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This project is designed around these theory questions and application technologies ,that must be resolved when sex pheromone of The legume pod borer, Maruca testulalis is extracted and applied in the field According to researching of the calling and mating disciplinarian of the legume pod borer, Maruca testulalis ,we announced the peak that the legume pod borer, Maruca testulalis products and releases sex pheromone. According to field experiments, we affirmed that the effect on capturing with blue water tray trap with the carriers of silicon-rubber and the lures containing 5 or 7 females' sex pheromone is better. The main research results are as follows:
     (1) The legume pod borer, Maruca testulalis's sex ratio、acting rhythms day and night、female and male eclosion rhythms and difference ,female and male adult life-spans and their differences of The legume pod borer, Maruca testulalis were researched for the first time.
     (2) According observing action of The female calling, we discovered the action of calling took place during the dark period and the calling peak appeared at the 7th to 9th hours of the 3rd dark time after the female adult elusion, calling rate is 60~70%.The mating action is discovered when the female adult is 0 or 1 day old. but the mating rate is only 7%. When the female adult is 4 days old ,the mating rate action arrives at peak and the mating rate is about 55%. After this the mating action decline .when the female adult is 7 or 8 days old , the action of mating almost disappears. The female and male adult mated for several times in their lives in laboratory, the male mates for 3 times at best in all their lives and the average times are 1.89. The female mates for 2 times at best, the average times are 1.26. Under field condition, most of female adult moths mate for 1 time and mates for 2 times at best.
     (3) We dissected and watched the different period adult' internal and external reproductive system of male and female of The legume pod borer, Maruca testulalis through the stereoscope and described its characteristics and its changes systematically for the first time.
     (4) Results of the fields experiments on effiencies of the blue、yellow and white water tray traps baited with extracted sex pheromones from gland for capturing male moths of the The legume pod borer, Maruca testulalis show: the effiencies of blue water tray and yellow water tray traps bait male moth are better,both the difference are not statistically significant(p=0.05), the effiency of white water tray baiting male moth is worse.
     (5) Four kind of lures whose carriers of sex pheromones were different , silicon-rubber, filter paper, degreased- cotton and rubber-plug of ,for catching males moth of the legume pod borer, Maruca testulalis with blue water tray traps ,were evaluated. The trap catches were significantly greater in water-trap with lures of silicon-rubber, silicon-rubber and filter paper than in water-trap with lure of rubber-plug, the average per night catches were 2.5、2.6、2.3 and 1.3 respectively.
     (6) Extracted sex pheromones from gland of 1,2,5,7,10,12 as the attractant whose carriers were silicon-rubber for catching males moth of the legume pod borer, Maruca testulalis with blue water tray traps ,were evaluated .The better catch results were obtained in water tray traps with the attractant of 5 and 7 females sex pheromones ,the average catches per night were 1.4 and 1.13.The others average per night catches 0.43、0.67、0.76 and 0.58 respectably.
     (7) Studies on effective time of capturing moth showed: The average capturing moth amounts in blue water tray traps with the lure of silicon-rubber carrier containing the attractant of 5 or 7 females sex pheromones per trap per night from the 1st to 11th day were over 1.5, after the 12th day. The effect of capturing moth began to decline, The average capturing moth amounts per trap per night were under 0.5 and the effect of capturing moth disappeared after the 17th day. Under the same condition, the average capturing moth amounts per trap per night were over 1.0 from the 1st to the 7th day, after the 8th day with the lure of filter paper carrier, the effect of capturing moth began to decline .
     (8) The peak of egg-laying and larva-hatching of The legume pod borer, Maruca testulalis can be accurately predicted by using sex pheromones in the field for trapping the male moths. This method is better than others and has been shown as a new and effective mean for prediction of the occurrence of the legume pod borer, Maruca testulalis.
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