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It has become a vital and challenging issue for the current supply chain management to study how to respond to uncertain market demand quickly, and fulfill an efficient supply chain collaborative manufacturing while reducing the manufacturing and distribution costs, reducing production and distribution of time. Through the research, Managers and researchers realize the need for the entire process of products manufacture both in the supply chain and the field of distribution, and to have a collaborative optimization. To find out a technique which optimize the resources of supply chain from the overall supply chain. Afterwards enhance the supply chain Production efficiency and the competitiveness of the supply chain. Give full play to the superiority of supply chain manufacturing production patterns which is of great significance. Therefore, study the scheduling supply chain integration has extensive reality background and important theoretical significance and academic value.
     In this thesis, on the basis of recapitulate the methods of research of domestic and international supply chain optimization and the field of supply chain collaboration scheduling, using the quantitative method to study the use of supply chain integration model and scheduling methods. Expound the ideas of supply chain modeling and optimization of scheduling. Furthermore, provide specific arithmetic and models dealing the problem of several representative issues.
     The innovation of this thesis includes:
     (1) Integrated multi-stages supply chain scheduling model, Consider the integrated model optimal arrangement of multi-link under production and distribution. Take the integrate cost and time as the object of optimization, and set up a multi-objective optimization decision-making model, on this basis, with the supply chain cost increasing situation, created a quadratic programming model of optimal scheduling.
     (2) We selected the pivoting algorithm as a quick way to solve the non-linear optimization model for scheduling constraints. Pivoting algorithm is more suitable to dealing the problem of large scale model of the scheduling. By solving multi-objective linear programming model and scheduling model of quadratic programming with pivoting algorithm, we found the calculated results is much more superior and can find a optimal solution in a short time.
     (3) Apply the nested grouping genetic algorithm to large-scale chain integration to solve the problem of scheduling. In the practice, under the situation of supply chain integration, manufacturers and to optimize the process of distribution is not only an assignment problem but also provided with the features of scheduling problem. This brings a lot of calculation problems to solve the model. Here is a nested genetic algorithm, on basis of this, finding the optimal scheduling method to solve the scheduling problem.
     (4) The WEB integrated scheduling system framework based on Multi-agent consider a supply chain integration based on the manufacture of multi-agent supply network subsystems and functional subsystems framework, in light of the actual demand, bring forward a Bid-based consultation mechanism found on Token. Members of the overall resource scheduling can be rapidly achieved within the use of such mechanism.
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