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     分布式测量软件系统的另外一个关键问题在于如何不同应用域的程序之间实现对象类型的耦合,本文研究并实现了两种可能的方案,即.NET Remoting和Web Service,而在现阶段.NET Remoting这种耦合方式更具有实际意义。
Measurement software system of physical diagnostics in Inertial Confinement Fusion (ICF) experiments is a very important part, which supports acquisition, storage and processing of target-diagnostic data. As a result of the late start of ICF research in our country, overall domestic measurement software system is on a relatively low level at present, with very many disadvantages. Practically, considering the accomplishment of SG-III prototype facility, measurement software system has became the restriction of rapid growth in out country's ICF research field.
    The thesis is focused on the software domain, and describes the research and development work of the principles and implementation of various latest software technologies for measurement and test system. In the thesis we select and establish a set of distributed measurement software system, which not only satisfies the requirement of physical diagnostics of SG-III prototype facility, but also meets the demands of SG-III main facility in the future.
    At the first of this thesis, the background knowledge of ICF experiment and the current situation of measurement software system of domestic and foreign ICF experiment. The necessity and urgent needs for a new measurement software system which is advanced, interchangeable, expandable and distributed are mentioned. Then the design scheme, overall architecture, development and run environment of the distributed measurement system are briefly introduced.
    After the analysis and comparison of instrument buses involved in current ICF research filed, the thesis proposes the distributed measurement software system should be based on the mixed-bus hardware platform. This platform combines modular instruments with the independent instrument together, and these instruments are interconnected through different instrument buses. The platform takes full advantage of multi buses and protocols, and provides independence, duration, expansion and high performance to price. According to this mixed-bus platform, the thesis introduces how to build up the virtual instrument measurement subsystem based on the instrument drivers, and accomplish the whole measurement software system through the bottom-top method.
    To ensure the interchangeable and expandable of the measurement software system, the thesis then introduces the software design and development based on component in details. Furthermore, the thesis illustrates an interchangeable oscilloscope application based on the object-oriented design.
    One key topic of the distributed measurement software system is how to achieve data exchange internally and externally. This thesis introduces latest data standard in measurement and test-Auto Test Markup Language, and the implementing ATML in distributed measurement software system with XML serialization.
    Another key topic of the distributed measurement software system is the coupling of different applications. This thesis research discusses two possible ways, .NET Remoting and Web Service, and .NET Remoting is more practical at present.
    The significance and innovation of the thesis are as follows:
    1. Measurement software system is one key part of SG-III prototype facility, which is the principal item of National 863 Project. The software system is a very complex and long time engineering project of great significance for national economy, military application and foundation research.
    2. Firstly bringing forward distributed technologies for physical diagnostics in
    ICF experiments. Accomplished the design, development of the distributed measurement software system, and select the environment for developing and running.
    3. Firstly bringing forward the comprehensive idea of using instrument drivers
    in measurement software system for ICF experiments, firstly accomplished the development of custom instrument driver, and build a mixed-buses test system based virtual instruments.
    4. Firstly application of object-oriented, component, XML etc. in domestic measurement software system for ICF experiments, practically firstly bringing forward the latest ATML into related field and realizes the distributed measurement for ICF physical experiments.
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