnson, Behind the Castle Gate: from Medieval to Renaissance, Routledge,2002, p.81.
    ①Matthew Johnson, Behind the Castle Gate: from Medieval to Renaissance, Routledge,2002, p.81
    ①Robert Liddiard, Castle in Context: Power, Symbolism and Landscape,1066-1500, Windgather Press, p.122.
    ①Peter Coss, The Knight in Medieval England,1000-1400, Alan Sutton,1993, pp.135-136.
    ②Peter Coss, The Knight in Medieval England,1000-1400, Alan Sutton,1993, p.136.
    ①Marilyn Stokstad, Medieval Castles, London: Greenwood Press,2005, pp.97-98.
    ①大致内容出自Marilyn Stokstad, Medieval Castles, Greenwood Press,2005, pp.112-114.原出自Geoffery of Monmouth,History of the Kings of Britain by Geoffery of Monmouth, Translated by Sebastian Evans. London: J.M.Dent; New York:E.P.Dutton,1911, Ch. ⅩⅨ,pp.147-149.
    ②Marilyn Stokstad, Medieval Castles, London: Greenwood Press,2005, pp.100-101.
    ③Marjorie Chibnall, Orderic Vitalis on Castles, in Robert Liddiard, Anglo-Norman Castles, The Boydell Press,2003, p.123.
    ①Marjorie Chibnall, Orderic Vitalis on Castles, in Robert Liddiard, Anglo-Norman Castles, The Boydell Press,2003, p.131
    ②Marjorie Chibnall, Orderic Vitalis on Castles, in Robert Liddiard, Anglo-Norman Castles, The Boydell Press,2003, p.121.
    ①Eric Fernie, The Architecture of Norman England, Oxford: Oxford University Press,2000, p.3.
    ②Eric Fernie, The Architecture of Norman England, Oxford: Oxford University Press,2000, p.5.
    ④Nigel Saul, the Oxford Illustrated History of Medieval England, Oxford: Oxford University Press,1997, p.220.
    ①Nigel Saul, the Oxford Illustrated History of Medieval England, Oxford: Oxford University Press,1997, p.229.
    ②Nigel Saul, the Oxford Illustrated History of Medieval England, Oxford: Oxford University Press,1997, p.235.
    ①[法]Jean Mesqui著,赵念国译:《城堡—从战争时期到和平年代》,上海:上海书店出版社,2004,第125-126页。
    ②R.Allen Brown, H.M.Colvin, a.J.Taylor, The History of the King's Works, Vol1, London: Her Majesty'sAtationery Office,1963, p.20.
    ①Richard Eales,'Royal Power and Castles in Norman England', in Robert Liddiard, Anglo-Norman Castles, the Boydell Press,2003, p.52.
    ②R. Allen Brown, Allen Brown's English Castle, Woodbridge: The Boydell Press, p.169.
    ①R. Allen Brown, Allen Brown's English Castle, Woodbridge: The Boydell Press, p.7.
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