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Heavy metal chromium(VI) pollution is considered a serious environmental pollutantthus aroused widespread concern. it is found a new adsorbent composite material can bedeveloped by chitosan with rare earth element which having the ability to remove Cr(VI) ions.In common case, the absorbent property of chitosan/rare earth compound is related to its ownmorphology. In this research two different methods i.e., w/o and electrospinning, are used totwo differently morphological adsorbents that is chitosan/rare earth microsphere andchitosan/rare earth membrane. Both of the two composite show good adsorbent performancesafter chromium(VI) adsorption. The detailed research contents are outlined as follows:
     (1)The chitosan/rare earth microsphere composite is developed by w/o method usedchitosan and rare earth yttrium nitrate. And the other method is used chitosan, rare earthyttrium nitrate and polyvinyl alcohol as preparation materials to make a electrospun fibrousmembrane. The chemical, structural and morphology characteristics of the composites aredetermined by transmission electron microscope (SEM), fourier infrared spectrum (FTIR),X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and X-ray photoelectronspectroscopy(XPS) method.
     (2)The influence of the adulteration of rare earth, solution pH value, dosage, Cr(VI) ioninitial concentration, and co-ions were studied. In acidic solution, the chitosan/rare earthelement keeps a high adsorption capacities. Comparing the two different morphologicalcomposite, Cr(VI) ions in water can be effectively adsorbed by the fibrous membrane whichhas a high adsorption capacity, however, which adsorption capacity is slightly lower thanmicrosphere composite. This change may be attributed to the different the ratio of rare earthyttrium and chitosan is not the same. The microsphere composite contains more rare earthions, so more adsorption of water Cr(VI)ions can occur via electrostatic attraction.
     (3) The adsorption data from the experiment can be fit well by Langmuir isotherm.Comparison the adsorption ability of chitosan/rare earth composite with that of othermaterials, it is found the composite has a high adsorbent amount. In addition, adsorptionkinetics of Cr(VI) ions is found to conform to pseudo-second order kinetics. Thethermomechanics constants of composite under different temperatures demonstrates theadsorbent process is a endothermic reaction.
     (4)The changes of element and functional groups before and after the adsorption aremeasured by X-ray spectrometer and infrared spectrum. The mechanism domonstrates that theadsorption is attribute to electrostatic attraction coupled with chelation.
     (5) Adsorption regeneration cycle research showed that chitosan/rare earth compositemicrospheres still keep some adsorption capacities after3adsorption-desorption cycles.Therefore it can effectively used. Meanwhile, the mechanics performance of fibrous is poorafter desorption, so it can't use repeatly.
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