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高功率光纤放大器在工业加工、材料处理、国防军工等方面都有着非常广泛的应用,同时它也正在成为后惯性约束核聚变(后ICF)升级换代的首选技术,得到了越来越多研究人员的青睐。但随着光纤放大器输出功率的不断提高,工作光纤的能量密度也在不断增大,由此产生的非线性光学效应有可能会对光纤造成损伤,严重地制约了光纤放大器向更高功率发展的进程。增益导引-折射率反导引(Gain-Guided Index-Antiguided, GG-IAG)光纤由于其大的模场面积和稳定的单模输出特性为解决上述问题提供了一种可能性,因而一经提出就倍受关注。
As a new approach of achieving large mode area and stable signal mode, whichis essential in high power fiber lasers and amplifiers that has shown wide use inindustry manufacturing, material processing and national defence, gain-guidedindex-antiguided (GG-IAG) fiber has attracted lots of attentions since this conceptionwas proposed.
     In the first part of this work, we focused on properties of this novel configurationand studied the performance of GG-IAG fiber amplifiers.
     By comparing several different technologys to achieve high power fiberlasers/amplifiers, attention was focused on GG-IAG fiber, then the basic principles ofthis fiber was illustrated and the developments on this fiber was reviewed.
     The absorption characteristics are the important parameters for fibers, it showsthe ability how much pumped light is absorbed by the doped fiber core. In lasermanufacturing, the absorption characteristics are very desired for both fiber laser andamplifier design and optimization, also it sheds light on fiber design. The absorptioncharacteristics of this novel double-clad Gain-guided and index-antiguided (GG-IAG)fiber are investigated with3D-ray-trace method. And the simulated correctnesscompared with real data were carried out by measuring GG-IAG fiber. A couplingmodel was introduced to explain the absorption phenomenon during the rayspropagating in the fiber as well.
     Transparent spectrum, absorption cross-section, emission cross-section andlifetime of our Yb doped material were measured (calculated). Based on these data theGG-IAG fiber amplifier is investigated with a rate equation model. Meanwhile, theinfluence of negative index step on gain characteristic has also been studied, as wellas the output characteristics of a GG-IAG fiber amplifier with different pump ways.
     A3-D heat analytical model was established, and simulations of the temperaturefield in GG-IAG fiber amplifier are performed based on the rate equations. With thismethod we compared the temperature field distribution with and without longitudinal heat flow under natural convection cooling. Meanwhile, the influence of differentpump directions, cooling methods, cladding radius, negative refractive index step onthe temperature distribution has been studied as well.
     All of these researches may give some suggestions on design and optimization ofthe GG-IAG fiber.
     Chalcogenide glasses (ChGs) have attracted a lot of attentions not only for theirunique properties like good glass-forming ability, large transmission window, lowphonon energy, large values of refractive index, but also for their ability to dissolve upto few atomic percent of rare-earth (RE) which makes them highly promising as REhost materials for optical amplifier applications where high doped concentration ofRE is required urgently for the reduced length of integrated optical amplifiers. Amongvarious glasses available, heavily doped with Er3+ions glasses are prospectivematerials for the1.54μm emission arising from4I4
     In the second part of this work, the properties of Ge_(11.5)As_(24)Se_(64.5)chalcogenidethin films into which Er atoms were ion implanted at energies of2.25MeV up to aconcentration of0.4mol%were studied. The effect of post implant annealing wasinvestigated on the luminescence from4I~413/2→I15/2transition of Er as well as on thephysical properties of the films.
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