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     分子生物学鉴定:将A32菌株16s rDNA序列提交GenBank进行Blast比对,经过同源序列比较,最终鉴定A32为枯草芽孢杆菌。
     通过单因素试验以及正交试验确定了A32优化培养基配方:豆粕粉2%、玉米粉3%、0.4mmol/L Mn~(2+)、Na_2HPO_4·12H_2O 0.4%、KH_2PO_4 0.03%、Na_2CO_3 0.01%、pH 7.2;同时还研究了培养时间、摇瓶转速、接种量、温度对产酶的影响,试验结果表明培养时间48h、接种量3%、温度30℃组合有利于蛋白酶的产生,摇瓶转速190r/min较为理想。
About five hundred million swine were killed in our country every year. It was about 45% of the world's. The blood of swine was very abundant. At present, it wasn't utilized on the whole except that a little was used as soybean curd, blood bowels and food. It not only wasted the sources but also severe contamination surroundings. It was studied in this topic that fresh swine blood was fermented to get peptides by A32 strain. At the same time, it was studied that bioactivities of PSB such as antioxygen, norblood-fat and renforcing immune function. Main results were reported as follows:
    1. The filter and separation of fermentable blood meal strains
    By utilizing plate streaking, A32 was gained from soil of individual slaughter house in countryside. The strain could grow prosperity on medium with swine blood as only nitrogen source and the enzyme activity of its protease was high. Utilizing A32 to ferment swine blood, the protein of power from swine blood decreased 28.7%, the nitrogen of free amino acids increased 4.20 times and dissolving protein increased 60%. All these demonstrated that A32 was a fine strain to ferment swine blood.
    2. Appraisement of strain
    Physiology and biochemistry appraisement: Gram staining was negatively and it had germ. Vivo of thalline was tint, the surrounding of thalline was purple circle. The strain was initial appraised as bacillus.
    Molecular biology: Refer 16s rRNA sequence to GenBank and contrasted in Blast, it was appraised as bacillus subtilis through homologization sequence comparison.
    3. The condition of toco-protease of A32 strain
    The condition of toco-protease was studied on various factors and orthogonal experiments. The optimum fermentation medium containing 2% soybean powder, 3% cornmeal, Na_2HPO_4·12H_2O 0.4%, KH_2PO_4
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