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For a long time, because of its single ownership, the Northeast national forest region has been running with low financial efficiency and shortage of useful resources. With the market economy development and deep reform, the non-public forestry has emerged and become the main support of the development of forestry. To develop non-public forestry is not only a certain selection to realize sustainable development of forest region, but also an necessary measure to realize the forestry leaping development with scientific development view. However, at present, there are still many restricting factors on the development of Northeast national forest region, among them, system factor is the main one. Therefore, to establish scientific and reasonable system is very important both for providing an efficient system supply and system running guarantee and for sustainable development of the Northeast national forest region.
     The non-public forestry defined in this paper, is a form of the forestry ownership from the view of ownership which allows non-public forestry economic subjects to own the forest resources legally during the period of Right to utilize forests, in other words, the right of forest harvesting is taken to judge the types of forest ownership. Because the national forest industry of the Northeast national forest region is going to start the reform marked by the right of forest harvesting, the study objects are forest systems in the Northeast national forest region, i.e. nonpublic forestry of the forest system of local cities and counties governed by Jilin and Heilongjiang Provinces.
     This study, based on the analysis of relative studies at home and abroad and the theory of institutional change, by using qualitative and quantitative analysis, analyzed the status of the development of non-forestry in the Northeast national forest region, and then established a system with the ownership system as a core, so that we can provide useful theoretical evidence and policy-making reference.
     First, the present study, based on the analysis of references and practical survey, analyzed the history, current status, and existing problems in the development of non-public forestry in the Northeast national forest region, pointed out that there are many problems in the development of non-public forestry, such as more forest ownership dissension, the limitation of reasonable forest harvesting, heavy forest tax, financial difficulty, lagging socialized service and so on, all of these severely restrict the development of non-public forestry. Then, we studied quantitatively the influential factors on the development of non-public forestry in the Northeast national forest region by analytic hierarchy process(AHP) and established the system frame for developing non-public forestry. Our results have shown that the main influencing factors on the development of non-public forestry in the Northeast national forest region are ownership system, harvesting quota and tax in decreasing order. Based on the quantitative study, this study proposed the target and basic principle of system construction and expatiated on the relationship among the component elements of the systems and external guarantee of the systems. Finally, we established a system, which takes the forest ownership system as a core, harvesting report system, tax system, and financing and surveillance systems as guarantee. Under analysis of the defects and their causes of the current forest ownership, we established a forest ownership system with distinct ownership as a basis, safe ownership as guarantee, and ownership marketing as a key; established a forest harvesting report and approval system; established tax system with less taxation and more supports; established financial system composing direct and indirect financing; established surveillance system involving surveillance law and regulations, organizations, manners and team. We also expatiated on the matching reform measures for implementing each system above.
     In conclusion, scientifically sustainable development of non-public forestry in the Northeast national forest region depends on the establishment scientific systems. Among the systems, distinct, safe and marketing forest ownership system is the core, forest harvesting report and approval system is the key for realizing the right of disposition, a taxation system with less taxation and more supports is the guarantee of right to earnings, the establishment of multi-channels financial system is a forceful support for strengthening the development of nonpublic forestry, and a scientific surveillance system is the guarantee of realizing the other systems.
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