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As one of the key nodes of supply chain, container ports place their expectation of more competitive advantages and performance improvement on the exploration of their extinctive logistics capabilities in the circumstance of on-going integration of supply chain in logistics and port fields. Whereas, be faced with the increasingly fierce competition in shipping and transportation market as well as the ever-changing macro-economic and social context, the connotation and denotation of port logistics capabilities and port performance have been undergoing significant changes. Meanwhile, the competition between the container ports and the supply chains in which they involved is presented in an all-directional, multitiered and wide-ranging arena. As a result, the comprehensive decoding of the port logistics capabilities and the quantitative exploration of mechanism between the former with synthetic port performance pose a long-run implications and reference for the port operators and the stakeholders of port business.
     By this article focusing on the field through literature review and the port logistics service status analysis, we can be found,, we can found that the current the ability of domestic and foreign to port logistics segment field and related performance study of attention and depth obviously deficiencies, also not comprehensive system. In domestic port logistics research fields, the research of comprehensive performance and the port logistics capability lags behind the development of the industry practice and innovation. And at the same time, the implementing logistics strategy of port has become an important constituent in the world container port development strategy, then become the effective approach of ports improving the international competitiveness and ports achieving good performance.
     Therefore, this paper making container port in China as the research object, focuses on the container ports logistics capability and performance theme. In system analysis and fully on the basis of investigation, it discusses three core abstract factor assessment measurement models in the port logistics capability of new situation, port competitive advantages and port performance and so on. Then, based on the analysis of the verification thought, this article is further assumed and verified three path relationship models with the port logistics capability, port competitive advantage and port performance.
     On the research process, through the two stages empirical analysis of the beforehand research and large-scale research, by the SPSS, AMOS and other statistical analysis software tools, based on structure equation model theory and method, this article completes the main statistics and analysis such as confirmatory factor analysis, path analysis and so on. Combined with the systematic review analysis and empirical studies, this paper is concluded that the main conclusions are as follows:
     First, port logistics capability of elements under the background of global logistics and supply chain integration, in addition to the necessary loading and unloading equipment, facilities and other hardware strength besides, more needs to pay attention to the soft elements ability included of the logistics strategy by and configuration strength, integration and integration ability, operation and management ability and agile strain ability and so on. Under the new market competition, as customer orientation and service orientation increasingly prominent, the software elements ability will play a more important role in the promoting port logistics capability.
     Second, the performance of the efficient port has become an important part to measure the comprehensive performance of the port. Along with the port gradually developing from traditional loading and unloading production to the integration of loading and unloading manufacturers, logistics service provider, capital operators and so on. And it is becoming a key node of a port supply chain, the measure of port performance has broke the limit of the traditional performance or pure financial performance. While it is completing the production and realizing revenue, its contribution to the economy and society also becomes increasingly comprehensive performance evaluation of the port. The result of empirical research in this paper validated the reality.
     Third, port logistics capability and port performance has a significant positive correlation function, namely the ability of port logistics can improve the port performance level directly. In many of the elements of port logistics, integrated ability to improve the port performance (especially satisfaction performance) has an important contribution, and this is also proved the important port logistics background premise, that in the development of port logistics, port becoming more integrated into the supply chain, as the important node of port and logistics supply chain.
     Fourth, the competitive advantage is beneficial to the performance of the port. Besides, the improvement of the logistics capability can also increase the competitive. superiorities. That means, port logistics capability in addition to direct positive influence on the performance of the port outside, it can indirectly realize level of ascent in the all-round performance of port by expanding competitive advantage. Namely the ability of port logistics can be improved through competition market outstanding performance and transform into port various performance improvement in production, finance and society and so on.
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