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With the coming of the era of knowledge-based economy, replacing land resources,labor, and asset, knowledge has already become the most important element ofresources,. As the most important knowledge management mode for increasing theuse-value of knowledge, knowledge sharing is more and more valued by people. Spaceproducts, as a complex system integrated by hi-tech knowledge, must go through a R&D process accompanying with the generation, acquisition, centralization, exchange,transforming, application, creation, and integration of a great deal of new knowledge, sothe R&D process of aero-product can also be described as the process of knowledgesharing. In the course of R&D process, the sharing level of knowledge resource has afairly important influence on upgrading both the R&D capability and level of spaceproducts, as well as on increasing the R&D efficiency and success-rate of spaceproducts. For lack of competitive pressure, knowledge sharing in the field of spaceproducts R&D is more easily to be realized during the planned economy. With theimplementation of “combine military efforts with civilian support” strategy and theestablishment of competition mechanism in weapon equipment R&D and procurement,and with the enhancement of science and technology strength of military enterprises, thecompetition among military enterprises is more and more hot, event to a fierce state. Inorder to establish the advantages in competition, and to prevent the crucial knowledgefrom being drained away, the military enterprises decreased their intention to join inspace products R&D knowledge sharing; oppositely, they are more inclined to buildtechnical barrier and to implement knowledge monopolization, which severelyconstrained the R&D of space products. In the new competitive environment, to find outthe way to break through knowledge monopolization and the way to improveknowledge sharing in the field of space product R&D is very important. To achieve thispurpose, the author of this paper carries out the following research work:
     ①Based on the analysis of organization management mode of space productsR&D, the author puts forward a concept called space products R&D knowledge sharingunion; then on the basis of accurately identifying the concept of knowledge sharing andanalyzing its factors, the author establishes a3D-structure knowledge-sharing model bydrawing lessons from Hall3D structure model in system engineering. A space productsR&D knowledge sharing model which provides a analyzing framework and a theoretical foundation for further analyzing on the subject of knowledge sharing inspace products R&D is established by applying knowledge sharing theories and3D-structure knowledge-sharing model and by clearing up and analyzing knowledgesharing issues emerged in the course of space products R&D in such aspects as objects,subjects, channals, routes of knowledge sharing. Research shows that there are twokinds of space knowledge sharing models which possesses different characteristics: oneis called vertical knowledge sharing model and the other is horizontal knowledgesharing model. The author also finds out that the space products R&D team plays animportant role in R&D knowledge sharing.
     ②The author establishes a gaming model of knowledge sharing among themembers of the knowledge sharing union respectively for two knowledge sharingmodels (i.e. vertical knowledge sharing model and horizontal knowledge sharingmodel), analyzes the feasibility, the realization preconditions and the affective factors ofknowledge sharing among union members. The analysis shows that the knowledgesharing activities may be greatly influenced by factors such as knowledge input ofinvolved union members, the possibility of knowledge sharing, the knowledgeacquisition&transformation capabilities, the capability of knowledge-basedcooperation and level of costs, etc. under horizontal knowledge sharing model; and itmay be greatly influenced by factors such as the proportion of knowledge input,encouragement factors, punishment factors, times of cooperation and incomecoefficients under vertical knowledge sharing model. Under the comprehensiveinfluences of different factors, the conditions to realize inter-member knowledge sharingmay be achieved, and the knowledge sharing activities may occur. Based on the abovementioned study, the author brings forth strategies to hasten inter-member knowledgesharing.
     ③The author carries out a theoretical analysis on factors which may influenceknowledge sharing in space products R&D, puts forward a hypothesis, blueprints aconceptual model, and makes a empirical study on factors which may affect knowledgesharing in the course of space products R&D by applying data got from questionnairesurvey and SPSS17.0software. The research result shows that the factors which affectknowledge sharing in space products R&D are mainly include: characteristics ofknowledge (i.e. implicity, complexity, and. systematicness), characteristics ofknowledge providers (i.e. knowledge impartment capability), characteristics ofacquirers (i.e. willingness to accept the knowledge and capability of knowledge acquisition), characteristics of cooperative-relationship (i.e. harmonization degree of theorganization, relativity of knowledge, and degree of trustiness), and characteristics ofknowledge sharing conditions (i.e. support from chief administrative officers and chiefdesigners of a certain space product, excitation polices, and knowledge sharingplatform). The knowledge sharing level in space products R&D can be improved byincreasing the willingness to accept the knowledge, the knowledge acquisitioncapability, and the knowledge impartment capability; by improving the relationshipbetween the union members involved in R&D work, especially the harmonizationdegree of the organization, the relativity of knowledge and the degree of trustiness; andby establishing a healthy knowledge sharing conditions, especially by obtaining supportfrom chief administrative officers and chief designers, setting up the excitationmechanism, and perfecting the knowledge sharing platform
     ④The author sets up a supporting system for knowledge sharing in the course ofspace products R&D, and brings forth a knowledge sharing realization model which isestablished on the basis of and is driven by the knowledge sharing supporting system.The supporting system consists of knowledge sharing platform, the institutionalsupporting system, the culture of space industry, the knowledge sharing mechanism, andthe recourses support system. All of the five elements have been analyzed and verifiedthrough embodied cases. The research shows that the above mentioned system iscapable of realizing knowledge sharing in space product R&D.
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