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The modernization of the medicine in both China and Japan is actually the assimilating of Western medicine effectively. Anatomy is the basis of Western medicine. So the most important topic on the modernization of the medicine in China and Japan is to investigate how Western anatomy had been accepted in these two countries. However, there has been not profound comparative study on this topic. This paper analyzes the differences and similarities of accepting western anatomy between China and Japan, a series of new results are obtained, some new viewpoints are provided.1. The paper investigates the development situation and knowledge level of anatomy in traditional medicine in both China and Japan. Sequence of ideas of traditional Chinese anatomy are reorganized. The theoretical origination of traditional Chinese medicine is considered of certain anatomic foundation. In specific period of time, traditional Chinese anatomy wasn't inferior much to a Western one. The knowledge level of traditional Japanese anatomy was almost the same as that of China.2. Western Anatomic knowledge introduced into China and Japan from the 17~(th) to the early 19~(th) century is presented thoroughly and systematically. The level of anatomic knowledge introduced into China is reviewed comprehensively. It was mostly considered in academic circles that Taixi Renshen Shuogai (《泰西人身说概》 ,Outline of Human Body of the West) and Renshen Tushuo(《人身图 说》,,Illustrated Explanation of the Human Body), two Chinese translations of western anatomy, introduced the former anatomy of Galen, and the anatomy knowledge introduced in the late Ming Dynasty were those in the medieval Europe. However, by textual researches and comparison between the two Chinese translations of western anatomy and the Vesalius' The Fabric, the author finds that the two translations reflected the anatomic system of Vesalius, and those anatomic knowledge introduced in other works of the missionaries, while the anatomic knowledge introduced in the late Ming Dynasty are actually those flourished in Europe in the 16~(th) century. The anatomic knowledge introduced into Japan is generally reviewed, and the relation between Kaitai Shinsho (《解体新书》 , Ontleedkundige Tafeln, the Dutch edition of Anatomische Tabellen by J. A. Kulmus) , a Chinese translations of western anatomy translated by Japanese in 1774, and traditional Chinese medicine and culture is analyzed and discussed.3. The acceptance situation of Western anatomy in China and Japan from the 17~(th) century to the first half of the 19~(th) century is compared in multiple aspects for the first time. Firstly, the earliest translated works and the reply to Western anatomy in China and Japan in the 17~(th) century are compared. It come to a result that Western anatomy is introduced into China earlier, and the content is more systematic and comprehensive than those of Japan. Chinese scholars' understanding of Western
    anatomy was better than Japanese as well. It is also indicated that in the early introduction period, traditional medicine had a positive effect on the acceptance of Western anatomy. And by comparison between translators, anatomic illustrations and acceptance masses, the influence of translative and cultural tradition of the two countries on the acceptance to Western anatomy is disscused. Secondly, anatomic practice and thoughts of two traditional physicians in the history of China and Japan, Wang Qingren and Yamawakei Toyo are compared, disscusing the interaction of traditional medicine and Western anatomy and its positive effects to the acceptance of Western anatomy. Finally, the general situation of the acceptance to Western anatomy in China and Japan from the 18th to the early 19th century is compared. There's a great contrast between China and Japan. The latter was distinctively better, referring to the introduced content, knowledge level and practice. There's a wide difference between the two countries.4. The general situation of the introduction of Western anatomy in the two countries in the second half of the 19th century is compared, revealing the important effects and influences of culture, system and policy to the introduction of Western anatomy and medicine. The nationalization of Western anatomy in China is discussed, and the reason why the absorption of Western anatomy in China and Japan had a different effect is also analyzed.
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