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In the trend of economy globalization,the Chinese enterprises are facing great market changes that the domestic market is being internationalized and the international market is being domesticated.Because of drastic changes of the market, enterprises are facing fierce competition.For the victory of competition,enterprises need to design appropriate development strategies.In this paper,author puts forward a new theory enterprise that is enterprise potential(EP) theory which synthesizes the modern enterprise strategy theory,enterprise growth theory and enterprise resource theory.Author gives a new view of research on enterprise growth,enterprise strategy and enterprise competitiveness in the process of enterprise growth.This topic is of theoretic value and enterprise practical significance.There are following featured research results in this paper:
     (1) There are lot researches on the enterprise competitiveness.In the opinion of author,the enterprise competitiveness is the result but not the cause of EP.The essential of enterprise competitiveness is EP which integrates the factors which constitute a enterprise.The concept of EP,coming form the physical concept,is a potential energy which is shaped by integrating,organizing,combining and optimizing enterprise resources.Formation of EP is from Three-in-One optimization and integration of enterprise quality,enterprise scale,the degree of the market-orientation of a enterprise.
     (2) Author analyzes influeces of enterprise quality,enterprise scale and the degree of the market-orientation of a enterprise on EP starting from the concept of EP,and puts forward Model of the equivalent EP by using the three dimensions that are enterprise quality,enterprise scales,the degree of the market-orientation.The author also analyzes the EP equilibrium in different kinds of market styles,describes the relation between product boundary and EP boundary.In light of the relation between EP and enterprise growth and resources theory of enterprise growth,this paper holds that the growth of EP experiences three stages that are periods of EP accumulation,of EP expansion and of EP stablization.,analyzes the relation between enterprise competitiveness and EP,describes the nature of EP.
     (3) From analysis of four aspects that are enterprise quality,enterprise scale,the degree of the market-orientation of a enterprise and the external environment,this paper designs the EP indicator system and presents the methods of how to construct, foster and enhance EP according to growth theory of EP and these index of EP. Author also gives some measures to improve EP such as strenthening human resource management,implementation of MORP,construction of learning organization, alliance and mergence of enterprises.
     (4) At the end of the paper,the author applies EP theory to an enterprise FSDI and proves that this theory is of guiding significance in practice of an entereprise.
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