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In the modern life,people spend most of time indoors,so the indoor environmental quality is directly related to our safety and health.With the use of new materials,technology and furniture and home appliances as well as the presence of the various ornamental plants and pets in a family,it brings us not only the great convenience,ease and comfort,but also a lot of the hidden insecurity and harmful factors.To some extent,the indoor environment has become one of the most important factors which impacts and threats our safety and health even lifetime.Therefore,the research on the indoor quality and ecological security evaluation is of great practical significance and academic value to improve the quality of life as well as the level on safety and health.
     In this paper,with the integrated use of safety science and technology,ecology point of view, and the system of scientific thinking,we have deeply studied the security of modern indoor environment and its impact on the quality of the ecological factors,and then basing on these results, we studied the theoretical approach of evaluating the indoor ecological safety using the safety evaluation theory.As a result,we have built an evaluation index system,and also have achieved some innovative results and conclusions.
     In this paper,with the point of view of the ecology of the interior security,the concepts of a universal environment and specific environments,as well as broad indoor environment and narrow indoor environment have been established.Meanwhile,we have focused on the concept of the indoor environmental quality and discussed its main impact;we have deepened the connotation of the indoor environmental quality evaluation,especially the core issue.We have first proposed the 10 major ecological researches of the interior security in this paper,and given a concise summary of the role and significance of evaluation of safe indoor ecology.
     We have organized the safety evaluation theory which may be needed to evaluate ecology on the interior security,and introduced the concept of ecology,viewpoints,and the main content and research methods,which are the necessary preparation of cross-disciplinary theory for constructing the indoor security ecology evaluation index system and conceiving the method for the construction of a theoretical foundation.
     We have first proposed the indoor ecological safety system,furthermore,according to various elements of different perspectives reflecting the interior and security of all its ecological quality, indoor and expression reflect the overall quality of security principles of ecology.To construct the first time by the five levels of 19 indicators of the ecological security evaluation of the indoor index system,we use the system of inspection,testing and identification of hazardous and harmful indoor factors to take specific measures to improve the ecological safety of the indoor quality,and provide a scientific basis for an important reference.
     We have first proposed the subjective and objective evaluation methods of indoor environmental quality and its physical,chemical and biological parameters,and also built a initial indoor model for this comprehensive evaluation,with the judgment matrix and its tagging,as well as the steps to make decision using the level analysis.
     Our studies showed that this evaluation theory from the ecological and safety of organic the perspective of research and exploration of indoor environmental quality,is not only scientificly possible but also more practical,than any other single factor evaluation.
     In this paper,the results of the study,for the continual and in-depth study on indoor ecological security,for the scientific evaluation and the effective governance of indoor ecological security, promoted some valuable ideas and provided the boundaries.Hopefully,it will have special reference to the other experts and scholars.
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