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With the reform and opening up in the past three decades, our country's economic development in rural areas has made considerable progress, not only repeated records of agricultural production have been made, industry and tertiary industry also booming developed. According to statistics, the township enterprises’contribution in China's economic has been going to one-third, and it has become an important force to promote China's economic growth. Economic and social development in developed rural regions is rapid, such as Zhejiang, Guangdong, Jiangsu and other places. Some rural areas in these provinces have basically achieved industrialization, and the standard of living has exceeded“Well-off”,and the comprehensive strength has met or exceeded the level in some cities. But the glorious history of the development encountered the practical challenges: the kind of economic developing model relying on the extensive input of resources before has been unsustainable,and the rural region's economic development model faces an urgent requirement in transition. To implement an intensive model of development, not only need us to upgrade equipment, technology and, more importantly, have more talents, or the introduction of technology, equipment is also difficult to play its due role.Therefore, talents have become one of the keys in economic restructuring in developed rural areas.
     In addition, the country put forward a "building a new socialist countryside " policy to raise rural, agricultural, and peasant questions to the country level. It fully reflects the Government's emphasis on rural areas. To achieve this goal, not only need us to use multiple measures such as increasing support for rural areas ,increasing investment to enhance the economic strength of rural areas .More importantly, we have to improve the quality of farmers, enhance the level of human capital in rural areas, and make talents play a promoting role in the rural economic and social development. However, the current personnel situation in rural areas is difficult to meet the "building a new socialist countryside" strategy of the country, and talents has become an important bottleneck in the implementation of the "building a new socialist countryside" strategy of the country.
     The needs of economic development and national implementation of the policy are subject to the shortage of rural talent constraints. Many talents going out from rural areas has lasted a long period of time, especially many candidates in rural areas enter the city to study and work through the college entrance examination every year which aggravated the talents’shortage predicament. In developed rural areas, the economic basement has reached a certain level, but the talents’quantity is very limited.High-speed development of economy and barren of talents does not match the situation. Both the escalation of industrial and social progress are subject to personnel constraints . As for the developed rural areas, simply relying on their training to enhance implementation of human capital required a longer period of time. Taking effective measures to increase the number of personnel and improve the quality of talents and attract talented people to rural areas and finally to break through the bottleneck of talent constraints is an effective way to develop the rural economy and social undertakings.
     Talent congregation is a kind of clustering phenomenon which is formed by a large number of the same type or related personnel in accordance with a certain degree of contact, in a certain area (physical space) or a particular industry (virtual space) in a certain time. It is conducive to optimizing the allocation of production factors and the development of productive forces.It can not only realize the value of talents their own, but also make agglomeration effect and get first development opportunities in these gathering places.It will accelerate the innovation and progress and promote sustainable and efficient development in the economic society. Therefore, this article will study the problem of the realization of talent congregation in rural areas and analyze talent concentrated in rural areas achieve basic feasibility study talent congregation to promote rural economic development role and to identify the impact of talented people gather a variety of factors, set up in different regions the mode of implementation of talents and how to gather talented people gather to achieve targeted countermeasures and proposals.
     In this paper, the study starts from describing the current human capital situation in rural areas and taking measures of the stock of human capital there.Measurement results shows that the growth rate of the stock of human capital in rural areas before the mid 1990s was higher than the whole country’s, and only after the mid 1990s it gradually slowed down.Though it’s different from the impression we usually have, it’s some kind of rational because of its historical and practical reasons.
     The contribution of human capital to regional economic development has been recognized by the academic community, and talent congregation as a group of regional clustering phenomenon, has a more visible role in promoting economic development through the agglomeration effects. In this paper, a study of the contribution of human capital to economic development in rural areas has been made.Rural areas’time-series data was selected and method of econometric analysis was used to analyze the role of human capital to economic development in rural areas, and further study of talent congregation on the role of economic development has been made too.So that the necessity of talent congregation in rural areas was directly proved.
     Basic conditions are needed in the implementation of the talent congregation,and the external environment and internal mechanism are involved.In this paper, the basis of rural talent congregation in developed areas are analyzed,and the result is that not all rural areas can achieve the talent congregation and only the developed rural areas have the basic talent congregation implementation.The economic development, social progress and the upgrading of education and culture provide the basic external environment for talent congregation,but large gaps exist in enterprise management mechanism.In the overall view, the developed rural areas currently has already have the basic conditions on implementation of the talent congregation.
     How to attract talents to rural areas to realize talent congregation? It requires the analysis on the factors which affect the talent congregation.Usually , the analysis of this issue starts mainly from micro-economic factors, human factors, as well as external environment factors.Like the model ahead,this paper studied combined with the reality in the developed rural area ,and the conclusion is: the thirst for talent in developed rural areas enables to provide a good treatment for them and is enough to attract a considerable number of personnel to work in rural areas;those young talent who have a certain level and was paid less attention in original institutions are most likely to work in rural areas; institutional factors have a negative meaning on the flow of talented people to rural areas, but the transfering of industry provide a better external environment for talent congregation in rural areas. In addition, this paper devoted to the unfavorable factors attracting the talent congregation, which pave the way to do a good job later to make specific suggestions.
     To a large extent,the talent congregation can not be separated from the guidance and impaction of local government. And for the development of the economy and social cause,local governments will take initiative measures to promote talent congregation, but different resource endowments and market conditions determine the talent congregation adopted in different regions should have their own characteristics,and the models must be fit to local conditions. In terms of China's developed rural areas,the eastern region,the central and western regions have different characteristics, degrees of market mechanisms perfection and intensity of government intervention in the economy are also different,which requires rural areas in eastern regions and the central and western regions should separately adopt different talent congregation models.The eastern region should be based on market-oriented regulation and control, and give full play to the role of market regulation, that is to say the talent congregation model should be chosen; the central and western regions should be based on the government support, while use market-oriented means to enhance the talent to take root confidence in the rural areas, and rely on the relative strength of the economy to congregate talents. However, in terms of the eastern developed rural areas, the differences between the North and the South is very significant, which mainly reflected that the market mechanism play varying extents of fundamental role in the economy of different areas, thus the South and the North should take different models: in the basic role played by the market, the South region ought to focus on improving Government's regulation and management of the talent market, that is, the market-oriented model under the guidance of Government; the northern region ought to strengthen the market mechanism for configuration of human resources, and change the local government job to focus on macro-management and support services, in order to create a talent congregation model based on market-allocation and supplied by government's macro-management.
     The talent congregation model is largely implementation framework of implementing talent congregation, and in order to realize talent congregation we must take target-oriented measures to attract talented people at this foundation. This article believe that strengthening the external environment’s construction of the talent congregation and upgrading company’s internal mechanism, can enhance the rural areas the attraction of talent. At the same time, governments and enterprises play different roles in the process of attracting talent, whose position and functions are different, as well as starting point. This article also analysis behavior of governments and enterprises in the talent congregation. I hope these suggestions to be able to provide a valuable reference to the talent congregation in rural areas.
     Known as "the first village of China", Huaxi Village in Jiangsu Province is a typical case of China's rapid development rural areas, whose output value was more than 40 billion yuan in 2007. It has a quite big economic strength. As well as developing economy, the village introduces substantial human resources to achieve the talent congregation. The last chapter of this article carries out a detailed analysis of attracting qualified personnel in Huaxi Village. In accordance with the ideas and framework in the earlier theoretical analysis,the author separately discusses the basic conditions and the influencing factors of implementing talent congregation in Huaxi Village,and three different models used at different stages of implementation talent congregation. Through the analysis of cases in reality, we can get a more intuitive and clear perspective areas of the talent congregation in rural areas, and thereby be able to achieve a better talent congregation.
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