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Along with the development of the economic and society, the acceleration of urbanization and the adjustment of industrial structure in China, energy consumption of building will surpass the energy consumpition of other sectors, such as industry and transportation, and eventually become the primacy of energy. Thus, the building energy efficiency (abbr. BEE)has become the key scope of energy conservation and the reduciton emission of green-house gas. The total amount of new buildings in China reach 2 billion square meters each year, and will continue for a longer time. It is of great significance to improve BEE of new building for the achievement of national energy policy and the sustainable development of society and economy. Therefore, this dissertation is about study of the management institution of BEE of new residential house. Through establishing the management institution of BEE of new residential house, it is hoped to ensure the new residential house to well run in the decision-making, implementation and operation management of all aspects, and promote the healthy and rapid development of BEE in new residential house, thus support BEE in China. The main content and innovation points in the dissertation r are showed as it below.
     First, through ordering the institution thoeries about BEE, it is able to provide the reference and support of theory for the construction of the management institution of BEE of new residential house in China. Based on institutional economics theory, information asymmetry theory and regulation economics theory, combining the externality theory, the life cycle theory, it was systematically explored in the dissertation about the institution strategyies in the process of setting up the management institution of BEE of new residential house in China.
     Secondly, Systematically gathered and arranged the advanced practical experiences about BEE in developed countries, it is possible to provide the practical experience support about the establishment of the management institution of BEE of new residential house in China. By comparsion, it can be seen that the governments of the devoloped countries in BEE field took some effective measures to perfect the management institution on BEE, and achieved significant energy-saving effect. These measures include to establish and improve the government management institution of BEE; formulate regulations and policies and the energy efficiency standards of BEE; establish the testing standards and the certification system of BEE; focus on the integrated performance of BEE; establish and improve the market of BEE, etc. These advanced practical experiences about BEE in developed countries can provide sufficient practice and evidence for the establishment of the management institutions of BEE of new residential house in China.
     Thirdly, through analyzing the existing management policies and institutions on BEE in China, combining with the institution thoeries on BEE and the institution practical experiences in developed countries, the dissertation estabilished the integrated management institution of BEE of new residential house in China. From the actual conditions of BEE in China, the dissertation summarized the existent management institution of BEE in new residential house.According to the Whole-process management, and Combining with the practical experiences of BEE of developed countries and China, the dissertation established the management institution structure of BEE of new residential house. In addition, according to implementation of building energy efficiency management institution of new residential house, the dissertation put forward setting up the guarantee institution of building energy efficiency management to ensure the implementation of the institution. It is discussed at the charpter end about the institution structure of BEE of new residential house in China.
     Finally, learning from the institution pratical experiences of BEE in developed countries, the system array were discussed on each individual system of management institution of BEE of new residential house. Thereinto, the Certificate-Rating System of Building Energy Efficiency was discussed as the key content. Adopting the mode of institution setting, institution foundation, institution arrangement and the other problems, the dissertation systematically and comprehend- sively discussed each individual system of building energy efficiency manmagement of new residential house.Thereinto, the Certificate-Rating System of Building Energy Efficiency was discussed as the key. Through the establishment of the Certificate-Rating System of Building Energy Efficiency, on the one hand, it can reduce the building energy market information asymmetry; on the other hand, it also can collect the information of BEE. According to the information of BEE, the government department can take effective measures to progress building energy efficiency, such as develop the technology of BEE, put forward economic incentive policy and publicity encouragement policies, etc.
     Taking one with another, the study, from the perspective of the overall and integrity, through the system innovation and institutional improvement, is intent on putting forward a systemic solution for BEE management of new residential house.
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