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随着科学技术的进步,人们发现当材料的尺寸减小到超细时(﹤0.1μm ),材料的性质有了较大的变化,表现出一些新颖的特性,预示着新的应用前景。自从1992年美孚石油公司的科研人员首次研制出MCM-41介孔分子筛以来,有序介孔材料便因其优异的性能广阔的应用前景,引起了科研工作者的极大热情。二氧化钛介孔材料因其在光催化、传感器、太阳能电池、催化剂载体等方面具有种种潜在的用途而备受关注,已成为材料科学一个新的研究热点。对于该材料的合成研究当然是重中之重。
In pace of development of science technology , people has discovered the material quality has great changes and manifested some specific properties when the material size reduces to nanometer(<0.1μm ).This discovery prodictes a wide-applied prospect. Since the MCM-41 molecular sieve has been prepared by the scientists of Mobil Oil successfully in 1992,ordered mesoporous materials are appealing more researcher’s attention due to their properties and numerous applications in many fields.Among them mesoporous titania is a very interesting material,in view of its usefulness in various novel devices such as photocatalysts,adsorbents,solar cells , chemical sensors. The synthesis of mesoporous titania has tremendous important on the application research.
     At present ,several preparation methods are utilized yet.These products have a very high surface area,ordered pore structure and extremely narrow pore size distribution,the pore diameter can be adjusted and so on,but all of methods have the same defect: the sol-gel process. It is very difficult to come true industrialization because of the long -time synthsis process,the high cost of raw material,the complicated
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