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Steel tubular structures are kinds of steel structure which use hollow tube as their structural member. With the continuous development of steel industry in China,and application of several technologies such as rolling,cold molding, hot molding and welding,the use of steel tubular structures has been broadened from simple plane structures to spatial structures. Steel tubular structures are widely used in modern structures, especially in the large-span spatial structures , for its advantages—fine section properties , high load-bearing capacity, grand,brief and fluent configuration, simple assembly and fabrication, fast construction, low cost,and so forth. This paper does research on serval main aspects of large-span spatial steel tubular structures: design, carrying capacity of the joint ,fabrication and installation,,based on the practical structure-Baoding Great Wall gymnasium. The main research includes:
     (1)The designs,static and dynamical analysis of the large-span spatial steel tubular structure. The finite element modeling and analysis of main structure are carried out by ANSYS. The carrying capacity and stability of the structure was checked and the model analysis and seismic response spectrum analysis are also carried out.
     (2)The calculation and design of the steel tubular joints.After the calculation based on the corresponding code, the carrying capacity of the TT-shaped spatial steel tubular joint and the strengthening type of this connection is figured out by FEA. The validity of strengthening type of TT-shaped spatial steel tubular joint is confirmed. Moreover, the common beam-to-column connection and the column base connection are analyzed in order to get a full aspect of such connection.
     (3)Fabrication technique and quality control of steel tubular spatial structure. Firstly, the analysis and calculation of the arch camber have been done using FEA software--ANSYS. Then this paper discusses several aspects of tubular structure fabricating technical process, including preparation of the members, curve confection of the chords, sectional assembly of the entire structure. The effective measures of the welding of the intersection joints as well as the quality control of the welding process are put forward.
     (4)Installation technology of the large-span steel tubular structures. Based on the characteristics of the practical structure, the construction scheme is decided, and the technical requirements are bring forward. Then, the lifting of the structure, as well as the falsework which is set while installing are calculated. To ensure the welding quality of the column-beam connection and the column base connection, requirements are suggested.
     This paper grounded on the practical project, discussed the practical structure from design and joint analysis to fabrication and installation, and offers references to the similar long-span steel tubular structures.
     This dissertation is supported by Natural Science Foundation of Bei Jing (No.8053021).
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