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     1. 马尾松木材密度的家系间变异主要存在于径向中层,即速生期(10a-15a)形成的木材。而15年生时马尾松木材壁腔比属优质,柔性系数属II级材,胸径年增长量达到第2峰值,从纸浆性能和木材产量角度进行考虑,初步确定马尾松纸浆材合理采伐年龄为第15年。
     2. 在木材化学组分方面,发现马尾松木材纤维素含量在家系间呈现极显著差异,遗传力为0.26,且与木材密度成极显著正相关(相关系数0.556)。可以木材密度为指标对木材纤维素含量进行正向选择。
     3. 在木材管胞形态方面,发现马尾松木材年轮宽与管胞宽度、管胞长度、管胞长宽比、管胞壁厚、壁腔比、柔性系数、刚性系数7个管胞形态指标呈显著相关。可使用胸径年增长量作为造纸性能优劣的间接选择指标。
     4. 在产脂能力方面,研究发现马尾松产脂能力与与光合作用面积和胸径处截面积显著正相关,进而制定了新的产脂能力评价方法。采用亲一子代回归分析方法估算出马尾松产脂性状的遗传力在0.5以上。
     5. 本研究一共选择出作为改良代种子园的建园材料的建筑材优良基因型35个;纸浆材优良基因型69个;可用于进行马尾松良种示范推广的建筑材优良家系4个;高产脂优良基因型6个。对于广西以及我国南方马尾松的良种生产与推广具有重要意义。
Masson pine {Pinus massoniana Lamb) is one of the most important native tree species in southChina, It plays a key role in providing wood and resin for industiral uses. The area of masson pineplantation has reached up to 40% of total forest area in 17 provinces of south China, but they are mostlysecondary forests with low-yield and low-quality of wood and resin. So, it is of urgency to conductgenetic improvement to generate high-yield and high-quality vaireties for large-scale extension. In thisstudy, the gametes from typical plus trees (gametes of individuals in Pirmary Seed Orchard ) and thefamilies from various-age progeny test plantations were used for measurement of wood properties
     (including wood density, wood chemical composition and wood tracheid morphology ) and economictrait (resin-yielding capacity) . The data from these expeirments were further used to screen forsuperior genotypes of building-use materials, paper-making mateirals and resin-yielding trees. Theresults were descirbed as below:
     1. Family variations of wood basic density mainly occurred in the middle annual layer ( 10a-15a)of wood disc. Aged 15 years masson pine wood exhibited a good ratio of wall to cavity and flexibilityfactor of grade II and its diameter annual increment arrived the second growing peak. From the view ofpulp properties and wood production, The reasonable harvesting age of masson pine for pulpwood wasat the 15th year.
     2. Cellulose content of masson pine showed significant differences between families, withheritability of 0.26. Its association with basic density was significant and the correlation coeiffcient was0.556, which indicates that wood basic density can be the positive predicator for cellulose content ofmasson pine.
     3. Annual growth ring of masson pine showed signiifcantly positive correlations with 7 ifbermorphology characteristics, including tracheid width, tracheid length, ratio of tracheid length to width,tracheid wall thickness, ratio of wall to cavity, lfexibility factor and rigidity coeiffcient. The associationanalyses suggested that the annual increment of DBH can be an indirect indicator for selection of thepros and cons of paper-making industry.
     4 .The pro-offspring regression analysis showed that the heritability of resin-yielding capacity wasmore than 0.5. The correlation analysis suggested a close relationship between tree factors andgrease-producing capacity. Subsequently, a new method was developed for evaluation ofgrease-producing capacity.
     5 .A total of 110 superior genotype was selected for future uses atfer genetic analyses. Of thesegenotypes, 35 for building wood, 69 for pulpwood and 6 for high resin-yielding. These materials are of significance for Guangxi masson pine seed production.
     This study systematically analyzed genetic vairations of key wood properties and importanteconomic traits in Masson pine, which established a theoretical basis for the improvement of vairoustraits. The selection and evaluation of pirmary seed orchard pedigree not only laid a solid theoreticalfoundation for thinning of clone seed orchards, but also selected many improved vaireties forbuilding-use, paper-making and resin-yielding industry. Additionally, this study made considerablecontirbutions in effectively saving the genetic resources of Masson pine for future genetic improvement.
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