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Britain was the first state that pointed out the realistic feasibility to develop atomic bomb and decided to make it.It was also the third state which possessed the nuclear weapons in the world. Britain's nuclear strategy has its own unique characteristics, outstanding among the medium nuclear states.
     The development of the weapons promotes the development of theory of strategy.The early development of British nuclear weapon has sown seeds for the British nuclear strategy,and made the physical and theoretical preparation. The formation of the British independent nuclear deterrent policy has its unique international background and strategic considerations. First of all, it was inevitable strategicly becauce the international control of atomic energy failed. Secondly, it was a strategic need in response to the Soviet threat. Thirdly, it was a strategic consideration to tie the United States and maintain the " special relationship" with the Americans. Finally, it was also to maintain the British status of great power and securety.
     The British nuclear strategy is always tied with the United States of America. Because of the decline of it's own state strength and the influence of Anglo-American "special relationship", the British nuclear strategy has been swing between the pursuit of complete independence and interdependence with the United States. But ultimately it could not escape the fate of depending heavily on the United States. Thus, according to the analysis of the Anglo-American nuclear relationship, British nuclear strategy can be divided into three stages after the1958:From1958to1969, the British and the United States went to rely on each other step by step;From1969to1991, the British nuclear strategy becoming more and more dependent on the United States; In the Post-Cold War era, British nuclear strategy is in an adjusting stage.
     "Minimum nuclear deterrence" is the main content of the British nuclear strategy and the foundation of national security strategy of the United Kingdom. Specificly,making use of it's own deterrence to seek safety and using collective security of the Western to ensure the local safety constitute the strategic guiding ideology of British nuclear strategy;Taking the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact as the operation target during the cold war and without a fixed target after the cold war, to destroy the enemy's surface and soft target during the cold war and to destroy single goal target mainly after the cold war,all those constitute the British nuclear power application strategy. Adhering to the limited scale, effective deterrent principles and focusing on a single strategic nuclear weapons development constitute the British nuclear power development strategy. Before the1960s to deploy nuclear weapons around the world with former colonies as strongholds,and to dispatch strategic nuclear submarine to cruise globally are the British nuclear power deployment strategy. Advocating nuclear disarmament and international control of atomic energy, participating actively in international multilateral nuclear arms control treaty and promoting nuclear disarmament and nuclear arms control between the United States and the Soviet Union are the main content of the British nuclear arms control policy.
     Compared with other nuclear nation's strategies in the world, the Britain's nuclear strategy has its own distinct characteristics, which mainly embodies in the asymmetric interdependence with the United States, paying attention to the defensiveness, emphasizing the alliance, having a tendency of retaliatory,having the fuzzy content etc.. These features reflect a strategic pursuitance of a declining power and its predicament in reality, affected deeply by its own national culture, especially culture strategy.
     The British nuclear decision-making mechanism is also unique. In the harsh environment of war and the early Cold War in which there were sharp hostilities between two blocs, Britain focused more on the secret of the atomic energy decision.The early British nuclear decision-making core were composed of prime minister and the Atomic Energy Advisory Committee formed by his very few ministers. The prime minister and cabinet is the core of decision mechanism, parliament is another important part of decision-making mechanism, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Defence, the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and other relevant departments also play an important role, the relevant administrative civil severce has important influence on the whole policy,including nuclear policy. British nuclear decision-making is a result of the political power game and national interest balance, also influenced by the international environment, party politics, economic conditions, public opinion and strategic culture.
     The Britain's nuclear strategy has faced a lot of difficulties and caused widespread controversy even from the beginning. After the end of the cold war, the British people and political circles are discussing extensively and paying extensive attention to the following topics:to keep" independence" of the British nuclear strategy or to depend completely on the United States? is the Britain's nuclear deterrence effective? if the Scotland gets independence what will be the influence on British nuclear strategic? what is the role in nuclear disarmament for Britain as a nuclear power and a UN Permanent Member of the Security Council. These problem appear again and reflect that the British nuclear strategy still faces a griming dilemma.The Prospect of the British nuclear strategy is uncertain.
    ②Jeremy Stocker. The United Kingdom and Nuclear Deterrence. London: Routledge,2007.p.9.
    ③Robert H. Paterson. Britain's Strategic Nuclear Deterrent: From before the V-Bomber to beyond Trident. London: Frank Cass&Co.LTD.,1997.p.16.
    ④Andrew J. Pierre. Nuclear Politics:the British Experience with an Independent Strategic Force,1939-1970. London:Oxford University Press,1972. P1.
    ①G.M. Dillon. Dependence and Deterrence: Success and Civility in the Anglo-American Special Nuclear Relationship(1962-1982).Aldershot, Hampshire, England:Gower,1983.p.1.
    ①Margaret Gowing. Britain and Atomic Energy,1939-1945. London:Macmillan,1964.
    ②Margaret Gowing. Independence and Deterrence:Britain and Atomic Energy,1945-1952(vol1:Policy Making, vol 2:Policy Execution). New York:St. Martin's Press,1974.
    ③Lorna Arnold and Mark Smith. Britain, Australia and the Bomb:the Nuclear Tests and Their Aftermath. (2nd Edition).Basingstoke, Hampshire:Palgrave,2006.
    ④Derek Robinson. Just Testing. London:Collins Harvill,1985.
    ⑤John Dumbrell. A Special Relationship:Anglo-American Relations in the Cold War and After.New York:S1 Martin's Press,2001.
    ①Wm.Roger Louis, Hedley Bull. The "Special Relationship":Anglo-American Relations since 1945.Oxford: Clarendon Press,1989.
    ②Christopher Grayling, Christopher Langdon. Just Another Star? Anglo-American Relations since 1945. London: Harrap,1988.
    ③John Baylis. Anglo-American Defence Relations 1939-1984:the Special Relationship(2nd Edition).London: Macmillan Pr. Ltd.,1984.
    ④Septimus H. Paul. Nuclear Rivals:Anglo-American Atomic Relations,1941-1952.Columbus:Ohio State University Press, c2000.
    ⑤Timothy J. Botti. The Long Wait:the Forging of the Anglo-American Nuclear Alliance,1945-1958. New York: Greenwood Press,1987.
    ⑥Michael S. Goodman. Spying on the Nuclear Bear:Anglo-American Intelligence and the Soviet Bomb. Stanford, Calif.:Stanford University Press,2007.
    ⑦G. M. Dillon. Dependence and Deterrence:Success and Civility in the Anglo-American Special Nuclear Relationship(1962-1982).Aldershot, Hampshire, England:Gower,1983.
    ①John Simpson. The Independent Nuclear State:the United States, Britain, and the Military Atom. London Macmillan,1983.
    ②Ferenc Morton Szasz. British Scientists and the Manhattan Project:the Los Alamos Years.New York:St. Martin's Press,1992.
    ③onette Murray. Kennedy,Macmillan and Nuclear Weapons. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire:Macmillan Press;New York:St. Martin's Press,2000.
    ④S.J. Ball. The Bomber in British Strategy:Doctrine, Strategy,and Britain's World Role,1945-1960. Westview Press,1995.
    ⑤R.N. Rosecrance. Defense of the Realm:British Strategy in the Nuclear Epoch.New York:Columbia University Press,1968.
    ①Martin S. Navias. Nuclear Weapons and British Strategic Planning,1955-1958.Oxford:Clarendon Press; New York:Oxford University Press,1991.
    ③Ian Clark, Nicholas J. Wheeler. The British Origins of Nuclear Strategy,1945-1955.Oxford:Clarendon Press; New York:Oxford University Press (USA),1989.
    ④Kirk Willis. The Origins of British Nuclear Culture,1895-1939. The Journal of British Studies, Vol.34, No.1 (Jan., 1995), pp.59-89.
    ⑤Alfred Goldberg. The Military Origins of the British Nuclear Deterrent. International Affairs.Vol.40, No.4(Oct., 1964), pp.600-618
    ⑥Alfred Goldberg. The Atomic Origins of the British Nuclear Deterrent. International Affairs. Vol.40, No.3(Jul.,1964), pp.409-429
    ①J.P.G. Freeman. Britain's Nuclear Arms Control Policy in the Context of Anglo-American Relations,1957-68. New York:St. Martin's Press,1986.
    ②Kendrick Oliver. Kennedy, Macmillan, and the Nuclear Test-Ban Debate(1961-1963). Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire:Macmillan Press; New York:St. Martin's Press, Scholarly and Reference Division,1998.
    ③Richard Taylor, Colin Pritchard. The Protest Makers:the British Nuclear Disarmament Movement of 1958-1965, Twenty Years On.Oxford; New York:Pergamon Press,1980.
    ④Lawrence S. Wittner. Resisting the Bomb:a History of the World Nuclear Disarmament Movement,1954-1970. Calif.:Stanford University Press,1997.
    ⑤Fen Osler Hampson, Harald von Riekhoff, John Roper. The Allies and Arms Control. Baltimore:Johns Hopkins University Press,1992.
    Beatrice Heuser. NATO, Britain, France, and the FRG:Nuclear Strategies and Forces for Europe,1949-2000. New York:St. Martin's Press,1997.
    ②Christoph Bluth. Britain, Germany, and Western Nuclear Strategy.Oxford:Clarendon Press,1998.
    ③Ken Booth, John Baylis. Britain, NATO, and Nuclear Weapons:Alternative Defence versus Alliance Reform. Basingstoke, Hampshire; New York:Macmillan Pr. Ltd.;St. Martin's Press,1989.
    ④Jeremy Stocker. The United Kingdom and Nuclear Deterrence. London: Routledge,2007
    ①Nicholas K.J. Witney. The British Nuclear Deterrent after the Cold War.Santa Monica, CA:RAND,1995.
    ②Christopher J. Bowie, Alan Platt. British Nuclear Policymaking. Santa Monica, CA:Rand,1984.
    ③Scilla McLean. How Nuclear Weapons Decisions Are Made. London:The Macmillan Press LTD.,1986.
    ①Robert Jackson. V-force:Britain's Airborne Nuclear Deterrent. Shepperton:Ian Allan,2000.
    ②Michael J. Armitage. Air Power in the Nuclear Age,1945-84:Theory and Practice. Basingstoke, Hampshire: Macmillan Pr. Ltd.,1985.
    ③Richard Moore. The Royal Navy and Nuclear Weapons.Portland, OR:Frank Cass,2001.
    ①A. Cecil Hampshire. The Royal Navy since 1945:Its Transition to the Nuclear Age. London:Kimber,1975.
    ②Eric J. Grove. Vanguard to Trident:British Naval Policy since World War II. Annapolis, Md.:Naval Institute Press, 1987.
    ③Robert H. Paterson. Britain's Strategic Nuclear Deterrent:From Before the V-bomber to Beyond Trident.London;
    Portland, OR:Frank Cass,1997.
    ④Stephen Robert Twigge.The Early Development of Guided Weapons in the United Kingdom,1940-1960.Chur, Switzerland; Philadelphia, Pa., USA:Harwood Academic Publishers,1993.
    ⑤Jeremy Stocker. Britain and Ballistic Missile Defence,1942-2002. London, New York:Frank Cass,2004.
    ⑥Lawrence Freedman. The Evolution of Nuclear Strategy(3rd Edition). London:Palgrave Macmillan,2003.
    ①awrence Freedman. Britain and nuclear weapons.London:Macmillan,1980.
    ②Andrew J. Pierre. Nuclear Politics:the British Experience with an Independent Strategic Force,1939-1970. London: Oxford University Press,1972.
    ⑤Alexander L.George and Richard Smoke. Deterrence in American Foreign Policy: Theory and Practice. New York:Columbia University Press,1974,pp.11-12.转引自孙向丽:《中国核战略与特点分析》,《世界经济与政治》,2006年第9期,第24页。
    ① Andrew J. Pierre. Nuclear politics:the British experience with an independent strategic force,1939-1970. London:Oxford University Press,1972. p.9.
    ②Largaret Gowing. Britain, America and the Bomb. In David Dilks ed., Retreat from Power: Studies in Britain's
    Foreign Policy of the Twentieth Century (Volume 2,After 1939). London and Basingstoke:Macmillan Press LTD.,1981.p.121.
    ③eter Calvocoressi. The British Experience,1945-75.New York: Penguin Books Ltd.,1979.p.209
    ③此报告的影印件见:Peter Hennessy.Cabinets and the Bomb.Oxford:Oxford University Press,2007.pp.24-30.
    ⑤argaret Gowing. Britain and atomic energy,1939-1945. London:Macmillan,1964. P37.
    ⑧Andrew J. Pierre. Nuclear Politics:the British Experience with an Independent Strategic Force,1939-1970. London: Oxford University Press,1972.p.47.
    ②许多人误认为“莫德”这个极其重要的名称是“铀裂变在军事上的应用”的缩写,目的是为了保密。其实它本身毫无意义。“莫德”是来源于二战期间,丹麦被德国占领后,住在斯德哥尔摩的著名物理学家尼尔斯·玻尔(Niels Bohr)给她的外甥弗里施(Dr Frish)发的一封电报,其中有“告科克洛夫特(Cockcroft)及莫德·雷·肯(Maud Ray Kent)"等文字。战争期间,有人把莫德·雷·肯破译成“铀裂变”。战后,尼尔斯·玻尔才解释:莫德·雷·肯是指住在肯特的一位名叫莫德·雷的妇女,曾是尼尔斯·玻尔孩子家庭教师。但“莫德”却阴差阳错地成了英国核研制早期历史上著名组织的名称。见Margaret Gowing. Britain and Atomic Energy,1939-1945. London:Macmillan,1964.p.45.
    ③Margaret Gowing. Britain, America and the Bomb. In David Dilks ed., Retreat from Power: Studies in Britain's Foreign Policy of the Twentieth Century (Volume 2,After 1939). London and Basingstoke: Macmillan Press LTD.,1981.p.123.
    ④此报告的影印件见:Peter Hennessy. Cabinets and the Bomb. Oxford:Oxford University Press,2007.pp.31-34.
    ⑤“管合金”(Tube Alloy)计划是英国原子研究的代号,无实际意义。开始叫“坦克合金”(Tank Alloy)计划,但由于坦克对战争太重要,容易引起怀疑。故约翰·安德森改之。
    ①argaret Gowing.Britain and Atomic Energy,1939-1945. London:Macmillan,1964.p.109.
    ②ndrew J. Pierre.Nuclear Politics:the British Experience with an Independent Strategic Force,1939-1970. London Oxford University Press,1972.pp.46-47.
    ③Margaret Gowing. Britain and Atomic Energy,1939-1945. New York:St.Martin's Press,1964.p.132.
    ③erenc Morton Szasz. British Scientists and the Manhattan Project: The Los Alamos Years. New York:St..Martin's Press,1992. p.xix.
    ④Ferenc Morton Szasz. British Scientists and the Manhattan Project: The Los Alamos Years. New York:St..Martin Press,1992. Appendix Ⅲ.pp.148-149.
    ①Ferenc Morton Szasz. British Scientists and the Manhattan Project: The Los Alamos Years. New York: St..Martin's Press,1992. Appendix III.pp.149-150.
    ③eter Calvocoressi. The British Experience,1945-75. New York: Penguin Books Ltd.,1979.p.209.
    ①麦乔治·邦迪:《美国核战略》,北京:世界知识出版社,1991年,第626页。London:the Macmillan Press LTD.,1974. P456.
    ②Margaret Gowing. Independence and Deterrence:Britain and Atomic Energy,1945-1952(vo12:Plicy Execution). London:Oxford University Press,1972. P58.
    ③ndrew J. Pierre. Nuclear Politics:the British Experience with an Independent Strategic Force,1939-1970.
    ④ Andrew J. Pierre. Nuclear Politics:the British Experience with an Independent Strategic Force,1939-1970. London:Oxford University Press,1972. P56.
    ⑤ Andrew J. Pierre. Nuclear Politics:the British Experience with an Independent Strategic Force,1939-1970. London:Oxford University Press,1972. P57.
    ⑥argaret Gowing. Britain and Atomic Energy,1939-1945. London:Macmillan,1964.p.324.
    ⑦cilla McLean. How Nuclear Weapons Decisions Are Made. London:The Macmillan Press LTD.,1986.p.137.
    ⑧argaret Gowing. Independence and Deterrence:Britain and Atomic Energy,1945-1952(vol1:Policy Making). New York:St. Martin's Press,1974.p.174.
    ①Sir M. Perrin, Who Was Present, The Listener,7 October 1982. Also quoted in Scilla McLean: How Nuclear Weapons Decisions are Made. Oxford:Oxford Research Group.1986, p.137.
    ③argaret Gowing. Independence and Deterrence:Britain and Atomic Energy,1945-1952(voll:Plicy Making,). New York:St. Martin's Press,1974. p.4.
    ①ublic Law 585,79th Congress, http://www.osti.gov/atomicenergyact.pdf;孙健:《<麦克马洪法>与战后初期英美核合作》,《国际论坛》,2004年第3期,第33页。
    ②rancis Williams. A Prime Minister Remembers: The War and Post-war Memoirs of the Rt.Hon.Earl Attlee. London: Heinemann,1961.p.118.
    ③obert H. Paterson. Britain's Strategic Nuclear Deterrent: From before the V-Bomber to beyond Trident. London: Frank Cass&Co.LTD.,1997.p.166. New York:St. Martin's Press,1974.pp.114-115.
    ④P.J.Madgwick, D. Steeds, L.J. Williams. Britain Since 1945. Tiptree: Anchor Brendon Ltd.,1982.p.271.
    ⑤Margaret Gowing. Independence and Deterrence:Britain and Atomic Energy,1945-1952(vol1:Plicy Making.). 1964.p.231.
    ⑥William Snyder, The Politics of British Defense Policy,1945-1962, Columbus: Ohio State University Press,
    ⑦P.J.Madgwick, D. Steeds, L.J. Williams. Britain Since 1945.Tiptree: Anchor Brendon Ltd.,1982.p.271. 1946-1958.The Historical Journal,Vol.38,1995(2):439-454.
    ⑧S. J.Ball. Military Nuclear Relations between the United States and Great Britain under the Terms ofthe McMahon Act,
    ②Margaret Gowing. Independence and Deterrence:Britain and Atomic Energy,1945-1952(vol1:Plicy Making,). New York:St. Martin's Press,1974. p.212.
    ③Margaret Gowing. Independence and Deterrence:Britain and Atomic Energy,1945-1952(vol1:Plicy Making,). New York:St. Martin's Press,1974. p.216.
    ④Margaret Gowing. Independence and Deterrence:Britain and Atomic Energy,1945-1952(vol2:Plicy Execution). London:the Macmillan Press LTD.,1974. p.458.
    ⑤Margaret Gowing. Independence and Deterrence:Britain and Atomic Energy,1945-1952(vol2:Plicy Execution). London:the Macmillan Press LTD.,1974. pp.458-459.
    ⑥Margaret Gowing. Independence and Deterrence:Britain and Atomic Energy,1945-1952(vol2:Policy Execution). London:the Macmillan Press LTD.,1974. p.459.
    ①argaret Gowing. Independence and Deterrence:Britain and Atomic Energy,1945-1952(vol1:Plicy Making,). New York:St. Martin's Press,1974. p.210.
    ②Margaret Gowing. Independence and Deterrence:Britain and Atomic Energy,1945-1952(vol1:Plicy Making,). New York:St. Martin's Press,1974. p.224.
    ③argaret Gowing. Independence and Deterrennce: Britain and Atomic Energy,1945-1952[M].Volume I. New York: St.Martin's Press,1974.pp.266-272.
    ④argaret Gowing. Independence and Deterrence:Britain and Atomic Energy,1945-1952(vol1:Plicy Making,). New York:St. Martin's Press,1974. pp.229-230.
    ②Lorna Arnold, Mark Smith. Britain, Australia and the Bomb: the Nuclear Tests and Their Aftermath(2nd Edition). New York: Palgrave Macmillan,2006,pp.17-28.
    liu5J .B. Poole. Independence and Interdependence:A Reader on British Nuclear Weapons Policy. London: Brassey's Ltd.,1990.p.34.
    ⑧Margaret Gowing. Independence and Deterrence:Britain and Atomic Energy,1945-1952(vol1:Plicy Making,). New York:St. Martin's Press,1974. p.211.
    ①Margaret Gowing. Independence and Deterrence:Britain and Atomic Energy,1945-1952(voll:Plicy Making,). New York:St. Martin's Press,1974. p.52.;倪学德:《英国研制原子弹内幕》,《历史教学》2006年第3期,第70页。
    ③Peter Calvocoressi. The British Experience,1945-75. New York: Penguin Books Ltd.,1979.p.210.
    ④David Childs. Britain Since 1945:A Political History. London:Erest Benn Limited,1979.pp.78-79.
    ②Lorna Arnold. Britain and the H-Bomb. London: Palgrave,2001.p.151.
    ③资料来源:http://www.nrdc.org/nuclear/nudb/datab15.asp [2011-02-07读取](美国自然资源保护委员会网站)。
    ②Douglas Holdstock,Frank Barnaby et al. The British Nuclear Weapons Programme. London:Frank Cass,2003.p.148.
    ②ohn Dumbrell. A Special Relationship:Anglo-American Relations in the Cold War and After.New York:St. Martin's Press,2001.p.126.
    ③ndrew J. Pierre. Nuclear Politics:the British Experience with an Independent Strategic Force,1939-1970. London:Oxford University Press,1972. p.86.
    ④obert H. Paterson. Britain's Strategic Nuclear Deterrent:From Before the V-bomber to Beyond Trident.London; Portland, OR:Frank Cass,1997.p.16.
    ⑤awrence Freedman. Britain and Nuclear Weapons.London:Macmillan,1980.p.5.
    ①S.J. Ball. The Bomber in British Strategy:Doctrine, Strategy, and Britain's World Role,1945-1960. Westview Press,1995. p.5.
    ②Andrew J. Pierre. Nuclear Politics:the British Experience with an Independent Strategic Force,1939-1970. London:Oxford University Press,1972. p.87.
    ④John Slessor. The Place of the Bomber in British Strategy. International Affairs.23,no.3[July 1953],pp.302-303.转引自彼得·帕特雷主编:《现代战略的缔造者:从马基雅维利到核时代》,北京:世界知识出版社,2006年版,第721页。
    ③Andrew J. Pierre. Nuclear Politics: the British Experience with an Independent Strategic Force,1939-1970. London: Oxford University Press,1972. p.96.
    ⑤Andrew J. Pierre. Nuclear Politics: the British Experience with an Independent Strategic Force,1939-1970. London: Oxford University Press,1972. p.108
    ⑥J.B. Poole. Independence and Interdependence:A Reader on British Nuclear Weapons Policy. London: Brassey's Ltd.,1990.p.166.
    ⑦J.B. Poole. Independence and Interdependence:A Reader on British Nuclear Weapons Policy. London:Brassey's Ltd.,1990. pp.166-167.
    ①J.B.Poole. Independence and Interdependence: A Reader on British Nuclear Weapons Policy. London:Brassey's Ltd..1990.n.130.
    ③Lawrence Freedman. Britain and Nuclear Weapons. London:Macmillan,1980.p.7.
    ④Ian Clark and Nicholas J. Wheeler. The British Origins of Nuclear Strategy,1945-1955.Oxford:Clarendon Press; New York:Oxford University Press (USA),1989.p.5.
    ②Edward Spiers. The British Nuclear Deterrent: Problems and Possibilities. In David Dilks ed.,Retreat from Power: Studies in Britain's Foreign Policy of the Twentieth Century(Vol.2, After 1939).London and Basingstoke: Macmillan Press LTD.,1981.pp.154-155.
    ③Margaret Gowing. Independence and Deterrence: Britain and Atomic Energy,1945-1952(vol.1,Policy Making). New York,1974. p.72.;孙健:《<麦克马洪法>与战后初期英美核合作》,《国际论坛》,2004年第3期,第32页。
    ④Oliver Kamm: We Still Need Our Nuclear Badge. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/comment/columnists/guest_contributors/article2859394.ece
    ⑥Timothy J. Botti. The Long Wait:the Forging of the Anglo-American Nuclear Alliance,1945-1958. New York: Greenwood Press,1987.p.18.
    ⑦R.N. Rosecrance. Defense of the Realm:British Strategy in the Nuclear Epoch.New York:Columbia University Press,1968.p.77.
    ⑧Timothy J. Botti. The Long Wait:the Forging of the Anglo-American Nuclear Alliance,1945-1958. New York: Greenwood Press,1987.p.38.
    ⑨Ian Clark and Nicholas J. Wheeler. The British Origins of Nuclear Strategy,1945-1955.Oxford:Clarendon Press; New York:Oxford University Press (USA),1989.p.19.
    ①R.N. Rosecrance. Defense of the Realm:British Strategy in the Nuclear Epoch. New York:Columbia University Press,1968.p.93.
    ②R.N. Rosecrance. Defense of the Realm:British Strategy in the Nuclear Epoch. New York:Columbia University Press,1968.p.93.
    ④Margaret Gowing. Independence and Deterrence: Britain and Atomic Energy,1945-1952(vol.1,Policy Making). New York,1974. p.441;彼得·帕特雷主编:《现代战略的缔造者:从马基雅维利到核时代》,北京:世界知识出版社,2006年版,第721页。
    ⑤Andrew J. Pierre. Nuclear Politics:the British Experience with an Independent Strategic Force,1939-1970. London: Oxford University Press,1972.p.178;劳伦斯·弗里德曼:《核战略的演变》,北京:中国社会科学出版社,1990年,第363页。
    ⑥R.N. Rosecrance. Defense of the Realm:British Strategy in the Nuclear Epoch. New York:Columbia University Press,1968.p.40.
    ⑦David Childs. Britain Since 1945:A Political History. London: Erest Benn Limited,1979.p.79.
    ⑨Beatrice Heuser. Nuclear Mentalities? Strategies and Beliefs in Britain, France and the FRG. London: Macmillan Press Ltd.,1998.p.28.
    ①Jeremy Stocker. The United Kingdom and Nuclear Deterrence. London: Routledge,2007.p.20.
    ③J.B. Poole. Independence and Interdependence:A Reader on British Nuclear Weapons Policy. London: Brassey's Ltd.,1990.p.127.
    ⑥Margaret Gowing. Independence and Deterrence:Britain and Atomic Energy,1945-1952(vol. 1:Plicy Making,). New York:St. Martin's Press,1974. p.497.
    ①eremy Stocker. The United Kingdom and Nuclear Deterrence. London:Routledge,2007.p.9.
    Relationship(1962-1982).Aldershot, Hampshire, England:Gower,1983.p.187.
    ②G.M. Dillon. Dependence and Deterrence: Success and Civility in the Anglo-American Special Nuclear
    ⑤Ritchie Ovendale. British Defence Policy since 1945.Manchester: Manchester University Press,1994,pp.577-597.
    ①FRUS,1952-1954, National Security Affairs (vol.2). Washington, DC:GPO,1972,pp.1256-1286.
    ②Peter Calvocoressi. The British Experience,1945-75. New York:Penguin Books Ltd.,1979.p210.
    ③Timothy J. Botti. The Long Wait:the Forging of the Anglo-American Nuclear Alliance,1945-1958. New York:
    Greenwood Press,1987,p.114.
    ⑥John Baylis. Anglo-American Defence Relations 1939-1984:the Special Relationship(2nd Edition).London: The Macmillan Press Ltd.,1984.p.90.
    ⑦S. J. Ball. The Bomber in British Strategy:Doctrine, Strategy, and Britain's World Role,1945-1960. WestviewPress,1995.p.161.
    ⑥Ritchie Ovendale. British defence policy since 1945. Manchester:Manchester University Press,1994.p.11.
    ①S.J. Ball. The Bomber in British Strategy:Doctrine, Strategy,and Britain's World Role,1945-1960. Westview Press,1995.p.174.
    ②Peter Calvocoressi. The British Experience,1945-75. New York: Penguin Books Ltd.,1979.p.211.
    ①John Baylis. Anglo-American Defence Relations 1939-1984:the Special Relationship(2nd Edition).London: The Macmillan Press Ltd.,1984.pp.127-136.
    ②Eric J. Grove. Vanguard to Trident:British Naval Policy since World War Ⅱ. Annapolis, Md.:Naval Institute Pr 1987.p.243.
    ③Beatrice Heuser. Nuclear Mentalities? Strategies and Beliefs in Britain, France and the FRG. London: Macmillan Press Ltd,1998. p.38.
    ④Melvyn P. Leffler. A Preponderance of Power, National Security, the Truman Administrative.and the Cold War. Stanford: Stanford University Press,1992.p.62.转引自许海云:《锻造冷战联盟:美国大西洋联盟政策研究
    ⑥Christopher J. Bowie, Alan Platt.British nuclear policymaking. Santa Monica, CA:Rand,1984.p.26.
    ②J.B. Poole. Independence and Interdependence: A Reader on British Nuclear Weapons Policy. London:Brassey's Ltd.,1990.p.85.
    ③J.B. Poole. Independence and Interdependence: A Reader on British Nuclear Weapons Policy. London: Brassey's Ltd.,1990.p.1.
    ④J.B. Poole. Independence and Interdependence: A Reader on British Nuclear Weapons Policy. London: Brassey's Ltd.,1990.p.107.
    ⑤Beatrice Heuser. Nuclear Mentalities? Strategies and Beliefs in Britain, France and the FRG. London: Macmillan Press Ltd,1998. p.38.
    ⑥FRUS,1952-1954, Vol.Ⅱ.Partl,p.592.
    ⑦Beatrice Heuser. Nuclear Mentalities? Strategies and Beliefs in Britain, France and the FRG. London: Macmillan Press Ltd,1998. pp.38-39.
    ⑧J.B. Poole. Independence and Interdependence:A Reader on British Nuclear Weapons Policy. London: Brassey's Ltd.,1990.p.154.
    ①J.B. Poole. Independence and Interdependence:A Reader on British Nuclear Weapons Policy. London: Brassey's Ltd.,1990.p.152.
    ③Jeremy Stocker. The United Kingdom and Nuclear Deterrence. London: Routledge,2007.p.21.
    ①Jeremy Stocker. The United Kingdom and Nuclear Deterrence. London: Routledge,2007.p.40.
    ③Let's Go With Labour for the New Britain. London: Labour Party,1964.p.23. See John Callaghan. The Labour Party and Foreign Policy: A History. New York: Routledge,2007,p.251.
    ⑤Peter Hennessy. Cabinets and the Bomb. Oxford:Published for the British Academy by Oxford University Press, 2007. p.167.Also see:Let's Go With Labour for the New Britain. London: Labour Party,1964.p.23. See John Callaghan. The Labour Party and Foreign Policy: A History. New York: Routledge,2007,p.251.
    ①John Dumbrell. A Special Relationship:Anglo-American Relations in the Cold War and After.New York:St. Martin's Press,2001.p.142.
    ②Christopher J. Bowie, Alan Platt. British Nuclear Policymaking. Santa Monica, CA:Rand,1984.p.13.
    ③John Dumbrell. A Special Relationship:Anglo-American Relations in the Cold War and After.New York:St. Martin's Press,2001.p.129.
    ④John Dumbrell. A Special Relationship:Anglo-American Relations in the Cold War and After.New York:St. Martin's Press,2001.p.144.
    ①Jeremy Stocker.The United Kingdom and Nuclear Deterrence.London: Routledge,2007.p.28.
    ②John Baylis. Anglo-American Relations since 1939:The Enduring Alliance. Manchester and New York:Manchester University Press,1997,p.199.
    ③Ritchie Ovendale. Documents in Contemporary History Series: British Defence Policy Since 1945.Manchester: Manchester University Press,1994.p.182.
    ③John Dumbrell. A Special Relationship: Anglo-American Relations in the Cold War and After.New York:St. Martin's Press,2001.p.127.
    ①Jeremy Stocker. The United Kingdom and Nuclear Deterrence. London: Routledge,2007.p.25.
    ③Jeremy Stocker. The United Kingdom and Nuclear Deterrence. London: Routledge,2007.p.26.
    ②Bruce D. Larkin. Nuclear Designs: Great Britain, France, and China in the Global Governance of Nuclear Arms. London: Transaction Publishers,1996.pp.37-38.
    ②Hans M. Kristensen and Robert S.Norris. British Nuclear Forces2011,Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists,2011,vol.67(5),p.89.
    ③Jeffrey G Lewis. Minimum Deterrence. Bulleton of the Atomic Scientists, July/August 2008, p.126转引自夏立平:《论中国核战略的演进与构成》,《当代亚太》2010年第4期,第115-116页。
    ④Jeremy Stocker. The United Kingdom and Nuclear Deterrence. London: Routledge,2007. pp.55-56.
    ③Jeremy Stocker. The United Kingdom and Nuclear Deterrence. London: Routledge,2007.p.43.
    ④Robert H. Paterson. Britain's Strategic Nuclear Deterrent: From before the V-Bomber to beyond Trident. London: Frank Cass&Co.LTD.,1997.p.16.
    ⑤J.B. Poole. Independence and Interdependence:A Reader on British Nuclear Weapons Policy. London: Brassey's Ltd.,1990.p.150.
    ①Beatrice Heuser. Nuclear Mentalities? Strategies and Beliefs in Britain, France and the FRG. London:Macmillan Press Ltd,1998. p.39.
    ②S.J. Ball. The Bomber in British Strategy:Doctrine, Strategy, and Britain's World Role,1945-1960. Westview Press,1995.p.67.
    ③S.J. Ball. The Bomber in British Strategy:Doctrine, Strategy, and Britain's World Role,1945-1960. Westview Press,1995.p.69.
    ①Jeremy Stocker. The United Kingdom and Nuclear Deterrence. London: Routledge,2007.p.9.
    ③Christopher J. Bowie, Alan Platt.British Nuclear Policymaking. Santa Monica, CA:Rand,1984. p.2.
    ①R.N. Rosecrance. Defense of the realm:British strategy in the nuclear epoch.New York:Columbia University Press, 1968.p.167.
    ②Andrew J. Pierre. Nuclear Politics:the British Experience with an Independent Strategic Force,1939-1970. London:Oxford University Press,1972. p.153.
    ③R.N. Rosecrance. Defense of the Realm:British Strategy in the Nuclear Epoch. New York:Columbia University Press,1968.p.167.
    ④Andrew J. Pierre. Nuclear politics:the British experience with an Independent Strategic Force,1939-1970. London:
    Oxford University Press,1972. p.96.
    ⑤Robert Jackson. V-force:Britain's Airborne Nuclear Deterrent. Shepperton:Ian Allan,2000. p.87.
    ⑥Robin Woolven. UK Civil Defence and Nuclear Weapons. UK Nuclear History Work Paper. No.3.p.2
    ⑦Robin Woolven. UK Civil Defence and Nuclear Weapons. UK Nuclear History Work Paper. No.3.p.2.
    ⑨Robin Woolven. UK Civil Defence and Nuclear Weapons. UK Nuclear History Work Paper. No.3.pp.2-3.
    ①Richard Moore. The Royal Navy and Nuclear Weapons. London: Frank Cass Publishers,2001.pp.1-51.
    ②Eric J. Grove. Vanguard to Trident: British Naval Policy since World War Ⅱ. Maryland: Naval Institute Press,1987. p.32.
    ③Richard Moore. The Royal Navy and Nuclear Weapons. London: Frank Cass Publishers,2001.p.64
    ④Richard Moore. The Royal Navy and Nuclear Weapons.Portland, OR:Frank Cass,2001.p.79.
    ⑥研制过程详见G M. Dillon. Dependence and Deterrence:Success and Civility in the Anglo-American Special Nuclear Relationship(1962-1982).Aldershot,:Gower Publishing Company Limited,1983.pp.45-74.
    ⑧Robert H. Paterson. Britain's Strategic Nuclear Deterrent:From before the V-Bomber to beyond Trident. London: Frank Cass&Co.LTD.,1997.p.14.
    ①Robert H. Paterson. Britain's Strategic Nuclear Deterrent: From before the V-Bomber to beyond Trident. London: Frank Cass&Co.LTD.,1997.p.170.
    ②Robert H. Paterson. Britain's Strategic Nuclear Deterrent: From before the V-Bomber to beyond Trident. London: Frank Cass&Co.LTD.,1997.p.44.
    ②Eric J. Grove. Vanguard to Trident:British Naval Policy since World War Ⅱ. Annapolis, Md.:Naval Institute Press, 1987.p.244.
    ①Richard Moore. The Royal Navy and Nuclear Weapons.Portland, OR:Frank Cass,2001.p.201.
    ①J.P.G Freeman. Britain's Nuclear Arms Control Policy in the Context of Anglo-American Relations,1957-68. New York:St. Martin's Press,1986. p.12.
    ①J.P.G. Freeman. Britain's Nuclear Arms Control Policy in the Context of Anglo-American Relations,1957-68. New York:St. Martin's Press,1986. p.xi.
    ②.P.G. Freeman. Britain's Nuclear Arms Control Policy in the Context of Anglo-American Relations,1957-68. New York:St. Martin's Press,1986. p.78.
    ①Joseph Cirincione, Jon B. Wolfsthal,Miriam Rajkumar, Dearly Arsenals: Nuclear,Biological,and Chemical,Washington D.C.:Carnegie Endowment for International Peace,2005,p.198.
    ②Cm6994. The Future of the United Kingdom's Nuclear Deterrent. London:Crown,2006.pp.12-13.
    ③《英国2010年战略防务与安全评估报告》http://www.china.com.cn/military/txt/2010-12/06/content_21489402 3.htm
    ④Hans M. Kristensen and Robert S.Norris. British Nuclear forces2011,Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists,2011,vol.67(5),p.91.
    ⑤第二次世界大战后,法国奉行独立自主的外交政策,推行一项颇具特色的军控和裁军政策。20世纪60和70年代,对国际上的军控和裁军活动采取抵制的政策,不参加任何有关军控、裁军、核禁试的国际谈判和会议。 直至1990年法国派出观察员出席《不扩散核武器条约》第四次审议会议,才打破了此“禁忌”。详见刘华秋主编:《军备控制与裁军手册》,北京:国防工业出版社,2000年版,第61-62页。
    ③See Kendrick Oliver. Kennedy, Macmillan and the Nuclear Test-Ban,1963-63.London: King's College,1998.
    ①Jeremy Stocker. The United Kingdom and Nuclear Deterrence. London: Routledge,2007. p.66.
    ②见《英国2010年战略防务与安全评估报告》http://www.china.com.cn/military/txt/2010-12/06/content_21489402 4.htm
    ③Lawrence Freedman. Rritain and Nuclear Weannns London:Macmiilan,1980.n.96.
    ④Lawrence Freedman. Britain and Nuclear Weapons. London:Macmillan,1980.p.97.
    ①Jeremy Stocker. The United Kingdom and Nuclear Deterrence. London: Routledge,2007.p.34.
    ④Jeremy Stocker. The United Kingdom and Nuclear Deterrence. London: Routledge,2007.p.56.
    ⑤Jeremy Stocker. The United Kingdom and Nuclear Deterrence. London: Routledge,2007.p.83.
    ①G.M. Dillon. Dependence and Deterrence: Success and Civility in the Anglo-American Special Nuclear Relationship(1962-1982).Aldershot, Hampshire, England:Gower,1983, p.67.
    ④Greenpeace. The United Kingdom's Nuclear Deterrent: Current and Future Issues of Legality. [2012-08-06]http://www.greenpeace.org.uk/Multimedia Files/Live/Full Report/8072.pdf
    ①Douglas Holdstock,Frank Bamaby(edt).The British Nuclear Programme(1952-2002). London Frank Cass,2003,p.13.
    ②CAB 158/1. See Peter Hennessy. Cabinets and the Bomb. Oxford:Published for the British Academy by Oxford University Press,2007.p.65.
    ③CAB 134/3121.See Peter Hennessy. Cabinets and the Bomb. Oxford:Published for the British Academy by Oxford University Press,2007.p.245.
    ②J.B. Poole. Independence and Interdependence:A Reader on British Nuclear Weapons Policy. London: Brassey's Ltd.,1990.p.40.
    ④Lawrence Freedman. Britain and Nuclear Weapons.London:Macmillan,1980.p.26.
    ⑥Beatrice Heuser. Nuclear Mentalities? Strategies and Beliefs in Britain, France and the FRG. London: Macmillan Press Ltd,1998. p.3.
    ⑦Jeremy Stocker. The United Kingdom and Nuclear Deterrence. London: Routledge,2007.p.57.
    ①Cm6994.p.18.See Jeremy Stocker. The United Kingdom and Nuclear Deterrence. London:Routledge,2007.p.54.
    ②Jeremy Stocker. The United Kingdom and Nuclear Deterrence. London: Routledge,2007.p.57. 21489402 3.htm Ltd..1990. n.147.
    ③J.B. Poole. Independence and Interdependence:A Reader on British Nuclear Weapons Policy. London: Brassey's Ltd.,1990. p.173.
    ④J.B.Poole. Independence and Interdependence:A Reader on British Nuclear Weapons Policy. London: Brassey's
    ②"Decision-Making as an Approach to the Study of International Politics,"in Richard Snyder,H.W.Bruck,and Burton Sapin,eds.,Foreign Policy Decision-Making. New York: Free Press,1962.p.33.转引自罗伯特杰维斯:《国际政治中的知觉与错误知觉》,秦亚青译,北京:世界知识出版社,2003年版,第2-3页。
    ⑤Christopher J. Bowie, Alan Platt.British nuclear policymaking. Santa Monica, CA:Rand,1984.p.14.
    ①Sheila Durie,Rob Edwards. Fuelling the Nuclear Arms Race: The Links between Power and Nuclear Weapons.
    London:Pluto Press,1982.p.84. ②Walter C. Ladwig Ⅲ. The Future of the British Nuclear Deterrent: A Assessment of Decision Factors. Strategic Insights. Vol.6, Nol(January 2007).p.33.
    ③Margaret Gowing. Independence and Deterrence:Britain and Atomic Energy,1945-1952(vol1:Policy Making). New York:St. Martin's Press,1974.p.5.
    ④Sheila Durie,Rob Edwards. Fuelling the Nuclear Arms Race: The Links between Power and Nuclear Weapo London:Pluto Press,1982.p.85.
    ①Margaret Gowing. Independence and Deterrence:Britain and Atomic Energy,1945-1952(voll:Policy Making). New York:St. Martin's Press,1974.p.26.
    ②Sheila Durie,Rob Edwards. Fuelling the Nuclear Arms Race: The Links between Power and Nuclear Weapons. London: Pluto Press,1982.p.85.
    ③Margaret Gowing. Independence and Deterrence:Britain and Atomic Energy,1945-1952(voll:Policy Making). New York:St. Martin's Press,1974.p.184.
    ④Margaret Gowing. Independence and Deterrence:Britain and Atomic Energy,1945-1952(voll:Policy Making). New York:St. Martin's Press,1974.p.5.
    ⑤Margaret Gowing. Independence and Deterrence:Britain and Atomic Energy,1945-1952(voll:Policy Making). New York:St. Martin's Press,1974.p.25.
    ⑥Margaret Gowing. Independence and Deterrence:Britain and Atomic Energy,1945-1952(voll:Policy Making). New York:St. Martin's Press,1974.p.28.
    ⑦Margaret Gowing. Independence and Deterrence:Britain and Atomic Energy,1945-1952(voll:Policy Making). New York:St. Martin's Press,1974.p.37.
    ⑧Margaret Gowing. Independence and Deterrence:Britain and Atomic Energy,1945-1952(voll:Policy Making). New York:St. Martin's Press,1974.pp.41-42.
    ①Margaret Gowing. Independence and Deterrence:Britain and Atomic Energy,1945-1952(vol 1:Policy Making). New York:St. Martin's Press,1974.p.31.
    ②PRO:CAB 131/3. See Stephen Robert Twigge. The Early Development Guided Weapons in the United Kingdom,1940-1960. Switzerland:Harwood Academic Publishers,1993.p.84.
    ③Stephen Robert Twigge. The Early Development Guided Weapons in the United Kingdom,1940-1960.Switzerland:Harwood Academic Publishers,1993.p.84.
    ④Source:PRO:DEFE 7/282. See Stephen Robert Twigge. The Early Development Guided Weapons in the United Kingdom,1940-1960.Switzerland: Harwood Academic Publishers,1993.p.84.
    ①Robert H. Paterson. Britain's Strategic Nuclear Deterrent: From before the V-Bomber to beyond Trident. London: Frank Cass&Co.LTD.,1997.p.117.
    ②Robert H. Paterson. Britain's Strategic Nuclear Deterrent: From before the V-Bomber to beyond Trident. London: Frank Cass&Co.LTD.,1997.p.117.
    ③Robert H. Paterson. Britain's Strategic Nuclear Deterrent: From before the V-Bomber to beyond Trident. London: Frank Cass&Co.LTD.,1997.pp.117-119.
    ④Sheila Durie,Rob Edwards. Fuelling the Nuclear Arms Race:The Links between Power and Nuclear Weapons. London:Pluto Press,1982.p.85.
    ①REM 11/297. See Peter Hennessy. Cabinets and the Bomb. Oxford:Published for the British Academy by Oxford University Press,2007.p.78.
    ②heila Durie,Rob Edwards. Fuelling the Nuclear Arms Race: The Links between Power and Nuclear Weapo London:Pluto Press,1982.p.85.
    ③eter Hennessy. Cabinets and the Bomb. Oxford:Published for the British Academy by Oxford University Press, 2007.p.85.
    ④AB 130/101.See Peter Hennessy. Cabinets and the Bomb. Oxford:Published for the British Academy by Oxford University Press,2007.pp.92-95.
    ⑤eter Hennessy. Cabinets and the Bomb. Oxford:Published for the British Academy by Oxford University Press, 2007.p.100.
    ①hristopher J. Bowie, Alan Platt.British nuclear policymaking. Santa Monica, CA:Rand,1984. pp.28-37.
    ②hristopher J. Bowie, Alan Platt.British nuclear policymaking. Santa Monica, CA:Rand,1984. p.28.
    ③cilla McLean. How Nuclear Weapons Decisions Are Made. London:The Macmillan Press LTD.,1986.p.92.
    ④.Bowie and A. Platt. British Nuclear Policy Making(Rand Publications Services, Jan.1984).R-3085-AF. See Scilla McLean. How Nuclear Weapons Decisions Are Made. London: The Macmillan Press LTD.,1986.p.94.
    ⑦AB 128/37. Also see Peter Hennessy. Cabinets and the Bomb.Oxford:Published for the British Academy by Oxford University Press,2007.pp.158-161.
    ①Scilla McLean. How Nuclear Weapons Decisions Are Made. London: The Macmillan Press LTD.,1986.p.86. 1987.p.236.
    ②ric J. Grove. Vanguard to Trident:British Naval Policy since World War Ⅱ. Annapolis, Md.:Naval Institute Press, Oxford University Press,2007.pp.206-208.
    ③CAB 148/18. Also see Peter Hennessy. Cabinets and the Bomb. Oxford:Published for the British Academy by 2007.D.167.
    ④Peter Hennessy. Cabinets and the Bomb. Oxford:Published for the British Academy by Oxford University Press,
    ⑤cilla McLean. How Nuclear Weapons Decisions Are Made. London:The Macmillan Press LTD.,1986.p.86.
    ②William P.Snyder.The Politics of British Defense Policy,1945-1962. Columbus:Ohio State University,1964.p.46.
    ③Scilla McLean.How Nuclear Weapons Decisions Are Made. London:The Macmillan Press LTD.,1986. p.88.
    ④Scilla McLean.How Nuclear Weapons Decisions Are Made. London:The Macmillan Press LTD.,1986. p.88.
    ⑤Scilla McLean.How Nuclear Weapons Decisions Are Made. London:The Macmillan Press LTD.,1986. pp.88-89
    ②Scilla McLean.How Nuclear Weapons Decisions Are Made. London: The Macmillan Press LTD.,1986. p.89.
    ②Christopher J·Bowie,Alan Platt.British nuclear policymaking·Santa Monica,CA:Rand,1984·p.20·
    ④House of Commons 9th Report of the Committee of the Public Accounts, Chevaline Improve to the Polaris Missile System(HMSO,Mar.1982).
    ⑤See The Guardian,22 April 1982.
    ⑥Scilla McLean. How Nuclear Weapons Decisions Are Made. London: The Macmillan Press LTD.,1986.p.91.
    ⑦Christopher J. Bowie, Alan Platt.British Nuclear Policymaking. Santa Monica, CA:Rand,1984. p.29.
    ①Christopher J. Bowie, Alan Platt.British Nuclear Policymaking. Santa Monica, CA:Rand,1984. p.30.
    ③Ministry of Defence.The Government's Expenditure Plans 2005-06 to 2007-08.London:Crown,2005.p.9.
    ①Christopher J. Bowie, Alan Platt. British Nuclear Policymaking. Santa Monica, CA:Rand,1984. p.31.
    ②Scilla McLean.How Nuclear Weapons Decisions Are Made. London:The Macmillan Press LTD.,1986. p.116.
    ③Scilla McLean.How Nuclear Weapons Decisions Are Made. London:The Macmillan Press LTD.,1986. p.104.
    ①Christopher J. Bowie, Alan Platt. British nuclear policymaking. Santa Monica, CA:Rand,1984. p.27.
    ②Scilla McLean. How Nuclear Weapons Decisions Are Made. London:The Macmillan Press LTD.,1986. p.94.
    ①hristopher J. Bowie. Alan Platt.British nuclear policvmakine. Santa Monica. CA:Rand.1984. n.22.
    ②cilla McLean. How Nuclear Weapons Decisions Are Made. London: The Macmillan Press LTD.,1986. pp.94-95.
    ③H. Macmillan. Pointing the Way. London: Macmillan Press,p.43.
    ①Scilla McLean.How Nuclear Weapons Decisions Are Made. London: The Macmillan Press LTD.,1986. p.99.
    ②cilla McLean.How Nuclear Weapons Decisions Are Made. London:The Macmillan Press LTD.,1986.p.85.
    ③Scilla McLean. How Nuclear Weapons Decisions Are Made. London:The Macmillan Press LTD..1986.p.137. Frank Cass&Co.LTD..1997.p.168.
    ④Robert H. Paterson. Britain's Strategic Nuclear Deterrent: From before the V-Bomber to beyond Trident. London:
    ⑤Lawrence Freedman. Britain and Nuclear Weapons. London:Macmillan,1980.p.24.
    ①Margaret Gowing. Independence and Deterrence: Britain and Atomic Energy,1945-1952(vol1:Policy Making). New York: St. Martin's Press,1974.p.66.
    ②Andrew J. Pierre. Nuclear Politics:the British Experience with an Independent Strategic Force,1939-1970. London Oxford University Press,1972.p.202.
    ④Robert H. Paterson. Britain's Strategic Nuclear Deterrent: From before the V-Bomber to beyond Trident. London: Frank Cass&Co.LTD.,1997.p.130.
    ⑥Christopher J. Bowie, Alan Platt.British Nuclear Policymaking. Santa Monica, CA:Rand,1984. P45.
    ⑥Ian Clark and Nicholas J. Wheeler. The British origins of nuclear strategy,1945-1955.Oxford:Clarendon Press; New York:Oxford University Press (USA),1989.p.27.
    ①Andrew J. Pierre. Nuclear Politics:the British Experience with an Independent Strategic Force,1939-1970. London:Oxford University Press,1972.p.86.
    ③Robert H. Paterson. Britain's Strategic Nuclear Deterrent:From before the V-Bomber to beyond Trident. London: Frank Cass&Co.LTD.,1997.p.16.
    ⑦Ian Clark and Nicholas J. Wheeler. The British origins of nuclear strategy,1945-1955.Oxford:Clarendon Press; New York:Oxford University Press (USA),1989.p.35.
    ⑧Robert H. Paterson. Britain's Strategic Nuclear Deterrent:From Before the V-bomber to Beyond Trident.London; Portland, OR:Frank Cass,1997.p.172.
    ③Robert H. Paterson. Britain's Strategic Nuclear Deterrent: From before the V-Bomber to beyond Trident. London: Frank Cass&Co.LTD.,1997.p.128.
    ④Andrew J. Pierre. Nuclear Politics:the British Experience with an Independent Strategic Force,1939-1970. London Oxford University Press,1972.p.181.
    ①Ken Booth. Strategy and Ethnocentrism. New York:Holmes&Meiei Publishers Inc.,1979.p.121.
    ②Christopher J. Bowie, Alan Platt.British Nuclear Policymaking. Santa Monica, CA:Rand,1984. p.31.
    ①Malcolm Chalmers, William Walker. Uncharted Waters: The UK, Nuclear Weapons and The Scottish Question. Lancaster:Tuckwell Press,2001.p.10.
    ②《英国辛酸的“独立核威慑”神话》http://www.chinareviewnews.com/doc/1003/3/7/3/100337308 3.html?coluid=70&kindid=1853&docid=1003373
    ②Nicholas K.J. Witney. The British nuclear deterrent after the Cold war.Santa Monica, CA:RAND,1995.pp.64-78.
    ③P.J.Madgwick, D. Steeds, L.J. Williams. Britain Since 1945.Tiptree: Anchor Brendon Ltd.,1982.p.271.
    ⑤C.R.Hill, R.S.Pease,R.E.Peierls,and J.Rotblat. Does Britain Need Nuclear Weapons? London: Britain Pugwash Group,1995.
    ⑥Rebecca Johnson, Nicola Butler, Stephen Pullinger. Worse than Irrelevant? British Nuclear Weapons in the 21 st Century. London: Acronym Institute,2006. p.13.
    ②Jeremy Stocker. British Nuclear Strategy. See Mark Fitzpatrick,Alexander Nikitin Sergey Oznobishchev (ed.). Nuclear Doctrines and Strategies: National Politics and International Security.Oxford:IOS Press,2008.
    ②Nicholas K.J. Witney. The British nuclear deterrent after the Cold war.Santa Monica, CA:RAND,1995.p.119.
    ①Rebecca Johnson, Nicola Butler, Stephen Pullinger. Worse than Irrelevant? British Nuclear Weapons in the 21st
    ②何奇松:《浅论冷战后英国核战略》,《世界经济与政治论坛》,2008年第2期,第50页。Century. London: Acronym Institute,2006. p.31.
    ③Malcolm Chalmers, William Walker. Uncharted Waters: The UK, Nuclear Weapons and The Scottish Question. Lancaster:Tuckwell Press,2001. p.l.
    ④Rebecca Johnson, Nicola Butler, Stephen Pullinger. Worse than Irrelevant? British Nuclear Weapons in the 21st Century. London: Acronym Institute,2006. p.31.
    ⑤Malcolm Chalmers, William Walker. Uncharted Waters: The UK, Nuclear Weapons and The Scottish Question. Lancaster:Tuckwell Press,2001.p.38.
    ①Malcolm Chalmers, William Walker. Uncharted Waters: The UK, Nuclear Weapons and The Scottish Question. Lancaster:Tuckwell Press,2001. pp.38-39.
    ②Malcolm Chalmers, William Walker. Uncharted Waters: The UK, Nuclear Weapons and The Scottish Question. Lancaster:Tuckwell Press,2001. p.39.
    ③Malcolm Chalmers, William Walker. Uncharted Waters: The UK, Nuclear Weapons and The Scottish Question. Lancaster:Tuckwell Press,2001. p.39.
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