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By using the theories and methods of tourism science, economics, urban science, MICE tourism and sustainable development, this paper sets forth the basic concepts and characteristics of MICE tourism, and points out the relation between MICE and tourism, discusses deeply the current situation, influence factors, functions, and operation mechanism of MICE tourism. According to certain principle, the author sets up an index system of appraising the development ability of MICE tourism of city, and appraises the development ability of MICE tourism from many levels among Beijing, Nanjing, Xi' an, Jinan, Shijiazhuang, Wuhan, Chengdu, Hefei, Taiyuan and Zhengzhou by using AHP method, and compares the development ability of MICE tourism of Zhengzhou with other nine cities from every level, then analyzes synthetically the SWOT of Zhengzhou MICE tourism. At last, puts forward the counter-measures of promoting the development ability of Zhengzhou MICE tourism combining reality.
    Except preface and conclusions, this paper consists five parts.
    Part one is the concepts and characteristics of MICE tourism. The author sets forth the concepts and characteristics of MICE tourism, and points out the relation between MICE and tourism.
    Part two is research progresses of MICE tourism at home and abroad. In the light of time sequence and research subjects, the author introduces the general research situations of MICE tourism, and brings forward three problems in the research of MICE tourism.
    Part three is to analyze systematically MICE tourism. Under the guide of system ideology, the author analyzes seven influential factors of the system, such as city image, city economy, city functions, city geographic position, MICE facilities and service, talented MICE person, development situation of tourism, discusses the economical
    functions, social functions and cultural functions, and marketable mechanism of operation of MICE tourism.
    Part four is systemic appraisal of MICE tourism. On the basis of concluding appraisal theories of forefathers, the author discusses principles, guide ideal, contents of appraisal, sets up an index system, and selects AHP method as a main key to appraise the development ability of MICE tourism.
    Part five is the analysis, appraisal and development countermeasures of MICE tourism in Zhengzhou. Based on the analysis of current situations of Zhengzhou MICE tourism, the author compares the development ability of Zhengzhou MICE tourism with that of Beijing, Nanjing, Xi' an, Jinan, Shijiazhuang, Wuhan, Chengdu, Hefei and Taiyuan, then analyzes synthetically the SWOT of Zhengzhou MICE tourism, lastly, puts forward the countermeasures of promoting the development ability of Zhengzhou MICE tourism combining reality.
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