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Modern tourism started in the 19th century. Till the threshold of the new millennium, tourism industry has made great advancement and has been one of the most influential social-economic affairs in the world. In its historical process of each aspect, many quantitative and qualitative changes formed its character. Meanwhile, the character occurs concurrently with the profound reformation that our society has undergone, and it is now making progress towards a series of new value-viewpoints. Tourism will be the most profound demand for the human-being, but it's development fills with all kinds of antinomies. On the one hand it created enormous economic benefits, on the other hand many factors such as environment, natural resource, cultural particularity, social tradition and the structure of our society all made great contribution to its improvement.
    It was in 1970's when the relationship between tourism development and crime was recognized gradually by tourism academy, since then, some relative research, relieving institution and preventable policy come on orderly. But, unfortunately, to the present, the research work was unilateral, It is mostly limited to some special objects. For instances: setting up a given tourism destination and trying to establish a kind of numeric relation between tourism development and crime rate; whether the relation of tourism and crime be or not, the relation is inevitable or accidental; the negative effect to the society and economy brought by the growth of tourism; different tourists' behavior and the possibility that they could be victims, and etc.
    The article, basing on the particularity of tourism and integrating with some relative knowledge of Criminology, definitely put forward the conception of tourism crime and Tourism Criminology, moreover, it also build up the elementary system of this discipline. It holds the opinion that tourism crime is the summation of criminous phenomena which take place during the process of tour (food, accommodation, transportation, travel, shopping, recreation), and these phenomena
    more or less have a connection with tourist, tour and environment (including tourism facilities). Tourism Criminology is the subject whose research object is tourism crime, it focus on the occurrence reasons, the spatio-temporal rules and the precautionary measures of tourism crime. As same as Tourism Psychology and Tourism Economics, Tourism Criminology is a newly rising cross-discipline. Tourism crime's definition, properties, characteristics, basic qualities, reasons of occurrence, sort standards and precautionary measures are the main things that this discipline studied. Among these things, the definition, classifying, confirmation and prevention of tourism crime are emphases and difficulties. There are three common methods using in the research of Tourism Criminology.
    Obviously, an tourism environment, which is neat, safe, peaceful, comfortable, and joyful, is the basis of tourism's development, it directly influence the social economic benefits of tourism industry. The purpose of the research is to reveal the reasons and rules of tourism crime's occurrence, it can help the decision-making department to constitute reasonable laws and to construct integrated legal system about tourism industry. The research also help to scientifically mount statistical items about tourism and dispose safeguards economically in order to control the occurrence of crime. All in all, the research of Tourism Criminology greatly promotes the sustainable tourism development.
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