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多股螺旋弹簧(简称多股簧)通常是由2 ~ 7股0.5 ~ 3mm的碳素弹簧钢丝拧成钢索冷绕而成,分为有中心股和无中心股两种结构形式,其中压缩弹簧的钢索的旋向与弹簧的旋向相反,拉伸弹簧的旋向与弹簧的旋向相同。与普通单股螺旋弹簧相比,多股簧具有强度条件好、吸振减振性能优越等独特性能,因而它是航空发动机和自动武器等产品的关键零件。另外,多股簧还可广泛应用于振动设备(如振动筛、振动粉碎设备等)、高精度台面和要求很平稳的运输车辆等,以取代传统的单股弹簧和橡胶弹簧。
Stranded-wire helical spring is a cylindrical helical spring rolled by a strand, which usually consists of 2 to 7 carbon steel wires of 0.4 to 3 mm in radius. The spring has two kinds of structures in accordance with whether it has central wire or not. The helical direction of the compression spring is opposite to that of the strand, while it has the same direction for the extension spring. Compared with conventional single helical springs, it has the unique characteristic of better damping and vibration reduction. Therefore, it is a critical part in aero engines and automatic weapons. In addition, the spring is widely used in vibratory equipments, such as vibration sieves and vibration breaking plants, high precision table-boards and steady transport vehicles, substituting traditional single springs or rubber springs.
     So far, the static response and formation of stranded-wire helical spring have been widely researched. However, researchers seldom cover the impact performance and wear mechanism, so the analysis of dynamic response and wear mechanism among spring wires is the most important aspect for the study of the spring. The super performance of stranded-wire helical spring mainly results from the damping effect generated by frictions of the strand and the wire when the spring mainly bears impact load during to-and-fro movement. The present thesis further perfects correlation theory of stranded-wire helical spring through the study of impact performance and wear mechanism of the spring, and concentrates on the theory of theoretical geometric model and corresponding numerical simulation when stranded-wire helical spring mainly bears impact load, the development of testing device, torsional fretting wear mechanism and FEM numerical calculation among spring wires.
     The present thesis makes efforts to detailed studies on the impact performance and wear mechanism of the spring from the following aspects:
     Firstly, the performance of stranded-wire helical spring is basically determined by its twist angle and wire diameter. The numerical methods raised in the existing simplified theory that the minimum distance between two adjacent wires is equal to wire diameter and the strand cross-section is elliptical tangent are not sufficient. An application software adapting newly established mathematic model about the strand cross-section is developed to calculate the precise twist angel and diameter of strands of arbitrary wires. Meanwhile, based on the mathematical model of curve for centre line of spring wire, the present thesis establishes the three dimensional entity model of stranded-wire helical spring of closed ends, adapting helical scan function of CATIA and PRO/E respectively, which provides the significant theoretical principle and calculation model for following dynamic design theory and numerical impact simulation.
     Secondly, the dynamic performance of stranded-wire spring is hot issue for study. Based on the three dimensional entity model of stranded-wire spring of closed ends and the motion analysis of the spring, this paper sets up a dynamic vibration equation considering the damping effect. The high-speed impact response analysis by using the implicit dynamic function of ABAQUS gives a significant reference for the optimum structure design of stranded-wire spring.
     Thirdly, a high-speed, non-contact and multi-channels device for testing the dynamic parameters of the spring is developed. The displacement, velocity and acceleration of every particle in the spring can be directly calculated with high precise by using the mentioned testing system, which offers a detection platform for the analysis of internal modification of stranded-wire spring under high-speed impact.
     Fourthly, the wear on the local area of the steel wires’surface is due to the torsional fretting on the working process of the stranded-wire helical spring. Two mathematical models to calculate the normal contact force among the wires and the angular displacement respectively are established at first when the stranded spring bore impact load. With the experimental parameters obtained from the models, the torsional fretting test adopting cylinder - cylinder contact mode, which authentically stimulates the torsional fretting among the wires on the working process of the spring, is realized successfully on a newly developed fretting tester. The running behavior and the failure mechanism of the spring wires under the torsional fretting conditions are systematically researched.
     At last, based on the experimental research, the distribution of stress and relative slip in the contact area through the torsional fretting numerical calculation of spring wires under different test conditions, cycles and friction coefficients is obtained. Combining the mathematical wear model adapting the modified Archard equation and the numerical simulation, the wear depth is able to be accurately calculated under different work conditions and cycles. Comparison the numerical simulation with the experimental results can provide significant reference for the further study of wear mechanism of stranded-wire helical spring under torsional fretting condition.
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