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Since the theory of division of labor has been proposed by Adam Smith, the impact of trade on economic growth for all to see. Whether trade has a positive role in promoting economic growth, or it has been falling into the trap of poverty revealed by Prebisch "center-periphery" theorem, depends on particular circumstances. We could not talk about trade have a positive role in promoting one country's economy growth. What kind of trade structure gives a positive role in country's development is a specific issue need analyzed. In general, the trade structure of one country's export of consumer goods, import of capital goods is conducive to capital accumulation and technological progress, thereby promoting economic growth. Due to economic growth in developed countries mainly rely on technological innovation as the driving force; so, capital accumulation and technological progress to economic growth in developing countries is more important. China has become the world's largest exporting country recently, examining the relation between changes in trade structure and economic growth is significant.
     As the trade theory gives the explanation for a country's foreign trade, and the analysis for trade structure implicit in the gains from trade; so the systematic analysis of theoretical framework on the relation between trade structure and economic growth is missing. Therefore, based on general equilibrium theory, this dissertation offers a mechanism for trade structure affecting economic growth. We analyze the mechanism of accumulating capital by trade structure, and the ways of promoting technological progress on the endogenous economic growth theory also. Forthmore, we make an empirical test on China's 1982-2008.
     The dissertation is constructed as follows:Chapter 1 sums up the background and significance of this work, research ideas, methods and technical line, the article points, major innovations and limitations. Chapter 2 gives a survey on development of trade, trade structure and economic growth, and domestic studies on trade structure are intruduced. Chapter 3 builds the framework for affecting economic growth by trade structure. Theoretically, we first bring about the mechanism of capital accumulation by trade structure under the neo-classical economic growth; and then look into the ways and mechanisms of promoting technological progress through trade structure by constructing a small country model and the big country model separately.Chapter 4 gives a bird's view on China's trade structure in changing. The main characteristics of China's trade structure are consisted of phase, universal and particularity. The stages of trade structure are highly linked with the steps of China's adopting the "open door policy". The universality is revealed in the escalation of pressure for trade structure and under process; for the specificity of trade structure is dominated by foreign-based processing trade. Chapter 5 offers the empirical analysis on trade structural change and economic growth. By empirically testing in trade structure and economic growth, we find the evidence of the connection of trade structure, and its internal composition with economic growth. Chapter 6 provides the empirical analysis on the mechanism of accumulating capital and promoting technological progress by trade structure. At the end of this chapter, we give a case study on China's imports of capital goods from the G7 countries. By summarizing the findings in affecting China's economic growth through trade structure, some suggestion, including advices are concluded. Finally, for conclusion and enlightenments, we have Chapter 7.
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