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     2.我们运用GST Pull-down和免疫共沉淀实验证实激酶GSK 3β与ataxin-3能够结合,并且通过γ-~(32)P标记的ATP进行体外磷酸化实验证明正常和扩展的ataxin-3均能被激酶GSK 3β磷酸化。通过磷酸化位点的点突变实验,我们发现磷酸化的位点是在ataxin-3的第256位丝氨酸上。我们进一步构建了第256位丝氨酸丧失磷酸化的突变体S256A以及模拟磷酸化的突变体S256D,采用细胞转染和免疫印迹检测发现,扩展的ataxin-3的S256A突变体会形成高分子量的多聚体形成聚集,而没有突变的扩展的ataxin-3和其S256D突变体则只是单体。更进一步与分子伴侣Hsp40或Hsp70分别共转染后发现,Hsp70能够抑制扩展的ataxin-3的S256A突变体形成聚集。这些结果表明激酶GSK3β对ataxin-3第256位丝氨酸的磷酸化能够调节ataxin-3的聚集,该特性可能对SCA3/MJD的发病产生影响。
Neurodegenerative diseases are chronic disorders caused by the deterioration of certain neurons.Changes in these neurons cause a function disorder,eventually lead to neuronal cell death.Neurodegenerative diseases occur either in familial or sporadic forms.Familial neurodegenerative diseases are caused by mutations in association with diseasegenes.Mutated disease proteins form the intracellular,intranuclear or extracellular aggregates,which are the common pathologic hallmarks of these diseases.The mutations in the gene encoding copper-zinc superoxide dismutase (SOD1)causes approximately 20%cases of familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (FALS),characterized by selective loss of motor neurons.Mutant SOD1 forms inclusions in tissues from FALS patients.However,the precise mechanism of the accumulation of mutant SOD1 remains unclear.Spinocerebellar ataxia typeⅢ(SCA3)/Machado-Joseph disease(MJD)is a dominant neurodegenerative disorder caused by an expansion of the polyglutamine tract in MJD-1 gene product,ataxin-3. The expanded ataxin-3 forms nuclear inclusions in MJD brain.The precise mechanism of inclusion formation is also not well illuminated.
     It was reported that post-translational modifications of desease proteins play an important role in the aggregation process.Post-translational modifications of proteins, such as phophorylation,acetylation,methylation,ubiquitination and SUMOylation, are important for the regulation of protein functions,activities or localizations after their synthesis has been completed.Recent studies have revealed that some neurodegenerative disease proteins,such as huntingtin,ataxin-1,α-synuclein,DJ-1 and tau,are modified by SUMO,implicating that SUMO modification of these disease proteins may participate in regulation of these protens' functions and associate with their pathogenesis.And some studies show that phosphorylation of some polyglutamine disease proteins,such as huntingtin,ataxin-1 and DRPLA,plays an important role in regulating pathogenesis.Thus,post-translational modifications have critical roles in neurodegenerative diseases.
     In this thesis,we mainly focus on the SUMOylation of SOD1 and phosphorylation of ataxin-3.From these two aspects,we investigated the role that post-tranlational modifications act in neurodegenerative diseases.The main results are below:
     1.We show that human SOD1 is a substrate modified by SUMO-1.A conversion of lysine 75 to an arginine within a SUMO consensus sequence in SOD1 completely abolishes SOD1 sumoylation.We further show that SUMO-1 modification,on both wild type and mutant SOD1,increases SOD1 steady state level and aggregation.Moreover,SUMO-1 co-localizes onto the aggregates formed by SOD1.These findings imply that SUMO-1 modification on lysine 75 may participate in regulating SOD1 stability and its aggregation process.Thus,our results suggest that sumoylation of SOD1 may be involved in the pathogenesis of FALS associated with mutant SOD1.
     2.We show that S256 site in ataxin-3 is phosphorylated by GSK 3β.Moreover, S256A mutant of expanded ataxin-3 forms high molecular weight protein aggregation,whereas S256D mutant and expanded ataxin-3 without mutation at this site are monomeric.The molecular chaperone Hsp70 represses the aggregation of S256A mutant.Our results imply that phosphorylation of ataxin-3 by GSK 3βat serine 256 regulates the aggregation of ataxin-3.
     Taking together,post-translational modifications regulate the specificities of neurodegenerative disease proteins,influence the aggregate formation and play a role in the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative diseses.
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