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近些年以来,随着生活环境的恶化和工作压力加大,心血管疾病已经成为严重危害人类健康的疾病之一。心音信号是检测心血管疾病检测的一个重要手段,目前心音信号的检测一般通过听诊器,凭借医疗工作者的经验进行判断,这种方式具有很大的主观性和局限性。为了能够快速、客观的检测心音信号,本文设计了基于开放式多媒体应用平台(Open Multimedia Applications Platform,简称OMAP)的心音分析仪。
Recently, with the deterioration of living conditions and increased work pressure, cardiovascular disease has become one of the serious diseases that do harm to human health. Heart sound is an important measure for cardiovascular disease detection, however, heart sound signal detection generally through a stethoscope currently, which depends on the judgment of medical workers’experience. This method may have lots of subjectivity. In order to detect cardiovascular diseases quickly and objectively, we designed a heart sound analyzer based on OMAP (Open Multimedia Applications Platform) in this paper.
     This paper introduces the characteristics of heart sounds and the development of heart sounds detection of cardiovascular diseases technology firstly. Subsequently, we studied the key technologies of heart sound analyzer, and then we proposed the design idea of heart sound analyzer based on OMAP hardware.
     In heart sound processing, we carefully compared the current heart sound signal segmentation technology, and then adopted the correlation coefficients of the heart sound for heart sound segmentation. The wavelet packet energy entropy was extracted as feature of heart sound signal, and DTW was used for heart sound classification.
     In order to upgrade the core chip and extend functions of heart sound analyzer, we employed the core board and bottom board design scheme. In order to develop software, upgrade systems conveniently, manage memory and hardware resources of OMAP3530, we selected the open source Linux operating system in our project. Linux kernel has been cut and transplanted according to the demand of heart sound analyzer. We adopted Nokia Qt GUI development tools for the design of heart sound analyzer software. In order to upgrade and debug the software easily, we took the hierarchical design ideas, and reserved the interface to upgrade the program.
     Finally, we optimized the heart sound analyzer software by the use of Ti's C6runapp compiler tools, and tested the function of heart sounds analyzer, and achieved the goals of this heart sound analyzer system.
     In this paper, we realized the design of heart sound analyzer based on OMAP, which provides a new platform for the automated processing of heart sounds and plays a basis role for the assistant diagnosis of cardiovascular disease.
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