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Data mining for dynamic data stream is a challenging newly emerging field, dynamic data mining has wide application prospects in the field of financial industry, telecommunications industry, power industry, metallurgical industry, etc. Traditional mining algorithms are difficult to cope with data stream due to its characteristics, such as consecution, disorder and real-time.
     This paper mainly summarized the hot issues of power plant operation optimization, including the method of power plant thermal economy analysis and the existent problems of power plant operation optimization, established the Real-time Power Plant Energy-saving Analysis&Operation Optimization Simulation Platform, introduced dynamic data mining technology into the research of power plant operation optimization. Mainly contents as following:
     Based on the analysis of the structure features of power plant, graph theory are introduced in the thermal economy analysis, a new unified rule for analyzing the power plant thermal system are established. Combined with first thermodynamics law and mass conservation law, different types of power plant unit's Weighted Diagraph Adjacency Matrix is deducted. The Weighted Diagraph Adjacency Matrix is of standard and concise form, whose physical meaning is well-expressed. A unified Real-time Power Plant Energy-saving Analysis&Operation Optimization Simulation Platform is established by the power plant unit's Weighted Diagraph Adjacency Matrix.
     Reviewed and analyzed the association rule mining techniques and the characteristics of the dynamic data stream, this paper proposed a new association rule mining method based on fuzzy association rule. An example is given to illustrate the usage of the method.
     Analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of the decision method of power plant operation optimization target value, a new deciding power plant operation optimization target value method based on dynamic data mining technology was proposed. Based on the association characteristic of the power plant operating data, this paper proposed a convenient, low cost method for calculating the most economical coal. Four kinds of pre-purchase of coal are given to illustrate the validity of the method, and the most economical coal is determined.
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