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     苍术为菊科植物苍术Atractylodes lancea(Thunb.)DC.的干燥根茎。苍术在我国境内广泛分布。传统认为江苏茅山地区的苍术质量最好,中医称之为道地药材。但由于生态环境破坏严重,加之人为的掠夺性采挖,造成茅山苍术濒临枯竭,当地苍术历史年收购量最高达到6 000 kg,近年来几乎没有大宗商品收购。因此,了解茅山地区苍术的分布和资源量情况,对于茅山苍术的资源调查和品种保护具有重要意义。
     选取了2001年4月,2005年1月、2006年7月三期的landsat5 TM遥感图,利用RS和GIS的空间分析功能,分析2001年到2006年江苏邳州市银杏的动态变化。
The remote sensing was used in resources investigation and the environmental monitoring in the wide range and even the global scope.The complexity and the multiplicity of Chinese medicinal resources cause that the investigation hase the different difficulty by using the remote sensing,the planted and the big area distribution wild medicinal resources which investe is raltive easy,and have much report.Therefore,this paper mainly invested the Jiangsu Maoshan wild dAtractylodes lancea resource which is in imminent danger.At the same time,using remote sensing analysis the resources dynamic change of gingko.
     Cangzhu is the Dry rhizome of feverfew Atractylodes lancea(Thunb.) DC.Atractylodes lancea widespread distribution in our country.The tradition idear think that Atractylodes lancea quality is the best in Jiangsu Maoshan area,the Chinese medicines callsthe geoauthentic crude drug.But because the ecological environment destruction is serious,adds the artificial excavate,lead to the Maoshan Atractylodes lancea is in the border of depletion,the local place in history years of purchase is highest achieved 6 000 kg,but nearly years it did not have the large amount commodity purchase.Therefore,understooding the the distribution and the amount of resources situation on Atractylodes lancea in Maoshan,have the vital significance on resources investigation and the variety protection on Atractylodes lancea in maoshan.
     1、The distributing rule and reason of Atractylodes lancea in Maoshan regions
     The research region is in jiangshu maoshan district,near the jiangshu nanjing.the research top left comer longitude-lantitude is 119°14′05.31″E,31°55′04.33″N, down right corner longitude-lantitude is:119°24′05.9″E,31°39′46.69″N,the longth of researching region south to north is 26.79km,west-east is 16.41km,the total research area is 440km~2.
     Combine the scientific invested plots with GIS technology,research the distribution of Atractylodes lancea and the effect factors on Atractylodes lancea.recorded resource of Atractylodes lancea,longitude latitude,grade,slope,photon radiazation,temperature,humidity,the distribution of plant,the plant situation surrounding the plots,etc,in 40plots.
     The Atractylodes lancea,s biomass related with the growth of Quercus serrata var.brevipetiolata,slope and humidity.The distribution of Atractylodes lancea is less in north region,most in south region,least in middle region.
     The leading factors affect the Atractylodes lancea,s biomass is Quercus serrata var.brevipetiolata and slope.The distribution of Atractylodes lancea graduately added from north region to south region,from east region to west region,graduately reduced.
     2、Analyse biomass structure of different ecological environments on Atractylodes lancea
     Set up the 50m*50m sample plots on Atractylodes lancea distribution regions in maoshan,analyzes the Atractylodes lancea distributed situation in the vegetation layer;the shrub layer and the shrub-weed layer.According to the native resourch,recorded the number,height,the stem is thick,number of leaves,coverage value.Shear aerial parts of Atractylodes lancea in plots,input the paper box and brought back the lab,set at in the drying oven 80℃and dry to the constant weight,which is called the toll weight in aerial parts.Calculate the biomass of one Atractylodes lancea in plot.biomass=dry weight aerial parts of Atractylodes lancea /number.Calculated the biomass,high,the stem is thick,number of leaves,crown maximum value,minimum value,mean value,standard deviation and coefficient of variation in plots.The research result showed:the several factors(ramet biomass, height,leaves and coverage of Atractylodes lancea)have the same change disciplinarian.Among maximum,minimum and average,the shrub layer is is biggest, the shrub and weed layer is bigger and the vegetation layer and the weed layer is worst.The conclusion display that the Atractylodes lancea tend to distribute the shrub layer and the shrub-weed layer。
     3、Reaearch the ecological environment and the relationship of Atractylodes lancea populations based on Canonical Correspondence Analysis
     In order to analyze the Atractylodes lancea growth relate with the polulations of surround polulations,Atractylodes lancea growth relate with ecological environments of Atractylodes lancea,this topic in the 1m*1m quadrat,the investigation and study species data and the environment data,has recorded in the quadrat altitude above sea level,the slope,the quadrat all species density,highly with the degree of cover;Has surveyed in the quadrat light quantum yield of radiation,the temperature and the humidity and so on.Through the computation important value,take the quadrat in vegetation's important value as the target,studies Atractylodes lancea and studies Atractylodes lancea with the periphery species relations.
     Applies international standard ecology software CANOCO4.5 to carry on the data operation,and carries on the mapping to the operation result,demonstrated after the CCA analysis:the light quantum radiant quantity is the most impartant environmental factors,Qyercys serrata var.Brevipetiolata is associated plant of Atractylodes lancea.Conclusion:The Atractylodes lancea tend to distribute the gental climate in minor temperature and minor humidity,avoid the highlight and megatemperature;Atractylodes lancea and Qyercys serrata var.Brevipetiolata have the obvious associated.
     4、The relation analysis between the soil inorganic element in maoshan with biomass of the Atractylodes lancea
     In order to analyze Atractylodes lancea growth and the soil correlational dependence,use DX-600 iron chromatography instrument to determine the Na~+, NH_4~+,K~+,Mg~(2+),Ca~(2+),F~-,CL~-,NO_2~-,NO_3~-,SO_4~(2-);use JY-ULTIMA ICP-AES spectrum instrument to determine entire Ca,entire Cu,entire Fe,entire K,entire Ni, entire P and entire Zn;use JY-ULTIMA ICP-AES spectrum instrument to determinethe effective Ca,effective Cu,effective Fe,effective K,effective Ni, effective P,effective Si,effective Zn.The analysis result showed that the biomass of Atractylodes lancea Atractylodes lancea with the absorption soil effective Fe, effective K,effective Ni,effective P,effective Si and effective Zn effective condition nutrient.The biomass of Atractylodes lancea in the soil the inorganic element effective quantity influence is bigger than in the soil the inorganic element entire quantity influence,the average coefficient of variation soil in maoshan is 0.50,in which phosphorus is 1.4,is higher than other elements by far,the potassium,the calcium,the chromium,the copper,the zinc is small,is smaller than 0.3.
     5、Remote rensing resource monitoring on Atractylodes lancea
     Through massive open country investigation data and this laboratory many years to Atractylodes lancea research material analysis,have carried on Atractylodes lancea resources remote sensing monitor,first have determined Atractylodes lancea biomass standard through the cluster analysis:(Ⅰ)>47.643;(Ⅱ) 28.977~47.642,(Ⅲ) 15.949~28.976;(Ⅳ) 5.065~15.948,(ⅤKind) 0~5.064.Then establishes Atractylodes lancea biomass and the environment data related model,equation is Y=22.636+0.025X_1-0.03X_2-9.768X_3+0.001X_4-0.187X_5-0.077X_6 Y=20.929-0.141X_(20)+1.043X_(23)-1.371X_(36)
     Among them,X_1 expresses the elevation,X_2 expresses the slope,X_3 expressed the slope approaches X_4 expressed the light quantum yield of radiation,the X_5 probe temperature,X_6 expresses the humidity;X_(20) represents effective K;X_(23) represents effective Si;X_(36) represents the soil moisture content.Then,carries on the pretreatment to April 2,2006 Landsat5 TM image,withdraws Atractylodes lancea information,the elimination on-Atractylodes lancea distribution area.
     Superimposes the kriging result and the extraction Atractylodes lancea remote sensing image,obtains Atractylodes lancea distribution region,carried on the computation according to the graduation result,obtains the Maoshan area wild Atractylodes lancea amount of resources for 42.5 kg~80.5 kg.Carries on the precision appraisal,the classified result error matrix element overall precision is 91.8%,amount of resources estimate precision 76.6%.
     6、The Productive Adaptability Division of Atractylodes lancea Based on Extracting the Authentic Regions Ecological Characteristics
     In order to overcome the former Chinese native medicine suitability regionalization existence non-leading factor screening,each kind of factor weighting, the model does not revise,only considered questions and so on sole factor,this topic thought the climate suitability regionalization and the soil,the community characteristic unifies,analyzes Atractylodes lancea under the climate suitability and the ecology suitability regionalization spatial distribution,has established Atractylodes lanceatechnique production suitability regionalization,more objective and accurate research Atractylodes lancea distributed situation.Result display: Atractylodes lancea most suitable area distributes the border parts of the provinces in the Middle and Lower Reaches of Yangtze Privet,the more suitable area distributes in Jinsha River of boundary between Sichuan and Hanjiang River of boundary between Shanxi and Hubei,the suitable area distributes the long and narrow region in Yunnan and Heilongjiang.
     7、The Resources of Ginkgo biloba and Its Dynamical Changes Based on RS and GIS in Jiangshu Pizhou
     Choose the landsat5 TM:the Apr.3~(rd),2001;Jan.16~(th),2005;July 30~(th),2006,use the spatial analytical function of GIS and RS technology,analyzed the dynamical changes of the Ginkgo biloba's resources from 2001 year to 2006 year.
     In September 2006,supported by the on-the-spot investigation data,use the DVI distinction function,gained the spatial distribution and years dynamic change situation of gingko in the Jiangsu Pizhou.
     The Ginkgo biloba's resource was 2.41×10~5 hm~2 in 2001,2.67×10~5 hm~2 in 2005, 2.82×10~5 hm~2 in 2006.The Ginkgo biloba's resource rised from 2.41×10~5 hm~2 to 2.82×10~5 hm~2 from 2001 to 2006,showed the gradually rise.The quantity of added is more than 0.4×10~5 hm~2.This result is close with the correlation statistical 200,000 hm~2.
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