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     (1)手势特征提取以及多特征融合。针对半虚拟现实座舱这种特殊的应用环境,舱内操作设备对操作手势存在一定的约束形式,即操作设备的外形及位置基本决定了操作手势的类别和姿态,因此采用基于表观的手姿态估计方法。通过对手势图像库提取特征,建立手势特征与姿态参数间的映射,将姿态估计问题转换为特征检索问题。使用手势分割、轮廓搜寻、轮廓平滑和肤色填充四个步骤对手势图像进行预处理。对预处理后的手势图像,提出形状特征和颜色特征相结合的特征提取方法,其中形状特征采用梯度方向直方图(Histogram of Oriented Gradient,HOG)特征,颜色特征采用色度直方图特征,并根据特征相似性度量下的检索评价准则,确定形状特征和颜色特征在融合过程中各自所占的融合权重。
     (2)大容量高维度的手势特征检索。为提高手势特征的检索速度并克服“维数灾难”问题,使用局部敏感哈希(Locality Sensitive Hashing,LSH)索引方法进行近似近邻检索。为避免LSH索引建立的哈希表超出计算机的内存范围,采用多探测原理对多个哈希桶进行探测,加大库中特征与查询特征在单张哈希表中发生碰撞的概率。同时,为进一步提高算法的时间效率,引入近邻特征表,使用耗时较少的查询操作代替部分欧氏距离的计算。根据以上两点,提出了改进的LSH索引方法。此外,为优化改进LSH中的索引参数,提出了索引性能预测模型。本文实验表明,该预测模型能够反映实际的索引性能,利用优化参数后的改进LSH索引进行10–近邻特征检索,能以索引召回率下降3%为代价,将在线实际耗时减少41.9%。
     (3)自遮挡情况下的手姿态估计。针对手在半虚拟现实座舱中操作所遇到的自遮挡问题,引入多个视点下的手势图像。为避免多视点下的手势图像库容量过分增加,建立手势特征树,提出了在最大后验概率(Maximum a Posteriori,MAP)框架下,通过特征树节点搜索保证概率意义上的姿态最优解,并利用时序一致加权提高姿态估计精度。本文实验表明,通过建立手势特征树,可以将手姿态估计速度从4.4帧/s的提高至8.2帧/s,并且在自遮挡情况下仍能有效地估计手指关节参数以及手腕姿态参数,能够满足用户与半虚拟现实座舱之间的交互需求。
     (4)指尖检测、定位和手势识别。针对桌面虚拟现实训练系统,实现基于视觉的接触式和非接触式两种训练方式。接触式训练中,对手部进行实时跟踪和定位,计算手指指尖的三维位置,实现真实手与虚拟物体的精细碰撞检测。其中,提出了使用指甲盖标记与轮廓凸缺陷分析相结合的方法检测手指指尖,并提出了引入深度信息的对偶正交摄像机系统及坐标值轮流逼近定位算法计算指尖的三维空间位置。本文实验表明,该算法对指尖的平均定位误差小于0.1cm。非接触式训练中,提出了基于分层时序记忆(Hierarchical Temporal Memory,HTM)的手势识别方法,识别飞行模拟过程中的各种操作手势,所述方法对10种静态手势的识别率超过90%。同时,结合指尖定位结果作为各种操作的输入控制量,实现用户只使用手势即完成飞行模拟的全过程。
Flight simulator is an aviation equipment that can simulate airplane’s movement in air andground realistically. It is a typical application of system simulation technology and virtual realitytechnology which is widely used in civil aviation and military aviation areas. Since the beginning of21th century, the Flight Simulation and Advanced Training Engineering Technology Research Centerof Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics has been concentrated on the study of flightsimulator based on virtual reality technology and proposed the concept of semi-virtual reality cockpitin which the force and tectile sense are provided by real operation equipments and the visual sense isgenerated by HMD (Helmet-Mounted Display). The system also needs an appropriate way to providethe visual feedback of user’s hand, but it will affect immersion sense and destroy the naturalness andconcordance in interaction if traditional CyberGlove is used. Therefore, this paper adopts aninteractive scheme based on hand pose estimation to visualize the virtual hands. In addition, computervision technology is also applied to desktop virtual reality training system as a complementaryprocedure of training pilots. The main research contents are summarized as follows:
     1. Gesture features extraction and fusion. The gestures are constrained by the equipments insemi-virtual reality cockpit. In other words, the category of gesture and pose of hand are determinedby the shapes and positions of the equipments. An appearance-based method of hand pose estimationis utilized in this paper, which converts hand tracking problem into a hand pose indexing problem byconstructing gesture image database and creating a mapping between gesture features and hand poses.Before gesture features extraction, image preprocessing which contains hand segmentation, contoursearching, contour smoothing and skin filling is performed. Then the HOG (Histogram of OrientedGradient) features and chromaticity histogram features are fused using evaluation of retrievalprecision to identify the fusion weights.
     2. Large-capacity and high-dimension feature indexing. In order to improve retrieval speed andsolve the “Curse of Dimensionality” problem, an improved LSH (Locality Sensitive Hashing) methodis proposed in this paper. And a predictive model is built to evaluate the index parameters. Thesimulation results show that the predictive model is appropriate to the practical index performanceand the time consumption could be reduced by41.9%at the cost of the recall rate drop3%for10-NN(Nearest Neighbors) retrieval.
     3. Hand pose estimation under self-occlusion. According to hand self-occlusion insemi-virtual reality cockpit, multi-view gesture databases are introduced. In order to avoid capacity in databases increase excessively, a tree model is constructed using multi-view gesture features. UnderMAP (Maximum a Posteriori) framework, tree node searching is used to ensure the pose estimation isoptimal in probabilistic sense. Besides, the estimation results are weighted by temporal consistencywhich could enhance the accuracy. Experimental results show that the speed of the proposed methodcould be increased from4.4fps to8.2fps, and the poses of finger and wrist could also be estimatedaccurately.
     4. Fingertip detection, position and gesture recognition. According to the Desktop Virtual RealitySystem, contact and non-contact training methods are accomplished in this paper. The contact trainingmethod uses fingertip detection and position algorithms to judge the collision between real hand andvirtual objects. Fingertip detection is realized by combining mark identification and convexity defectsanalysis, and dual orthogonal camera system with image depth information is proposed to implementthe fingertip position. Experimental results show that the average accuracy of position could be asgood as0.1cm. In non-contact training, a gesture recognition method based HTM (HierarchicalTemporal Memory) network which is inspired by vision system of mammal is proposed. Recognitionrate of the proposed method is higher than90%against10kinds of gesture. Combining the gesturerecognition and fingertip position, a pilot could complete the whole process of flight simulation onlyutilize movement gestures.
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