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     (1)第一,在非相对论量子框架下发展了电子自旋极化的描述理论。我们发现,在仅考虑电子的自旋的情况下,由于泡利矢量三个笛卡尔分量之间不相互对易,在描述电子的自旋极化时,除了要确定自旋量子化方向外,我们还需要另外一个自由度——单位矢量((?))关于自旋量子化方向的方位角Φ。将此自旋极化的描述理论应用到自由电子情形,并且令构成自由电子波函数的每一个平面波分量的自旋量子化方向为波矢kr方向,我们可以得到自由电子自旋极化的一类表示,在给定权重分布函数和广义琼斯矢量时,单位矢量((?))完全决定了两自旋极化基矢的形式。由于此时两自旋极化基矢为螺旋度算符σr (?)pr /pr的本征值分别为“+1”与“-1”的本征态,而此算符本身便描述了自旋与动量之间的某种耦合,可以说单位矢量I(?)扮演着自旋与动量之间耦合的自由度的角色。
     (3)第三,首次提出了柱对称自旋极化电子束的概念,它们是z方向总角动量J z的本征态,但它们即不是自旋角动量也不是轨道角动量在z方向上分量的本征态。
Since the spin of electron was discovered, investigations on the description of spin polarization have been becoming an important subject in both fundamental quantum theory and spintronics theory. Whereas, the knowledge on the spin polarization is not sufficient, there exist some questions to be considered deeply, which may help us interpret some subtle spin-dependent phenomena including the well-known spin Hall effect and Imbert-Fedorov effect.
     The polarization of light beams is a local quantity, similarly, the polarization of electron beams is generally local except for linear-polarized electron beams, it exhibits inhomogeneous distribution. In view of the above, we may predict kinds of electron beams with novel polarization including“cylindrically symmetric electron beams”.
     Furthermore, due to relativistic effect, the physical behavior of electron in non-relativistic and relativistic cases will exhibits great distinctions. Therefore, in this thesis, we develop a theory of electron spin polarization, taking into account of both non-relativistic and relativistic electrons, and apply this theory to describe the spin polarization of free electron. We also make some effort to the investigations on symmetry properties and spatial displacement. The main results and innovations contain:
     (1) First, new degrees of freedom having the form of a unit vector are identified for characterizing the spin polarization of free electron. It is shown that when only the spin is considered, the non-commutativity of the Cartesian components of the Pauli vector allows us to use the azimuthal angle of a second direction, denoted by unit vector I, with respect to the quantization direction to characterize the spin polarization. Upon utilizing this approach to a free electron and letting the quantization direction for each plane wave be the wave vector, we arrive at a representation in which the unit vector I functions as an independent index to characterize the spin polarization.
     (2) Second, we investigate the important role of unit vector I(?) to describe the spatial symmetry of single free electron systems; Making use of numerical simulation, it is shown that electron systems with different unit vector have different symmetry properties; We have also illustrated the close relation between azimuthal angleΦI of unit vector and spatial rotation of system along z axis.
     (3) Third, cylindrically symmetric electron beams in spin polarization are reported for the first time. They are shown to be the eigen-states of total angular momentum in z direction. But they are neither the eigen-states of spin nor the eigen-states of orbital angular momentum in that direction.
     (4) Fourth, we briefly review several important mechanical operators which can be served as spin angular momentum of relativistic electron. Making use of polarization operator preferably, we propose a method to construct spin polarization bases of free relativistic electron, and find that, besides the direction of spin quantization, there exists another degree of freedom---unit vector to characterize these bases. Similar discussions can be carried out by referring to those in chapter 2 for non-relativistic electron, just replacing Pauli vector by polarization operator.
     (5) Fifth, when relativistic electron transmit a non-symmetric square single potential structure, the spin polarization of transmitting electron will change compared with the spin polarization of incident electron, we also discuss the spin-dependent spatial displacements of transmitting electron beams, which also depend on the energy, incident angle and spin polarization of incident electron.These phenomena can not occur for non-relativistic electron. These results may provide necessary theoretical instructions and references for the application of high-energy electron beam in particle physics, high-energy physics and condensed matter physics, et al., and the investigation and development of“relativistic spin electronics”in future.
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