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For promoting the dynamic properties, lightening the weight of aerospace/marinestructures, and extending the structural design space, both theoretical and technicalproblems of structural dynamic topology optimization were investigated thoroughly inthis dissertation. Based on comparison and analysis of material distribution basedtopology optimization methods and the structural energy flow theories, a theoreticalbridge between structural topology optimization and structural energy flow analysis wasconstructed. Methods of power flow response based structural dynamic topologyoptimization, power flow mode based structural dynamic topology optimization, andenergy finite element based structural energy flow topology optimization were proposed,and topology optimization based integrating system of structural design was developed.
     The dissertation is aimed at solving some key theoretical and technical problems ofstructural dynamic topology optimization. The following five aspects have beeninvestigated: The fusing theory of structural topology optimization and structural energyflow analysis; Rayleigh damping based topological design model of “frequencyresponse”,“dynamic compliance” and “eigen-frequency”; Power flow response basedstructural dynamic topology optimization; Power flow mode theory based structuraldynamic topology optimization; Energy finite element based structural energy flowtopology optimization; Topology optimization based structural design integrated system.The main findings of this dissertation include:
     1. Based on the studies of structural topology optimization and structural energyflow theories, a theoretical bridge between material distribution based topologyoptimization and energy flow based structural dynamic analysis was constructed,providing a novel approach for structural dynamic topology optimization.
     2. Based on Rayleigh damping, a detail comparison of “frequency response”,“dynamic compliance” and “eigen-frequency” dynamic topology optimization modelswas carried out, and the intrinsic physical meanings, advantages and disadvantages, andcoupling relationships of these three models have been explaned.
     3. The method of power flow response based structural dynamic topologyoptimization was proposed. The complex expression of power flow was deduced, basedon which the mathematic optimization model of power flow response based structuraltopological design was established. Adjoint sensitivity analysis and the method ofmoving asymptotes (MMA) were apployed for solving the model, and the effectmechanics of the loading frequency, damping factors and material parameters on theoptimum topology was discovered.
     4. The method of power flow mode theory based structural dynamic topologyoptimization was proposed. The basic theory of power flow mode was reviewed, based on which the mathematic optimization models of “minimizing the input mode powerflow” and “separated power flow mode” were established. Sensitivity analysis and themethod of moving asymptotes were apployed for solving the models, and the effectmechanics of the loading frequency and damping coefficients on the optimum topologywas analyzed. The availability and advantage of power flow mode theory for thedynamic topology design were discussed.
     5. Energy finite element method (EFEM) was employed for bi-material structuraltopology optimization of energy flow problems, such that the propagation process of theenergy flow can be controlled and optimized. Based on the energy flow governingequation in steady state, the discrete optimization model was formulated, where therelation of power flow conservation across the material junctions was applyed. Thebi-material interpolation model of material density, Young’s modulus, and dampingfactor are constructed using SIMP principle. The optimization model was solved usingMMA and a direct differentiation sensitivity analysis method. The method wasvalidated by comparison with dynamic compliance and eigenfrequency topologicaldesign results.
     6. Based on the theoretical foundings, topology optimization based structuraldesign integrating system was developed. The system process, structure, function anddata model were designed, based on which the prototype system was developed.
     In summary, this dissertation was concerned with some key theoretical andtechnical problems involved in the researches and applications of structural dynamictopology optimization. The main contributions of this dissertation include:1) atheoretical bridge between structural topology optimization and energy flow analysiswas constructed;2) power flow response based structural dynamic topologyoptimization was proposed;3) power flow mode theory based structural dynamictopology optimization was proposed;4) EFEM based energy flow topologyoptimization was proposed. The results of this dissertation provide significanttheoretical foundations and technical guidelines to support the practical.
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