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Since China’s opening up and reform, energy development goes rapidly and China becomes the third largest energy production country and the largest energy consumption country in the whole world. But meanwhile, the contradiction among energy development and economic increase as well as environmental protection becomes prominent. This is the bottle neck of realizing entire social stable and sustainable development in the future, which needs to be highly concerned and solved as soon as possible. Now the harmonious development of energy-economy- environment and the fitting energy policy problem have become a new important research topic concerned by the whole world. In this background, combining with China’s current condition, from the angle of harmony, this dissertation tries to explore the energy development policies which not only can guarantee the energy supply to support economic increase, but also can guarantee that negative effects of energy consumption and production on the environment will not exceed the baseline or even will have positive effects on the environment, so that the harmonious level of these three items and the construction of saving and harmony society can be promoted.
     The dissertation overviews domestic and international literatures concerning energy-economy, energy-environment, energy-economy-environment (3E) relations and energy policies. It also sums up some basic theories in the relevant fields. Theoretical research shows that international and domestic current research do not adequately emphasize that China should enact comprehensive and harmonious energy policies. They do not attach enough importance to the study of the innovation mechanism of energy policy formulations. This results in the lack of the interaction and fuse between energy development and the other domains such as environmental protection. Current studies either have not used economic theories to fully explain 3E contradictions in the perspective of the harmony in order to better guide China’s energy policy decision.
     China has made a magnificent progress in the energy development. However, there are still some worrisome phenonmenon existed, which are: obvious energy structural contradiction, relatively lag behind managerial system of the energy industry, relatively prominent contradiction between energy development and environmental protection, increase of energy costs due to the over-emphasis of the economic increase speed, low efficiency of energy use etc. The enforcement effects of some energy development policies are not very ideal. For example, no enough harmony among energy policies and relevant economic as well as environmental policies; lack of effective democratic and scientific decision-making process and mechanisam; still lack of unified management and internal coordination during the energy policy execution; law enforcement supervision is very weak; lack of emphasis of the non-fossil energy development.
     Generally speaking, although there are some unharmonious aspects existed between China’s energy development and economic increase, the harmonious effects are more obvious. However, there are relatively prominent contradictions and unharmonious aspects existed between China’s energy development and environmental protection. The damage of energy development on the quality of China’s environment and the environmental factor’s negative restriction on the energy development are two main aspects showing contradictions. Then the dissertation makes use of quantitative analytical methods such as principal component analysis and fuzzy sets method to carry on deep empirical analysis of the harmonious development condition of energy-economy-environment between the year of 2000 and 2005. The basic conclusion is: the general harmonious level of 3E is relatively low and is in a weak harmonious condition; the harmonious level of energy-economy is much better than that of energy-environment and economy-environment, which is above weak harmonious level in five years except the only year of 2003; the development of energy-environment is in a light unharmonious condition; the harmonious level of economy-environment is the lowest, belonging to the medium unharmonious level. 3E system is in the constantly adjustment with the general tendency to the stable improvement.
     From a theoretical view, the dissertation uses environmental economic theories, institutional economic theories, energy economics theories and microeconomic theories etc to deeply probe into the unharmonious development phenonmenion of 3E system. The main influential factors of harmonious development are: publicity of environment and resource as well as unclear property right arrangement, widely existed external diseconomy in the use of environment and resource, imperfect market and price mechanism of environment and resource, hard calculation of effects of resource inputs with the aim to realize outside economic equilibrium, imperfect institutional arrangement under the human behavior hypothesis.
     The United States., the European Union, Japan and Korea adopt a series of effective energy policies to promote harmonious development of 3E embarking from their own national conditions. For example, increase investments in new energy and renewable energy development, reinforce international energy cooperation, promote the energy market liberalization, always put environmental factors into the consideration of energy development policy, adjust price parity system of energy products etc. All of these energy development policies offers cherish experiences and references for China’s energy development.
     Closely combining China’s 3E reality with the forcast of future 3E development, the basic thinking way of China’s energy policy and the policy orientation should be adjusted. Meanwhile, we should implement energy development policies which are based on 3E harmony: reinforce energy saving, such as reinforce structural and industry energy saving, set and implement the grade label system of product energy consumption; insist quality traditional energy development, actively popularize modern development methods and implement west-east joint development; vigorously move forward the alternative energy development, make the development projection and standard system of alternative energy as soon as possible, establish national alternative energy base; reinforce energy environmental protection, carry out energy-relevant environment management system and accelerate the enactment of energy-relevant environment economic policies, for instance adopt the energy green insurance measure; work hard on the energy technology advancement, promote energy technology development in the light of energy technological features of different big categories; deepen the construction of governmental energy managerial system, for example, speed up the settlement of the energy managerial system defects, set up a policy guarantee system ensuring that energy can be developed harmoniously together with the economy and environment.
     The exploratory research conducted by this dissertation mainly includes following three aspects: (1) Carry on empirical studies on the harmonious development condition of China’s energy development and economic increase as well as environmental protection during the year of 2000-2005, which reveals specific China’s 3E harmonious level; (2) Attempt to make the economic theoretical explaination on the unharmonious development phenonmenion of 3E system; (3) Based on the above research on harmonies, drawing on the energy development experiences of four countries, the dissertation offers energy development policy configuration and policy suggestions within the framework of 3E harmonious development, which provides a new thinking way for energy policy makers and researchers.
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