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    经致病性研究表明,该突变体为由 突变体,抗药性的产生伴随着致病性的丧失,
Toxicity mechanism, pl~rmacology, resistance risk, physiological and
     biochemical characters, and targets of attacking site et al. were studied in citrus
     bacterial canker disease (CBCD) pathogen Xunthomonas citri inhibited by
     carboxamides fungicide amicarthiazol.
     Action of amicarthiazol to plant pathogen bacteria was first charactered systemly
     in abroad and domestic researches. Intensely selection was indicated in inhibition of
     amicarthiazol to plant pathogen bacteria Xanthomonade such as X oryzae pv. oryzae,
     X o. pv. oryzicola, X citri, and X glycines et al. with high activity of efficient
     inhibitory medium concentration (EC50) 0.5745, 1.3026, 2.6257 and 7.4970kg 秐L1 in
     vitro, respectively. Little inhibition was showed to Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae,
     Ralstonia .solanacearum and Erwinia carotovora pv. carotovora. However. EC50 of
     hismerthiazol. carboxin. diisothiocyanatomethane and streptotnycin sulfate were
     3.6269, 2.8547, 0.1485, 0.040%.tg mU? It showed that inhibitory efficiency of
     aniicarthiazol was better than that of carboxin and bismerthiazol, yet less than
     diisothiocyanatomathane and streptomycin sulfate to the growth of bacterium X citri.
     Thiram and pH tendency had no influence on inhibition to the pathogen, glucose
     oxidation and utility by cell of X citri was 5.3 times in medium with sodium acetate
     solely hig~r than with glucose as sole carbonic resource.
     The functions of toxicity radicals with the similar structures were minor
     difference through comparison of toxicity mechanism among amicarthiazol,
     bismerthiazol and carboxin. They all had well inhibitory efficiency to the growth of
     plant bacterial disease pathogen and Rhizocto,iia cerealis. But bisnierthiazol had little
     toxicity to Rhizoctonia cerealis. The median inhibitory concentrations (MIC) of X
     curl to amicarthiazol and carboxin were 10014g. mV and 40014g ml]?respectively,
     it reflected that some different tolerances were exjsted between amicarthiazol and
     carboxin. Under the same efficient concentration effect of amiearthiazol was better
     than total of the effect of bismerthiazol and carboxin to the -growth and the respiration
     of X carl. However. Bismerthiazol could stimulate the respiration of the bacterium on
     some distance in low concentration. The results indicated that thiazole and
     benamidemetide structures in the molecular structure of amicarthiazol all had
     bioactivity to X cUrl.
     Extracellular secretions of X cUrl had certain abilities to regulate the interaction
     course between amicarthiazol and the bacterial cell. The secretions, especially
     extracellular polysaccharide (BPS), could strongly antagonize the inhibition of
     amicarthiazol. Output of electrolyte, El扴, extracelkilar protein, and bioactivity of
     extracehlular hydrolytic enzymes were regularized to vary with the concentration of
     amicarthiazol. To be noted that 73.74% product of ex~acelluIar protein of the
     bacterium treated with 2014g. mU?amicarthiazol was inhli,ited. l~ut the activity of
     extracellular proteinase increased with concentrati(n of aznicarthiazol till up to
     1014g. mU1. The results made known that the pathogenic bacteria possess an active
     echo to the adverse environment by changing the atti~butions of extracellular
     secretions enriching its cytoplasm when surrounded by fungicides to minor the
     probable touch to amicarthia~ol.
     Many researches were further to make clear diet the inhibitory rate was great
     different during different growth stage of
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