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柑橘疮痂病是柑橘上的重要真菌性病害,世界各地均有发生,国外研究表明引起柑橘疮痂病的病原有2个种,即由(?)(?)lsinoe fawcettii Bitancourt and Jenkins(无性态Sphaceloma fawcettii Jenkins)引起的普通疮痂病(Citrus Scab, CS)和由E.australis Bitancourt(无性态S. australis Bitancourt and Jenkins)引起的甜橙疮痂病(Sweet Orange Scab, SOS)。普通疮痂病可以危害各种宽皮柑橘,很少侵染甜橙;而甜橙疮痂病则主要侵染甜橙果实。
     2、通过病菌的分离培养、形态学比较、致病性测定和分子比对,首次明确柚子疮痂病的病原为Elsinoe fawcettii。
     3、通过对46个代表菌株的致病性测定和ISSR分析,明确我国柑橘疮痂病菌Elsinoe fawcettii存在丰富的种内变异,这46个菌株可分为11个致病型和10个ISSR组群。ISSR法所划分的遗传变异组群与致病型具有很好的相关性,说明所建立的ISSR体系可用于致病型的鉴定。
Two scab diseases are currently recognized on citrus:citrus scab, caused by Elsinoe fawcettii Bitancourt and Jenkins (anamorph Sphaceloma fawcettii Jenkins), and sweet orange scab, caused by E. australis Bitancourt (anamorph S. australis Bitancourt and Jenkins). E. fawcettii mainly affects species of citrus such as tangerines and lemons, but raely affects stweet orange, while E. australis mainly affects fruits of sweet orange, but rarely affects tangerines.
     China is the world's largest citrus producing countries with a long history of citrus-growing, and a large number of citrus species and varieties. Citrus scab is a common problem in the citrus industry, affecting tangerines, pomelos and lemons Although, scab disease is economically important in China, but experimental study on the species and intraspecific variation of the pathogenic fungi is lack. Especially, there is no information to show if sweet orange scab is present in China. In addition, the Elsinoe species causing pomelo (Citrus grandis) scab has not yet been identifiedabroad so far. Based on the above facts, the following works were carried out in this study:
     1. Samples of citrus fruits and leaves with scab or scab-like symptoms were collected from cultivated Citrus species in the main citrus-producing areas of China. Eighty three Elsinoe strains were isolated from these samples and46representative strains were selected for ITS sequence analysis. The results indicated that Elsinoe fawcettii appears to be the sole species in our country and E. australis has not been discovered at present.
     2. Based on the methods of morphological and molecular characteristics, we demonstrated for the first time that the causal agent of pomelo scab is also E. fawcetti.
     3. Pathogenicity testing on9Citrus species and Inter-Simple Sequence Repeat (ISSR) analysis indicated that a rich intraspecific variation is present in E. fawcettii population. The46selected strains could be divided into11pathotypes and10ISSR groups. A high consistency is present between the genetic differentiation and pathogenicity differentiation, indicating ISSR could be used for the forcasting or intial identification of the pathotypes of E. fawcettii.
     4. Symptoms of citrus scab are often indistinguishable from those caused by other pathogenic fungi, mechanical injuries or insects. In this study, a rapid and reliable real-time PCR technique for the diagnosis of citrus scab was established. By using this technique, a citrus scab-suspected sample could be diagnosed within four hours.
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