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The model and the idea of the governance of service-oriented government will bring significant changes in the assessment of government performance, such as in the aspects of the value orientation, the object position, the assessment content, assessment methods and so on. The functions of county level government directly extend its service to the public, and the reform and innovation of it will bring out breakthrough in the construction of service-oriented government. Governments all over the world and the related scholars have paid much attention to the performance evaluation which is taken as a driving force to improve the government performance. Therefore, it is particularly important to the study of countermeasures for the performance assessment and improving its service ability of the service-oriented county level government.
     Based on the theory of public service-oriented, management theory of performance evaluation of government and public service management, this paper argues that there should be a theoretical system to assess the performance of the service-oriented county level government according to the needs of the clients. Firstly, based on the evaluation of the initiative, influence and independence of the subject of the performance assessment of the service-oriented county level government and according to the theory of stakeholders investigating the connected interest of the subject, the structure of trinity multiple evaluation of the subject should be established. Secondly, based on the service functions of county government, the indicators systems of the performance assessment of the county level service-oriented government should be established. The methods of structural elements of multiple will direct the design of the system of indicators which should be created a model according to the characteristics of China. Public satisfaction should be one of the main indicators of service-oriented level county government and the model of public Satisfaction Index(CGMSI)of service-oriented level county government should be established .Thus, the system of indicators of public satisfaction of service-oriented level county governments will be established. Thirdly, this paper will comment the advantages and disadvantages of the methods of performance evaluation, and establish the model of the objectives-oriented performance index. By the use of the appraisal means of performance indicators, through the quantization of inputs, transforming the total cost and the output, and feedback and contraction, and the performance of service-oriented level county government can be assessed objectively and comprehensively. The operation of the model of the performance index should be tested by the empirical research. Finally, according to the results of the assessment, and analyzing the two methods by which the service capability will be improved for the two subjects of the service of county level government. The model of improving the service capability should be established, and the countermeasures which will have something to do with improving the capability of the county level government should be studied.
     There are some main innovations of this paper. In the first place, This paper first proposes the content, extension and expression of the performance assessment and improving the service capability of the county level service-oriented government. It fills the vacancy of the performance assessment and improving the service capability of the county level service-oriented government, which means a new stage for the study of the performance assessment and improving the service capability of the county level service-oriented government. In the second place, the multiple models and the methods of performance index will be created. The multiple models will provide the basis for evaluation subjects structure, indicator system, assessment options, public satisfaction index, improvement of service ability and so on. However, the model of public satisfaction index of Chinese government will be first proposed. The methods of performance index will perfect the drawback about not be parallel compared and not be counted the cost of service of government. In the third place, the performance of service-oriented county-level government is used as means,it are combined with the purpose of performance evaluation. The work of performance assessment is a means. The purpose of performance evaluation is help to enhance service capability of the county level government.This paper will attempt to assess the results of the assessment are applied to county government services to increase, so that means are combined with the purpose of performance evaluation. Consequently, the study is both about the performance evaluation and countermeasures of improving the service capability of the county level service-oriented government, which will make the evaluation system more perfect.
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